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Longest Alive Survivor, who is it? Could it be me?

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Who is the Longest Alive Survivor?

I'm curious as since the leader boards are still down we wont actually know. And when they were previously up it was a little messed up as some of the people weren't actively playing players.

Now this topic may have come up before but since the DayZ forums are so large now id rather not take the time to search as it is late.

But i bring this topic up as recently I realised I am approaching 90 days alive in DayZ. For the most part I have been a solo survivor in mid inland on the map. I orginally played on NY2 server before they changed the name a bit and more hackers started showing up. But i generally play on 20-30 man servers.

I have played almost solid 2 weeks of game time into dayz orginally and when i realised i had a life to go back to and take care of, i kind of slowed down on dayZ instead of playing entire days at a time i play a few hours or less every couple days. Unless some thing came up. But pretty much out of the 90 days I have survive( as the game says) I have probably played 60 of them actually. All in one life. Some were full days while others are casual play days. But I haven't reach 90 days yet since i started this character. I'm nearly there and maybe today I am as it almost midnight here. But I have played this character for 90 days now. Thats more then some MMOs i played.

But alas all things must come to an end. Over the weekend i joined up with some old clan mates from previous games to help them out in DayZ. Being a solo survivor this has been the biggest mistake I have made. All thru my play time I have followed a strict set of rules that has kept me alive, and avoided confrontation. I have only one murder on my hands because of these rules. Which goes to show how I have been able to survive for so long. But my plan all along was to live for a really long time proably more then a week and get some Night vision and get a cross bow and go on a rampage at night in Cherno for some luls. But after catching up with my old clan mates my well being has been on the decline. I started breaking my rules and slipping up. Sure i got night vision faster, and i got an AS50 with a bunch fo Nato caliber rounds. But at what cost? well the cost of trusting them and breaking my rules.

These rules of mine made me avoid all the glitchs and bugs in DayZ. Well i fell for a few yesterday afternoon. And now I am literally face first in a ditch out near some town....Vybour(after writing this I have moved just a little bit) to be exact. I have 3k blood barely and I have stablized myself, as well broken legs. Well basically the whole works. Im so pissed i fell for the bugs and now i lost my gear well most of it anyhow and my entire survival pack I made that i could last a week on easyily knowing my playstyle of caution.

But laying on the ground in just a mess, I thought has it come to this, that this is it for me. All those hours exploring, searching, gathering, stalking, running, sneaking, helping(rarely), tricking, robbing(once), and even trying to give every one benefit of the doubt and say friendly( most of the time anyhow), is this really how it is all going to end? Well anyway I called it a night and logged off as i got a busy week ahead and didnt have the time to find out if it will end or not. So i wont be playing when my character passes 90 days since it was created.

But I thought I would search up if anyone else is currently alive this long or maybe longer and still is alive and actually plays and just isnt sitting there character around just to brag how long they have survived. I know the leaderboards are still down but hopefully some one of reasonable survival time is also known to be alive still. And I bet since posting this I have become the target of every bandit wanting the glory of killing a long living survivor.

So please post of anyone you know who has lived for a reasonable amount of time and is actually active. As i found out it ain't easy. Hopefully my journey doesn't end in the ditch near Vybour. But i guess that is DayZ for ya.

Thanks for your time to read this i know it is kind of long. I didn't proof read it as its 2am here. But ya post of any one you know

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But i bring this topic up as recently I realised I am approaching 90 days alive in DayZ.

^ For the retards that wont be able to find it.

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Think I'd have died of boredom after day two. Well done.

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I think this thing of being alive depends entirely on your luck of not encountering any hackers for a long period of time.

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Meaningless unless we know your hours played. You could log on for 2 mins per day and walk 3 trees over and disconnect for the past 3 months and have that 90 days alive stat.

Days alive means nothing.

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I think this thing of being alive depends entirely on your luck of not encountering any hackers for a long period of time.

Your are correct. It has been partly be luck indeed. But since i generally play Mid inland, Hackers dont usually bother players in that region. As its much more satisfying getting some one all the way inland as they had to work some what hard to get there. Same with the coast line as it is funny to watch some ones reaction whether you kill or help them as they have nothing to lose. But it also plays into my rules i have set up for myself I do admit in my hacker encounters i bailed from the server immediately and i even alt f4 in some major server wide shit storm hacks.

Edited by Reedtheman

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Screenshot or it didn't happen :P

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Meaningless unless we know your hours played. You could log on for 2 mins per day and walk 3 trees over and disconnect for the past 3 months and have that 90 days alive stat.

Days alive means nothing.

I know exactly what you mean. That was the problem with the leaderboards when they were orgianlly up. Nor can I prove that I have played all 90 days. In my thread I estimated i played around 60 days over the course of 90. 2 weeks hardcore when i started. then into a more casual hour or 2 player with a weekend or 2 of hardcore playtime. But no i cant prove my exact hours.

Screenshot or it didn't happen :P

Next time i log in ill try and grab it hopefully in time. I prob should of had that with this thread but it is late here. Idk when im even here still lol i should check back tomorrow.

What do you do when you play solo?

Follow a few basic rules I have set up for myself and never break them under any condition. What those rules are well im not going to explain that here.

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Nice work..best i have done is 17 i am pretty sure. Currently day 10 now and going for longer. I know what you mean about your rules. Everytime i break em i end up in a dumb situation i could have avoided.

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The DayZ team said there are players that appear to have two accounts and one of them is just parked in the wilderness and they use another account to run in supplies, so I'd bet there are some quite a bit longer than 90 days.

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The DayZ team said there are players that appear to have two accounts and one of them is just parked in the wilderness and they use another account to run in supplies, so I'd bet there are some quite a bit longer than 90 days.

Quite possible, I understand what DayZ has turned into. So i have no doubt that is happening, I personally do my best to play DayZ as intended and act how I would in a scenrio like this.

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Only Day 15, but I'm pretty casual when it comes to DayZ. I play solo as well, as I nearly died on day 10 cause I teamed up with a friend. In one fight with zombies, I had my legs broken and dropped below 500 bloods. Lucky for me he redeemed himself for that (and when I saved him earlier in elektro) by crawling about 1km on broken legs to give me a transfusion.

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