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High-tier troll or a huge noob?

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I was browsing the coast looking for a boat this morning and ended up finding one near Nizhnoye and it had no fuel. I told my buddy to hop on and come down to help me find some fuel. He was way far north and decided to check Guba for a PBX boat. On his way there he found a truck in the woods full of gas and drove it down to where my boat was. When he was driving he heard gunshots and a guy screaming over direct chat to let him in, so he stopped and gave him a ride. He brought him down to where I was with my boat and we filled up my boat. The man had to log off for half an hour and we would come get him when he messaged my friend on steam. We parted ways and my friend went looking for parts while I went to islands looking for a chopper.

The man eventually returned and asked us to pick him up. He claimed a grenade went off near his building and someone was yelling at him over direct chat and he needed help, so my buddy drove down with another one of my friends to kill the people messing with him and give him a ride. The bandits unloaded on the truck and blew it up and the man we where coming to rescue ALT+F4'd and my two friends started shooting the bandits. My friend who originally found the truck ran away and left our other friend to fend for himself, eventually dying. The man later reconnected and got shot anyways.

Me, my friend, and the stranger all ended up in cherno. Now the stranger starts complaining about how his dying of thirst and we need to find him a drink, then we need to find him a gun, then he needs ammo, then he needs food, then he needs a drink again, now he wants to try and get his body, now hes hungry again, he just wouldn't stop fucking complaining. Bandits eventually tried to kill us in a church and me nor my friend had any ammo while the stranger had been hoarding ammo the whole time and we ended up dying while he ALT+F4d again.

This is what we get for helping someone out.

Fuck good karma, everyone but friends get left behind.


Found guy, huge dumbass, got our truck blown up trying to save him, mad.

Edited by Fribox
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And that, is why I shoot on sight.

Well and because I feed on killing everyone I see. Makes the game more fun. :D

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Those kind of people deserve a swift shot to the head. They would not survive the real zombie apocalypse, why should they have a chance in a virtual one.

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And that, is why I shoot on sight.

Well and because I feed on killing everyone I see. Makes the game more fun. :D

Eh, I think of you are the problem. Whenever I play I do what I can to help people who need food/medical supplies/whatever. Or do what I need to do to survive. I've somehow lasted over a month this way. Had over 20 bandit kills and several murders in self defense. I was shot numerous times and shit all from bandits and KOS fags like you.

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And that, is why I shoot on sight.

Well and because I feed on killing everyone I see. Makes the game more fun. :D

I was thinking of just starting to KoS, but I have befriended quite a few people by not doing so.

Most of my encounters end with a dead bandit, or another survivor running in the other direction just as afraid of me as I am them.

I can't really KoS considering I'm a medic though.

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Found guy, huge dumbass, got our truck blown up trying to save him, mad.

Meh cheers for trying to help someone. But some people are just destined to die until they get a hang of the game. They slow you down and risk your survival.

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What a prick.

Sorry you chose such a worm to protect.

Don't lose faith though, there are people like me, already geared up, that wouldn't mind rolling with randoms from time to time.

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What a prick.

Sorry you chose such a worm to protect.

Don't lose faith though, there are people like me, already geared up, that wouldn't mind rolling with randoms from time to time.

I try to keep my friendly status, but with people like these its pretty hard to not want to shoot them in the face.

A few awesome strangers I met in-game make it all worth it though.

KoS guys I just kill, because 90% of the time I'm a better shot and quicker on the trigger. Never been sniped before though.

Edited by Fribox

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