ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 7, 2012 Hello I don't know if this will ever get seen by the server admins however I hope it does at the server looked like it could become my new home server as I saw active admins ban hackers. Saw a hacker get banned earlier today after I lost my 9 day character due to everyone being thrown into the air but I digress shit happens.I was playing at 6:15pm PST Monday, August 6th. I had just died and re-spawned in komarovo as I start heading East towards Balota to try and recover my some of my items I notice a shiny new SUV. I check it for gear, nothing in it I jump in and there is fuel in the tank and everything looks good. I take it for a spin to speed up my journey to balota.Unfortunately my body has been raided and is gone, I find a fellow survivor offer him a ride, he jumps in and off we go to try and pick up his friend north of Cherno.Drive through cherno get a few shots fired at us, nothing big dont think any hit. I get just north of the hospital on the road and bam. Kicked and banned from the server.I do not know why I was banned, maybe I stole an admins vehicle (that would be pretty petty and low not to mention abuse of power) or perhaps the more likely is that I was banned because you thought I hacked the vehicle in which I did not do, I play legitly.Regardless of reasoning of what happened I truly believe a mistake was made and I was unjustly banned.I had only just found this server this morning, lag free, active admins, decent community, and server time closely matching my own real time were some of the reasons I was thinking of making this server my home.If someone could please look into this matter and help get it resolved I will gladly be back playing and making friends.PS.To the guy who jumped in the SUV with me at balota, sorry I got banned and the vehicle most likely crashed. I'm hoping it didn't get too damaged so you and your friend can enjoy it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaynic 15 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) Hi,I'm one of the main owners on US866. You were in a hacked vehicle - the black SUV. We were actively banning a CRAZY amount of hackers today (and we just finished banning more). We saw you in a vehicle that was not in the loot tables so we banned you and destroyed the vehicle.We will lift your ban. I would recommend you take a look at the loot tables and just familiarize yourself with the weapons and vehicles and stuff. That way you can avoid these situations in the future. If you ever find something that you don't think should be there, then please join our TS (our ip pops up every few minutes to join) and let us know. There is almost ALWAYS an admin on.It might take a couple hours to lift the ban.-Jay-Nic Edited August 7, 2012 by JayNic 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted August 7, 2012 Hello pain, we banned you because you were driving a hacked vehicle. If you look at the vehicle database there is no black suvs in the spawn table.We will unban you from the server, but pay more attention with what vehicle you drive next time and get on TS next time if you want a faster response. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 7, 2012 Thanks for the help and lifting the ban, I just spent the past hour installing my second copy of arma 2 on my other computer so I could get your teamspeak IP didn't expect a response this quickly.and I was unaware that vehicle was hacked in, I am VERY happy to see how active you are with banning hackers and suspected hackers I appreciate it and looks like I may have just found a primary server to play on.That was the one of the first vehicles I have found so I was a little excited when I saw it and didn't think to check the loot tables, I'll print off list of items to check over with any suspicious items.If you banned my passenger as well can you please lift his ban? He was just a random guy I met in the hanger, honked and invited him for a ride I would hate to have him face a similar fate for simply jumping in the suv. Unfortunately I did not catch his name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted August 7, 2012 Hello thereIt's nice to see admins responding quickly and explaining bans.The OP used non legit stuff and was kicked/banned. Fair enough.The admins offering to reinstate the player is a great use of "common sense".Check those logs, Remember not everyone memorises the loot table and wikis.I'm handing out beans, and that for me isn't common.rgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrunchyBacon 29 Posted August 7, 2012 Admin ABUSE!!! Admins are not allowed to ban kick players for using hacked items, only for creating/spawning said hacked items. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legacy (DayZ) 1091 Posted August 7, 2012 Admin ABUSE!!! Admins are not allowed to ban kick players for using hacked items, only for creating/spawning said hacked items.Sadly, this is actually kind of true. However the ban itself may be questionable, many people do not know what vehicles are legitimate or not. The loot tables are not official, as this can be applied for weapons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) It was not abuse, simply a case of mistaken identity. The vehicle was hacked and spawned in a ban happened for all the right reasons. Only downfall was I stole that vehicle or it was left as a trap.Even though I ended on the poor side of this situation I highly support the decision and applaud their willingness to give out bans that are deserved. There is a difference between abusing bans such as banning players because they shoot on site, they are not nice, or just banning anyone that isnt a friend.A strong message must be sent out that there is zero tolerance for hacking/duping/exploiting. Starting with bans of people USING said items is exactly what is needed. Thankfully the server admins are great and have amazing support to help those who accidentally do something they shouldnt.As for the loot tables, does anyone have a simple clean list of legit items and vehicle spawns? I checked through the wiki and there is no simple list I can of items in the game that I can print off in a printer friendly format instead there is info thrown all over providing more info then necessary with the same info being repeated multiple times and in odd inconsistent formats.And it is true, many people don't know what is and isn't supposed to be in the game. But because they are willing to help those banned for ignorance I feel they should be allowed to ban on those principles. Although I do admit if they made a forum or website for the server and provided a list of what is and isn't allowed on the server and had it spam the server through admin chat every few minutes like it does with the teamspeak ip I think that would help. Edited