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Online Petition to make Devs/BI/BE aware of the scale cheating

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Hello Forum,

many of you have without doubt noticed that during the last week hacking was dramatically on the raise. Lots of players are frustrated by getting teleported to death/thunderdome'd or having their inventories replaced - some even decieded to take a break from DayZ as it is not as fun as it used to be if you have to fear hackers on top of regular players and zeds.

We know that cheat protection is a time consuming issue and that it is nothing that can be improved/perfected within a few days. But we really think it is necessary to get the attention of the dev team/BI and BE to show them how serious this has become - and we try to achive this with an online petition.

It is extremly important to us that we are not misunderstood: We love DayZ and we appreciate all the time that everyone helping the project is investing. We do not want to have a perfect cheat protection tomorrow, as we know this is not possible. But we feel the need to make the people in charge aware of the fact that due to the current extent of cheating and exploiting many are not having fun anymore in DayZ. Only by getting this message out to the desicion makers we can ensure that something will be done about this in mid-/long-term.

We think these areas are the ones which need improvement the most:

  • Robust anti Cheat Engine which does not allow easy bypass
  • Better anti-cheat techniques hive-side (e.g. don't save illegitimate equipment)
  • Better protection of the server against execution of illegitimate scripts
  • Tools for server admins to be actually able to verify cheat reports (without parsing through logs for hours)

If you feel the same way and want to add your voice please support us by signing the partition we've created: Online petition

Please use the online petition - we are not looking for a thread full of "/signed" here ;)

Also please spread the word to your fellow friends and players which are affected by the current issues.


/edit: made the link more visible

Edited by leepfrog
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I applaud your effort but the problem has been well documented. A petition will do nothing

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The devs and Bohemia are well aware yo. That's probably part of the reason there is a push to get standalone out soon - so hacking can actually be dealt with.

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I think the devs are well aware of the scale of the problem. Just look at every other post on these forums.

Your petition will do nothing. And i'm sure this is grief the devs can do without...right at this moment.

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Bohemia Dosen't care DayZ is getting hacked, they are well aware of the security system and see that no other mod consist of so many hackers, besides DayZ.

This "Hacking" has be around since Day 1 of ARMA:2 Launch. This petition will not pass nor will it go past 6 pages.

The Normal ARMA:2 Community has already overcome this by having there own anti cheats on servers and keeping tracks of every login to there servers.


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Edited by ledo1222

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The server-hive relationship in regard to saving character gear after a hack should be rudimentary to enforce. If a player teleports or is turned into an animal the information is not saved after that. Point blank period. Would work the same way achievements are recognized in every other game released in the last 10 years.

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It is too late for Arma II or any mod built on it. I suspect the same will be true for Arma III unless they've completely scrapped their scripting model.

Standalone on an engine that isn't script-based from the ground up is the only real answer, IMHO.

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I think the devs are well aware of the scale of the problem. Just look at every other post on these forums.

Your petition will do nothing. And i'm sure this is grief the devs can do without...right at this moment.

I am sure they are aware of hacking - not sure if they are aware of the scale. I am not saying that the devs did a bad job or anything - they did what was possible with the engine they chose.

But as you should know in software development it is not up to the single dev whether he works on e.g. a new project or lets say anti-cheat - this is up to the decision makers up in the hierarchy. These are the ones which need to be reached to actually change something. And these persons will not have a look in the "cheat reporting" forum - but you will get their attention if you have a significant number of people supporting a petition.

Bohemia Dosen't care DayZ is getting hacked, they are well aware of the security system and see that no other mod consist of so many hackers, besides DayZ.

I disagree. You can imaginge how the ArmA 2 sales skyrocketed after DayZ was released. DayZ is serious business for BI and whether it will gain or lose popularity - it will have financial influence on BI.

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Not interested in giving up that much personal data to sign a damn petition.

Feel free to send me a snail mail copy or something.

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