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Hacking Question.

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I would honestly like to know what is being done to stop hackers from ruining servers? I have not seen rocket respond to like any of these posts asking similar questions. So I figured and admit that I run ESP to police my server and keep hackers off of it. To be completely honest I don't really care what people think of me doing so. The way I look at it until Rocket puts in measures to stop sripting hacking and ESP I will continue to police my servers using ESP. I have spent some days kicking and banning hackers ALL DAY. Everyone get teleported one minutes kicked banned. Next someone was flying around on a heli, banned then I have an asshat teleing everywhere. I am sick of it. To be completely honest it has made my server a little more tolerable for the people that frequent it.

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Because with ESP you can see Vehicles and You can watch people spawn them.

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$100 says this isn't your known admin name and you will not say which servers you host.

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$100 says this isn't your known admin name and you will not say which servers you host.

Why does it matter? At least he's doing something to try and protect his server. It's more than BattlEye can say.

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It is my known name in game and my server is 275 also you can just filter lo4th

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