August 7, 2012 by painfulleap1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaynic 15 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) Please, everyone. We are not abusers. Our focus is to the legitimate players of the game. We do whatever we can in our power to ensure that you, as the player, can continue to enjoy your experience playing DayZ on our server.Unfortunately with what little tools we have - we are unable to see who spawns things in. The RPT file does not show who is executing scripts. Some of you may not be aware, but the recent Battleye update has opened up a number of holes that players have taken advantage of.In BC - where I come from - it was a holiday. I decided to play DayZ on my server - the one I gladly pay for to provide free of service for all players. Let me tell you what I have dealt with today alone:As soon as I logged in to our teamspeak - my team mates informed me the chopper we worked very hard to secure had been destroyed. When I asked how it happened, I was dismayed to learn that it was indeed hackers. The pilots controls froze, and all of a sudden: everyone in the chopper died. The chopper fell to the ground, and was destroyed. I was disappointed to say the least. Especially since even as an admin, I have no power to undo the damage caused by hackers.So be it - we moved in our vehicle, and on foot.Within an hour, we were all of a sudden, teleported far into the air (about 1000 m). Many players were around me in the air, and a great deal of them began to disconnect immediately. Unfortunately, this was no use. Even logging back in to the game, and even though I am an admin who would gleefully put players back in their original positions if I had the power to: we all died as we hit the ground.Again: nothing we could do.Two hours later, my whole teamspeak channel started in a panic at once to say that all their weapons had been replaced with as50s... Even those who had just spawned on the coast. I noticed quickly that mine had too, and I disconnected. Those in my teamspeak were not so quick to act, and were teleported to a mass battleground (the Thunderdome, we later dubbed it) where all players started shooting eachother.Guess what we could do?Nothing.They do not give us logs to see who is executing scripts.... I have not once received any form of communication from the DayZ team with recommendations to keep my server hacker free - despite going through their automated ticketing system to sign our server up. If they were to provide me with recommendations and robust tools to help us: I would gladly use them to ensure that you players will continue to enjoy a honest gaming experience.Until we have robust tools, and until Battleye does a better job of blocking player script injection, then: as a server admin I will continue to operate within the means provided to me to ensure that players on my server enjoy an honest gaming experience. Mistakes will happen, and for that I apologize. I have lifted panfulleap1's ban (and I believe we have lifted his passengers ban - based on his story). But If I see explanations, and a request for an unban with a story that I believe is genuine: then I will reverse the ban.Thank you from the admins of US866: JayNic, Hush3r, Caliber, Carnivore, Allah-Snackbar, [A2L] Selvo Edited August 7, 2012 by JayNic 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McDeath (DayZ) 1 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) Do you want to calm the hell down CrunchyBacon, how is that admin abuse when lately the hacking is out of control?He appealed the ban, and the admins said ok we'll fix it just don't do it again.Stop crying and just play the game. Edited August 7, 2012 by McDeath Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AADiC 182 Posted August 7, 2012 Admin ABUSE!!! Admins are not allowed to ban kick players for using hacked items, only for creating/spawning said hacked items.Bad trolls will be bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaynic 15 Posted August 7, 2012 Hey Painfulleap: we are trying to find the guy who was in the SUV with you... We thought it was a player named Graeme - but we cannot see him in the Ban list, so we must be mistaken... Do you have any contact with him? Or do you remember his name? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vertisce 158 Posted August 7, 2012 I think the admins are trying to do the right thing but they need to read the rules for banning players. For all those players you banned you have to have proof and post it on the forums yourselves now.It requires a little more work on your behalf but it forces admins to have that proof before banning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruecanonrails 24 Posted August 7, 2012 Sorry JayNic, I never knew got name or anything about him. He was a complete stranger I saw looting hangers at balota I took a chance at being killed by parking outside the hanger honked the horn told him to jump in and cruise around.If I was the only one on the server logs that got banned at that time there is a chance he was never banned.Info I did find out was by the sounds of it this server is not his primary one, nor does he have a camp on it. he may have just been passing through. He does however have a friend who was online at that time which we were going to go pick up.As for people saying things about server admins not following rules. The rules are WAY to tight and don't take into account the rapid increase in hacking and hack prevention. I believe the server admins have the ability and right to ban people breaking the rules even if they don't have indisputable proof it should be admin's discretion without abuse of power. The bans the server admins give out to me are a proactive method to at least slow hacking down. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vertisce 158 Posted August 7, 2012 As for people saying things about server admins not following rules. The rules are WAY to tight and don't take into account the rapid increase in hacking and hack prevention. I believe the server admins have the ability and right to ban people breaking the rules even if they don't have indisputable proof it should be admin's discretion without abuse of power. The bans the server admins give out to me are a proactive method to at least slow hacking down.The problem is...once you let the admins ban who they want for whatever reason they deem suitable you open the door for every admin to abuse those priveledges. Also...Rocket needs players to be on the servers, yes even cheaters, to be able to see the code and fix issues caused by them.Follow the rules. They are there for a reason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanburger 2 Posted August 7, 2012 The ban was a mistake and was lifted, get off their backs.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites