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Any big camps i can raid?

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Looking for some big camps that i can raid, to get some high tier gear :) if someone are so sweet, that they will tell cords and server information. I will be so glad :)


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So, you havn't read anything on the forums at ALL. Assholes post camp locations constantly, and people like you take advantage of it, but you don't even have the braincell to find threads with locations? ugh

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At 067, 020 to the bottom right of the square in the server LU211 in a circle of orange trees there are 3 camping tents set up with high end gear that keeps re spawning due to the tent bug, enjoy :)

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Instead of giving you a fish, I will teach you how to fish.

Recently the player-usable helicopter was reintroduced back into the game.

The spawn point for this vehicle is on an island.

One of the server variables causes you to lose gear while swimming.

There are few boats to be had in DayZ.

With those 4 bits of knowledge, a player could deduce a likely place on the mainland to find tents or vehicles where a player has temporarily stashed most of his gear before making the swim over to the island.

I put this knowledge to good use last night, garnering an m16a4 acog, nvgs, rangefinder, gps, morphine, and a couple other items I was in need of.

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Can't believe people ask for this kind of thing, on a survival game.

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Instead of giving you a fish, I will teach you how to fish.

Recently the player-usable helicopter was reintroduced back into the game.

The spawn point for this vehicle is on an island.

One of the server variables causes you to lose gear while swimming.

There are few boats to be had in DayZ.

With those 4 bits of knowledge, a player could deduce a likely place on the mainland to find tents or vehicles where a player has temporarily stashed most of his gear before making the swim over to the island.

I put this knowledge to good use last night, garnering an m16a4 acog, nvgs, rangefinder, gps, morphine, and a couple other items I was in need of.

Oh my this is good knowledge

I know of a spot OP but if I tell you then we'll lose our looting spot. We've looted 4 M24s out of their tent because they keep duping

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My questions:

1.How many Huey's does the server spawn?

2. Is there a permanent spawn of the Huey's or are they random?

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hey can someone play my character for me?

I play, pm me with your cd-key. Tell me your credit card info, and send me photos of all hot girls of your family, and remember, I do all it free of charge.

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Looking for some big camps that i can raid, to get some high tier gear :) if someone are so sweet, that they will tell cords and server information. I will be so glad :)


Sorry, I can't help you right now, I'm too busy wandering the North and raiding all the camps.

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