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Masked robbery\assasination (bandit skins)

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With the comeback of bandit skins I think it would be realistic to implement the ability to hide your identety

However that would come at a cost.

My suggestion is to implement a simplified system to simulate the complicated art of backstabing

while at the same time adding a sort of pvp flag(that even makes some sense ).

Survivors (people with high humanity) should be able to put on a mask and by doing so hiding their faces.

-This would allow them to kill without\ or with lower loss of humanity because no one can identify them (I prefer a lower loss).

-however Survivors would be able to shoot masked dudes without loss of humanity.

-Bandits who whent over the the line (have negative humanity) are stuck with their scarf \or mask (this simulates

that their identety is known).

-this is just an idea: if you are knocked out or killed you can be unmasked this hits your humanity (after death

would obviously be unrealistic but add some gameplay "features" like gangs defending their fallen comrades

or hiding the corpses of their buddies).

-Naturaly taking of o putting on a Mask should take some time (like bandaging or even longer for balancing reasons).

This would allow people to change their playstyle(and try before they go all psycho) and add another layer of complexity to the game.

greetings Knollte

Edited by Knollte
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Sounds to me like you played a little too much Everquest?

When did rocket say that the silly bandit skins are coming back?

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no bandit skins, remeber are you transforming in real life into a bandit if you kill something? NO

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  On 8/7/2012 at 2:57 PM, Senection said:

no bandit skins, remeber are you transforming in real life into a bandit if you kill something? NO

Alot of criminals who try to kill someone are going wear masks to hide their identity so that is realistic.

regarding the bandit skin like it or not they will make a comeback in the next patch according to the machinima interview.

If they going to stay ? who knows its an alpha so they going to test what fits and whats not.

I am sure there needs to be such a system to keep at least some sanity in the gameplay others do not.

But this thread is about dealing with Bandit skins while allowing players to PvP when they like to.

Part of the reasoning behind masks is to give players freedom to do what they like even with bandit morphing in place.

Edited by Knollte
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  On 8/7/2012 at 2:57 PM, Senection said:

no bandit skins, remeber are you transforming in real life into a bandit if you kill something? NO

In real life, killers size you up before taking you out. But eyes don't animate.

In real life, killers don't see you as a human being and this translates into the way they interact with you. But there's no such thing as body language in this game.

In real life, being able to bluff and lie in order to cover up your actual thoughts is a tactic that requires years of training and practice. But your face is painted on.

In real life, you'd be able to identify someone by their face through a scope from a kilometer away and remember what they look like and tell everyone you come across what they look alike and make posters describing them and be able to post them wherever you go and then hunt them down and kill them when you see them. But there are only about 40 faces in this game to choose from.

In real life, it would take three or four rounds from a sniper rifle to make sure someone is dead. But it only takes one.

In real life, bandits would disguise themselves so they don't get caught, practice how to be convincing, and get in close to kill someone to make sure they're actually dead. But in this game they don't have to. So we need something to compensate for their ability to exploit the weaknesses in the system.

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Could not put it better myself.

Also Chernarussia is not exactly a metropolis there possibly is only one school,the factories in cherno be the major employer,and cherno the only place to buy some decent stuff.

A decent amount of the survivors would have lived there before the Infection.

They would have gone to school together.

Meet at the doctor.

Worked in the factory together.

Be stationed in the same military base.

Would know the drunkards and bullies who had barfight in cherno.

Know a stranger to their region (accent ,clothing,gestures ...).

There wont be a million different people appearing out of nowhere and disapearing the next hour.

There would be some sort of persistence (like "you knowthe people who live in this forrest they are evil bandits everyone dissapears there").

Keeping this in mind it alot more important to hide ones identity.

Edited by Knollte

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Like I said before this mechanics are not entirely realistic but no game will ever cover this perfect this ones are simple and might work better than more complicated mechanics while providing authenticity.

Edited by Knollte

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  On 8/7/2012 at 11:25 PM, BazBake said:

In real life, killers size you up before taking you out. But eyes don't animate.

In real life, killers don't see you as a human being and this translates into the way they interact with you. But there's no such thing as body language in this game.

