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Quick tip for the noobs who think the airfield has some good loot in it. Go to a server alone if you want to do that. On any server with 30+ people there WILL be bandits there. Usually alot of them to. Armed with snipers. PS: I am one of them, 12 kills so far.

Anyway, what adventures has the airfield brought you? I am curious because i have had tons of close calls at the airfield, and I curious if anyone else has had some epic battles there as well.

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Helsing you are either really lucky or the bandits have not shot at you. EVERY TIME i go there i hear people shooting other people. Maybe I just choose bandit infested servers. Either way in some servers its become a noob trap.

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Had a good Clan vs Clan war there a week ago or so.

Also encountered countless alt+f4 server hoppers and bandits (Well they fired first and missed so to me they're bandits)

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I never find anyone at the NWAF on full servers. People are too scared with that many players. Low populated servers on the other hand.... that's the only reason people join them lol. If you want some target practice, join a server with <10 players and watch everyone of them try to PVE the NWAF.

Edited by jmido8
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I have been killed by a sniper a couple times, but I rarely find too much trouble there.

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Ever since the hacks and lighting glitches got crazy the north has been a ghost town. Shit is rediculous.

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That place is cursed. I got there a couple of times and everytime something goes horribly wrong. Last time me and two friends got there, one of them found a DMR and NVGs, but the other guy got killed by friendly fire (friendly axe, actually - he ran to me as I was chopping some angry zombies).

Thing is, if you are going to the NW Airfield, expect one, two or all of the following: tons of zombies with little cover to hide from them, dead players, players spawning from nowhere, bandit snipers, leg-breaking barbed wire and tank traps blocking the entrances to the main loot buildings, the ocasional thunderdome in the middle of the airstrip.

Mind the entrance to the air traffic control tower, there are debris blocking part of it.

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Last time I went there with a group of people there was a car in the middle of the airfield we waited a while to see if anyone was coming then sent 1person up to it just as he got to it the car exploded knocking him unconscious and it repaired itself over and over this happend place is just bad luck.

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I think some people are talking about Balota Airfield and some are talking about the NW Airfield. Balota is always full of bandits and fresh spawns, never seems to be any good loot(scoped rifles) I did find an AKM and some mags once... I've personally never been further up than Stary, I've only seen the NW Airfield in a few Sacriel videos.

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Even with only 1 unknown player on the server, I've never gone to NW airfield and not been shot at. It's a magnet for trouble.

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Usually theres not much happening, but one time i was scouting it out for my group, and came across remains of 1v2 battlefield, where all 3 participants we're dead. Brought a gaz over and got nice set of snipers, ammo and utility <3. Besides corpses loot was shit lul.

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Lets see. First time I went, server hopped the shit out of it before I knew about spawn in loot spawn distances. Got me some cool stuff, never saw anyone.

Left it for awhile. First time coming back was after camping the Ural spawn with a friend. After getting sniped then my friend counter sniping, I ran back (long run), and got all my shit back. During this we saw a blue sedan driving around; a server reset later we found same sedan at the NWAF. Ran to it, stole it, went back, found the guy dead in the ATC.

Third time was regearing recently. Ran around it on a low pop, almost killed myself, after getting a buddy to refuel my blood we went to the barracks, saw a heli crash on the runway, ran into the trees only to turn around as a guy sprints behind the barracks, 10 feet away, alt f4's to lose zombie aggro, and dies to a my friends headshot the second he's back in.

So far have not died nor been shot at yet. Only places I've been sniped are Elektro. Northern fire station and death hill above it.

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Yeah i am talking airfields in general. Often there is nothing, but some crazy stuff can happen there. Same thing with hospitals and crashed choppers. Though usually all you find there is a bunch of people with broken legs crawling around.

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I've been there quite a few times, and most of the times it is quiet. I did not so long ago get shot at by an M107 after looting the northern barracks. Luckily me and my 2 mates were able to sprint to safety without any casualties.

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Whnever i go to nw, one of two things happens.

1. Its in "holy shit" mode, tons of loot, tons of bandits, tons of fun. Uber firefights and the works.

2. Its having a stroke, no loot, no bandits, just empty buildings and zombies.

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Lets see. First time I went, server hopped the shit out of it before I knew about spawn in loot spawn distances. Got me some cool stuff, never saw anyone.

Explain for the uniniated?

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Explain for the uniniated?

He is basically saying he was opely exploiting as he describes it as server hopping and admitting to it.

Basically, you CAN spawn inside a building at it will have loot.

BUT.. Someone would have had to been there within the last 15minutes without logging out.

Nice job on admitting the exploiting :)

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Actually what you do is join a 90/100 server and loot freely because everyone is to scared to go there with 90 other people, and with 90 people the zombie count won't give away your position.

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logged into a server with 4 ppl online, was in a barrack and walked out on the open BAM!... "you are dead"

usually i go to the NWAF for some trouble, some really good shootouts from time to time

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I headed there on a server with 1 other person and my friend who was heading to stary to meet me when my friend said he died and sampson was in started to head for n/w airfield so hide in the control tower and take him out and about 5 seconds later I got to control tower went upstairs and I found sampson there I fired 3 times with m14 into his chest and he didn't even bleed or get hurt and he shot me in the arm with his pistol and somehow killed me

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How do you even see to snipe people at the NWAF? It's full of graphical bugs. I can barely see maybe one or two angles on certain areas, but the fire station, barracks(both of em), ATC, and even trying to cover the western sniper mound behind the wall(with the hay bale field behind it) it's just blinding. Sometimes I can get lucky with the flush command but usually it doesn't make it any better, just changes where the graphical bugs are. I don't go out there because I don't want to get hit by someone who can see me, but I can't see them because of the glitches.

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Ever since the hacks and lighting glitches got crazy the north has been a ghost town. Shit is rediculous.

Yeah, there's no point taking the time to go up there any more. People are ganking newbies in Electro nowadays.

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How do you even see to snipe people at the NWAF? It's full of graphical bugs. I can barely see maybe one or two angles on certain areas, but the fire station, barracks(both of em), ATC, and even trying to cover the western sniper mound behind the wall(with the hay bale field behind it) it's just blinding. Sometimes I can get lucky with the flush command but usually it doesn't make it any better, just changes where the graphical bugs are. I don't go out there because I don't want to get hit by someone who can see me, but I can't see them because of the glitches.

Zoom in using the binocular or your sniper scope then try the flush command. It always works for me.

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