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Hayabusa (DayZ)

To the admin of Dallas 49

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To the guy on the motorcycle and the two guys on the ATV.....I killed you fair and square and you kicked me and restart the server because you cant defend yourself from a lone gunman. Way to go admins!

Edited by Hayabusa
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Lol I hate admin like that. It's why I play on a server with my buddy as the owner. We have so much stuff we don't care bout dying.

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Happened to me. I got shot in the back by a gun with a LMG.

Right after I died, kicked and banned for hacking.

I stayed to bleed to death, and they try to say I was hacking. Blacklist these F***ers for abusing power. I'm putting up a server report in the correct forum.

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talked to the admin, he claimed that I "hacked" in a truck when I was on foot in the woods with a M4A1 and shot their buddy off a motorcycle

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That's awesome, so we are hackers that hack without scripts, past battleye.

Cool. Now someone needs to tell me how I'm doing this, when I'm not doing it.

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Pretty pathetic how 90% of servers have admins that abuse the fact they are admins for gain, and if you do anything about it then god help you.

Thats why i dont bother bitching about it when this stuff happenes, i called an admin out to prove i did anything he says i did and couldnt, got their server blacklisted by posting the video on youtube.

Its the least they deserve, but thats a 1/million chance of actually happening.

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Admins are just lil girls stealing all the barbie dolls for them self and then have nothing to do but become douche bags and kill people for fun, one word to you guys LOSERS

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The admins on that server do a damn good job keeping off hackers ur only mad cause you got caught go QQ where someone gives a fuck.

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The admins on that server do a damn good job keeping off hackers ur only mad cause you got caught go QQ where someone gives a fuck.

If we are hackers, I bet you'll be pretty pissed when we never get banned from the game.

Guess why. Cause we aren't. We aren't hackers. You're just mad. Admins on this server are abusing power and abusing players, and without any proof that we are guilty you come on here and join their side. Hey, why don't you play on their server. When you do kill one of their team, because you will eventually, they'll ban you, too.

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I do play on their server u idiot you think i would just come on here talking outta my ass, why dont you grow up and do something better with your time. (=

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We know one guy's name, and that is because he aborted to lobby when he was shot.


Or something like this. Pretty sure that is the right name. There were atleast 2 other [72nd] members online at the time, as well as a ton of 2 other clans. All of them remained on after we were kicked.

And since you play on that server all the time, you could probably get the admin to give us the logs. If I'm accused of hacking, I want the logs to prove it and not just some notepad'd editted version.

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72nd isn't the server owners man

I know, but I was dead, and he hit the lobby, said something to someone and then boom, kicked and banned.

Unless the admin is giving rights to every single clan that joins, he abused power by banning people for killing his friends and having no proof to back up his claims that we hacked.

Add to the fact that other people were in the lobby being verbally abused by the supposed "admin's wife". AFG is supposedly the group that runs the server. From the server's loading screen, the host is Fake Gov. I seen no one by that name on at the time, and I'm not, nor have I ever been banned from any other server in 2 months of playing.

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But hey, innocent until proven guilty, and there is no evidence that I or my friend were hacking. Supposedly, we spawned vehicles. But the only vehicles in use nearby were being used by the people we attacked. So if anyone spawned them in, it was [72nd], who are obviously friends to the people with power on that server.

EDIT: I've filled out a server report for admin abuse, let's see what comes of it if a mod approves it.

Edited by Zeromentor

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Dallas 49 / US 598 is still operating, and as far as I can tell nothing is being done about them abusing powers.

11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

Everything in blue, the admins of this server have DONE. They are abusing power. Supposedly we were banned for hacking on the server, which isn't true. They have provided NO evidence to support this (and can't, because we were not hacking). I will not let this issue drop. Unemployment makes my days pretty boring, and this is going to be my new hobby.

Infact, the server logs will show that right before we were banned we: A- Killed a clan member, B- Blew up their vehicle, and C- The server was restarted not even a minute later.

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We have no connection to 72nd whatsoever, get your damn facts strait.

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We have no connection to 72nd whatsoever, get your damn facts strait.

If your people would hand over the vent info so I could speak with the server admin(s) directly, we wouldn't have poorly collected "Facts".

Until then, I'm awaiting the logs and the vent info.

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