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Admin Cheater : US1672

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Ok so, I am releatively new to the game. Died alot first few times playing and then got alot better.

Me and a friend had finally gotten a tent and alot of good gear . So we found a server ( US1672) ( our old server 1806 randomly went down where we had a tent on it ) and pu tthe tent up. 3 guillie suits, dmr, 2 aks, mags, tons of tools and ammo and food.

Skip back a tad, I joined the server where my friend was already on sitting at the tent location, as I got near the tent my character randomly started dancing for like afull minute. I knew then and there something was off, but because I didn't know what was up I continued on.

I just strapped on the dmr and guillie suit for first time, friend had found it. We were headed towards Stary to raid and pvp if possible with new toys, and we both at the same time randomly die. No gunshot, no explosion, just both instantly die. We werent even near each other. I had just scanned around to look for people with my binocs too. So its even more unlikely I got hit with a magic bullet that makes no noise. And given the random dancing, I know exactly what this was.

Some very evil person decided to just take our stuff and waste our time spent.

So be warned, I am probably not going to play much anymore and if i do not even try because these servers stability and now the cheaters I am encountering, mixed with the massive in game glitches just makes the game more and more unplayable.

I wish something could happen to this guy, but realistically if he is this way, he will get his just judgement one day anyway, this type of attitude and straight out cruelty doesn't begin and end in video games. To treat random people this way takes a special kinda trash.

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Thats a hacker not a admin abusing powers, but all i have to say is, another added to the ranks of hacker abuse.

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