In real life, being able to bluff and lie in order to cover up your actual thoughts is a tactic that requires years of training and practice. But your face is painted on.

In real life, you'd be able to identify someone by their face through a scope from a kilometer away and remember what they look like and tell everyone you come across what they look alike and make posters describing them and be able to post them wherever you go and then hunt them down and kill them when you see them. But there are only about 40 faces in this game to choose from.

In real life, it would take three or four rounds from a sniper rifle to make sure someone is dead. But it only takes one.

In real life, bandits would disguise themselves so they don't get caught, practice how to be convincing, and get in close to kill someone to make sure they're actually dead. But in this game they don't have to. So we need something to compensate for their ability to exploit the weaknesses in the system.

This did give me something to think about.

I did think that forced bandit indications would ruin authenticity of the experience, but I guess you can never have the real authenticity on game.

You actually can in real life tell by appearance, if you should avoid that person, unless they were psychopathic sociopaths.

Normal person would unwillingly show signs from far away, if they were going to kill you,

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  On 8/7/2012 at 11:25 PM, BazBake said:

In real life, killers size you up before taking you out. But eyes don't animate.

What are you talking about? How many killers have been interviewed by you for this absolutely nondescript statement without no proof whatsoever. Oh and this may be news to you but everyone is different (kind of) and I would really like to see how you can detect a persons intent on killing you by just looking at their eyes if its not personal for them. if they don't

care about you, they don't even flinch - except for that loud bang maybe.

In real life, killers don't see you as a human being and this translates into the way they interact with you. But there's no such thing as body language in this game.

Same as above. Please state source/evidence for omnipotent, intimate knowledge of every person ever alive, even though the best shrinks still havent fully figured what makes people tick. Again..everybody is different.

In real life, being able to bluff and lie in order to cover up your actual thoughts is a tactic that requires years of training and practice. But your face is painted on.

Yeah..years of hard training and practice - like puberty.

In real life, you'd be able to identify someone by their face through a scope from a kilometer away and remember what they look like and tell everyone you come across what they look alike and make posters describing them and be able to post them wherever you go and then hunt them down and kill them when you see them. But there are only about 40 faces in this game to choose from.

You need to contact the military for this futuretech 1km+ 500x super scope that obviously fits on every single rifle. Have you ever even scoped in on someone 1km away ingame? With like any weapon at all? I seem to be having played a totally different game..because even through my AS50 there is no way of telling someones face from the other at distances of 1km. At least not ingame..but luckily we have all these super scopes, that must be the reason there never is any friendly fire in war like.. at all.

In real life, it would take three or four rounds from a sniper rifle to make sure someone is dead. But it only takes one.

What weapon are you talking about? What calibre is used in your highly professional assessment? Do they have bodyarmor? What about previous injuries or preexisting medical conditions? Where do these people get hit? Cranium? Torso? Limbs? Pinky toe, left foot?

In real life, bandits would disguise themselves so they don't get caught, practice how to be convincing, and get in close to kill someone to make sure they're actually dead. But in this game they don't have to. So we need something to compensate for their ability to exploit the weaknesses in the system.

Yes! because shooting someone twice in the head or chest with a .50cal and watching them bleed for 5 minutes after the kill is really no way to ensure someones dead. Of course, for those 300m+ kills in the middle of fucking nowhere after almost EVERYONE else has become a Zombie you really need to disguise yourself, because that way no one will know you are a Killer!!!


Edited by Golgo82

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If you're a bandit, the last thing you want people to know is that you're one. So no bandit skins should be in the game in my opinion.

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  On 8/11/2012 at 3:59 AM, koze said:

If you're a bandit, the last thing you want people to know is that you're one. So no bandit skins should be in the game in my opinion.

If you used the suggested mechanic cleverly no one would ever know your identiy (you wont go bandit)because no one ever had a chance to see your face.

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Law school, undergrad psych, and internships in psych and jurisprudence.

Go home. Troll elsewhere.

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Knollte, I vote Yes for your idea. :thumbsup:

Simple, obvious and realistic. You have my beans! :beans:

Edited by Morda

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