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Ban in US153 today

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Hey all i have been playing Dayz for some time now and for the 1st time today i was Ban on a server im not sure to why i was ban but this is what i was doing at the time

i was in the outermap part of the game looting a truck out there it was not my truck but i need some new stuff i know ur not ment to be in that area now from a mate.

and im not sure if thats the reson for the ban or if it was an Admin truck. If so im sorry admin i didnt know it was ur stuff but i still cant see why i would be ban for this ?

i cant see what i did wrong i was not cheating or scripting in anyway i was just geting loot and then running off. to my tent :)

Please can we look in to this and get my ban removed if not removed please tell me why i was ban ?

the ingame name is "limit"

thanx :)

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It doesn't help. I only was shocked by your grammar :(

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Hey all i have been playing Dayz for some time now and for the 1st time today i was Ban on a server im not sure to why i was ban but this is what i was doing at the time

i was in the outermap part of the game looting a truck out there it was not my truck but i need some new stuff i know ur not ment to be in that area now from a mate.

and im not sure if thats the reson for the ban or if it was an Admin truck. If so im sorry admin i didnt know it was ur stuff but i still cant see why i would be ban for this ?

i cant see what i did wrong i was not cheating or scripting in anyway i was just geting loot and then running off. to my tent :)

Please can we look in to this and get my ban removed if not removed please tell me why i was ban ?

the ingame name is "limit"

thanx :)

derp Edited by Dj Mikey

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The time this happend was about 4pm EST and i was down at OLSHA to the north from it and i was looting a truck so i dont know how i can be in 3 places at once ??? this buss stuff and teleporting all over the place is all new to me man ... realy im not that thick to come here and post this if i was to be doing all that stuff ... Please look in to the logs on the server if they have it ( not sure how dayz servers work ) but im 100% sure i was not in any part of this stuff.

Ps: i never sead i was playing dayz for a long time ... i sead for some time (about 2 weeks) and yes i know i sead the admin might of ban me for some crazy stuff for that im sorry but ive seen it happen befor in other games.

Please look in to this some more i know it might sound crazy but i was not in any way part of that crazy shit that happend in the server.

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The time this happend was about 4pm EST and i was down at OLSHA to the north from it and i was looting a truck so i dont know how i can be in 3 places at once ??? this buss stuff and teleporting all over the place is all new to me man ... realy im not that thick to come here and post this if i was to be doing all that stuff ... Please look in to the logs on the server if they have it ( not sure how dayz servers work ) but im 100% sure i was not in any part of this stuff.

Ps: i never sead i was playing dayz for a long time ... i sead for some time (about 2 weeks) and yes i know i sead the admin might of ban me for some crazy stuff for that im sorry but ive seen it happen befor in other games.

Please look in to this some more i know it might sound crazy but i was not in any way part of that crazy shit that happend in the server.

Ill tell you now, non of the admins on us153 would ever ban a player for rummaging through our loot. ever. Logs will be provided and if not it is prob a temp ban for battle logging.

edit: i realized now that the Dayz forum mods take some time to allow threads in this section to post. This being the case i doubt you are involved with the convicted party i explained above. Your post just happened to have been "visable" shortly after the hacking spree that occured on the server. Ill contact the server Admin and inform him of your unban request if he does not see this before hand.

Edited by Dj Mikey

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Thank you for helping me with this i realy would like to get back on the server i just got me a camp going and im doing ok for once LOL by that im not dieing alot :)

I do hope the admins unban me and i can get back to playing ona good server :)

thank you once again


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We have caught you teleporting on US 153. That is why you have been banned. I'll ask my head admin see if we can dig up any evidence and if we don't have any on our side we'll un ban you from the server. Last night we had tons of hackers in the server teleporting in vehicles on top of our friends and teleporting on top of another player. We may have accidentally banned you from the ban wave last night but it could be other evidence that we have gathered that goes against you. Please be patient as finding evidence takes some time up to 24 - 48 hours. I'm sure your vehicle you was looting is still up there I won't have anybody touch it that I know. And also no there is no such thing as a admin vehicle on our server. If somebody takes our vehicle in front of us we do not abuse and kick the person that takes our vehicle we let it be. But we do not tolerate hackers that tend to teleport to us and start shooting at us I know for certain we have video/photo evidence of them. We do have a secret weapon program on our side that is logging most of the suspicious activity. We can track almost everything.

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Well just to back that all up i was not Teleporting at any time i hate it when its done to me and and the hackers take all my stuff ... resons why i left my last server :(

if need i have a mate that was at the same time as me and he can tell you all we was doing is looting and setting up camp :)

i hope the ban can be lifted as i want to get back to my camp :)

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It doesn't help. I only was shocked by your grammar :(

Look at that last sentence of yours. You're not really in any position to comment on grammar.

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