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Can i buy a new copy of arma

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Ok so I got banned about 30minutes ago for using a script to spawn items in game. (stupid idea) Reasons why I did this was because I had a lot of good gear on my character and some god mode faggot killed me. So I was pissed that I spent a good 1-2 weeks getting that gear to be killed by a hacker, so I download a script that would spawn me every item in game(no vehicles) and after using it for about 1hour I got a message saying (You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Global ban #c826) This wasn't one of those hacks that could kill everyone or spawn them somewhere.

So because I'm a stupid hacking fag that ruins the game for everyone, as you'll say. Can I buy a new copy of the game and be able to play it again, or is there anyway to get unbanned?

Oh and I only killed 1 person with the items i spawned and he was an admin. After killing him the message popped up. Server was NZ 04 i think

Edited by Northyy

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Yes make a new stewam account and buy Operation Arrowhead , Launch the game and done

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Yes you can, but please don't. Nobody wants you to rejoin back...you will do it again. "Oh noes, some zombie just KO'ed me, better spawn me a AS50"

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Hey mate send me your steam or skype and ill help you out so nothing goes wrong :) if you can wait a couple of hours ill be off and i can help you out then :)

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Yes you can, but please don't. Nobody wants you to rejoin back...you will do it again. "Oh noes, some zombie just KO'ed me, better spawn me a AS50"

Has a hacker ever killed you when you have compass, camo etc. if not then stfu

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so in order to justify getting killed by a hacker you hack yourself. :huh: that makes total sense.

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You hacked, you will do it in future too. Please stay away!

"Has a hacker ever killed you when you have compass, camo etc. if not then stfu"

??? Who do you think you are???!!!!

Edited by TR!PLE
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so in order to justify getting killed by a hacker you hack yourself. :huh: that makes total sense.

yeah i know, well the hacked killed me and my friend so i wanted to get my gear back asap. Owell my bad

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You hacked, you will do it in future too. Please stay away!

"Has a hacker ever killed you when you have compass, camo etc. if not then stfu"

??? Who do you think you are???!!!!

and why would I "script" again. That would just be a waste of $30 stupid kid

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If you cant play this game like a normal player, please, DO NOT buy a new one. Go play some cod maybe... i dunno...

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I hope you spend your money and your still banned so I can see you whine some more about "ohz noez I hackz zee game and now I iz banned! plez feelz sorryz for meeeez!!" :'(


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Has a hacker ever killed you when you have compass, camo etc. if not then stfu

At least you had the balls to come here and admit your a hacking fag. In all seriousness 1 million players I,m pretty sure most have lost their gear at one time to a cheater or dumb bug.

I know I have multiple times losing all my high end kit I just had to suck it up and deal with it. what you fail to understand is with this game you have to lose it all it's the sole motivating factor.

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Has a hacker ever killed you when you have compass, camo etc. if not then stfu

Just today after a successful raid on the NW airfield me and my bud found and sniped a guy, who had a M107. (we were both pimped out with gear) then ten mins later a hacker killed the whole server. Tough shit get over it and move on we did now we both have alice packs, m4's, and all the tools we need. Just look around for stuff you can get it back faster than you originally found it.

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Ok so I got banned about 30minutes ago for using a script to spawn items in game. (stupid idea) Reasons why I did this was because I had a lot of good gear on my character and some god mode faggot killed me. So I was pissed that I spent a good 1-2 weeks getting that gear to be killed by a hacker, so I download a script that would spawn me every item in game(no vehicles) and after using it for about 1hour I got a message saying (You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Global ban #c826) This wasn't one of those hacks that could kill everyone or spawn them somewhere.

So because I'm a stupid hacking fag that ruins the game for everyone, as you'll say. Can I buy a new copy of the game and be able to play it again, or is there anyway to get unbanned?

Oh and I only killed 1 person with the items i spawned and he was an admin. After killing him the message popped up. Server was NZ 04 i think

I've been killed by script kiddies twice now and both times I just run back to my gear and regeared not once did I say oh a script kiddie killed me so now I'm going to use scripts to get my gear back.

Lame excuse is lame, don't get another copy of the game just leave this one and move on. It's not for you when you have to resort to cheating to play.

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If you cant play this game like a normal player, please, DO NOT buy a new one. Go play some cod maybe... i dunno...

I love how you all say "go play some cod" css is where its at

I'm sure you've done something stupid, and just to make you mad i will be buying a new copy so COME AT ME

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I've been killed by script kiddies twice now and both times I just run back to my gear and regeared not once did I say oh a script kiddie killed me so now I'm going to use scripts to get my gear back.

Lame excuse is lame, don't get another copy of the game just leave this one and move on. It's not for you when you have to resort to cheating to play.

I would like to see you run all the way back to north-west airfield. I've been killed by hackers at least 3times and I just started again normally. Its not like i abused the script, only had it for 1-2hours and was playing on servers with maybe 20 players tops

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I would like to see you run all the way back to north-west airfield. I've been killed by hackers at least 3times and I just started again normally. Its not like i abused the script, only had it for 1-2hours and was playing on servers with maybe 20 players tops

It's only like a 45minute run from balota :) better get moving

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