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Hayabusa (DayZ)

To the admin of Dallas 49

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I am the leader of 72nd. We are a new clan (Unit) formed on Dallas 49 / 598 and we are actually enemys of ]AFG[ which is the server owner's clan. First off your info is false and misleading.. Main reason I selected this server is their hard efforts at attempt keep a legit server and banning people that abuse this game. Easily destroying the game as I speak (Type)..

Don't flame a server that is actually one of few that don't support cheating..

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Happens alot. I made a thread about it, killed 3 guys one admin, happily pedalling away on a bike with a big grin on my face and wham "you were banned for logging under fire". One has to ask how you can log out under fire when there were 3 guys and you killed them all with 3 m107 shots but its just one of those things you have to deal with in this game.

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