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Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

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Thats my suggestion, remove the L85A2 AWS, (i couldnt find topics with L85 in it in Search function, weird) this thermal spotting is killing the game in my opinion.

I got a L85 and it takes 0 skill to spot someone, but on the other way round, you are hopelessly dieing if you dont have this gun.

So the only "interesting" fights are thermal vs. thermal, but come on, that isnt a post-apocalyptic scenario. High-Tech vs High-Tech.

Additional: Why insert Ghilie/Camo suits, if you can still see them with a thermal? That does not make any sense.

Please dont let the L85 in game. If they leave, scopes and binoculars are worth much more, as it should be imo.

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Additional: Why insert Ghilie/Camo suits, if you can still see them with a thermal? That does not make any sense.

LOL I'm sorry i forgot that the Ghillie suit or camo clothing stops your body from heating up.....

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The L85 is ridiculous.

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LOL I'm sorry i forgot that the Ghillie suit or camo clothing stops your body from heating up.....

There are Ghillies in real-life that actually conceal your heat signature.


Someone who does not think the L85 is way beyond the power level of any other weapon in this game either has never used it or does not understand that oversight and knowing your enemies position and movement is crucial to winning a squad vs squad encounter (which is where the power of the L85 lies).

If you don't believe me (which I do not expect) go listen to some of the high profile YouTube squads bitching about the L85 being broken.

Edited by Inu
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L85 is just for spotting. Killing in close combat isnt possible and on range its very difficult. Its best if you got a mate with Sniper. And its not real thermal cause it cant look through trees so you view only bad campers or moving ones.

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The L85 as a gun works very well in the game and the added thermal gives the game a different feel. Removing this gun would remove an aspect from the game for which i believe works very well. However keeping on topic i would say after the game is bug free and in the stages for tweaking the sights could do with some range editing, and i only say this because you can pick up people from over 1000m away.

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L85 is just for spotting. Killing in close combat isnt possible and on range its very difficult. Its best if you got a mate with Sniper. And its not real thermal cause it cant look through trees so you view only bad campers or moving ones.

As I said, spotting is everything in a squad vs squad encounter. Killing in close combat *would* be possible wthout the L85. On range it is only very difficult if you do not know the exact position of your enemy. The fact that the L85 could be even more broken does not help the fact that it currently is broken.

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me and my friend have guilles, nvg s and l85s it doesnt hide your body heat trust me. l85`s great for spotting sure that's what thermal does equal footing in fire-fights against a armed player. its like saying remove silenced weapons because i cant here them shooting at me. if your not equip`t to deal with it my advice would be stay away from hunting zones and night cycles until your armed and ready for them. me and my friend got ours from taking them off someone so there not that good obviously.

Edited by harr0w

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There are Ghillies in real-life that actually conceal your heat signature.

Someone who does not think the L85 is way beyond the power level of any other weapon in this game either has never used it or does not understand that oversight and knowing your enemies position and movement is crucial to winning a squad vs squad encounter (which is where the power of the L85 lies).

If you don't believe me (which I do not expect) go listen to some of the high profile YouTube squads bitching about the L85 being broken.

it could be a one shot kill for all i care i know how op it is but its no reason to bitch about it or it be removed its extremely rare and does as much dmg as an m4 its a pos its only good for spotting..what youre saying is just cause something gives a squad an advantage its op and should be removed?

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Visually, the ghillie suit is one of the finest concealment tools, but a warm body inside one stands out clearly in an infrared scope. There is no absolutely certain way to defeat infrared, but there are some techniques that make detection more difficult. There are ways to counter this though that might be cool for the game such as thermal blankets hell the afganis use a think wool blanket to help cover up there signature. Or even rolling around in the mud which is what US snipers are trained to do before laying prone for long periods of time. Possibly give rocks heat signatures during the day/ early night so we can try to hide next to them. I like this game for many reasons and one is how great the tactics are in this game. Im more surprised i don't see people complaining about name tags and such. This is a great game I really think all the bugs/glitches/hackers should be delt with first! Just my 2 cents.

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I agree. Im running with an L85 now even though I hate them just because of the advantage it gives an opponent if you dont have one. It really breaks the night time dynamic of the game

Anyone that thinks they can't be used up close obviously hasn't figured out the NVG / Laser / hip fire combo.

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There are Ghillies in real-life that actually conceal your heat signature..

I'm sorry i forgot that's a well known fact and is used in every militarily as a common uniform....

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just to make that one clear:

i got, NVG, GPS, Rangefinder, DMR(for night) , AS50(for day), L85 (for every occasion), M9 SD, M4A1 CCO SD, blah blah, several cars etc.etc. im playing in a squad, mostly at least 2 L85 with us...

i played as spotter aswell as sniper.

Either u got l85 on you, or you got no chance vs guys with l85. period.

Squad A with 2 L85 and 2 Snipers (any sniper-weapon) vs. Squad B with 0 L85 and 4 Snipers (as50)... GUESS WHO WINS... :-)

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I agree. Im running with an L85 now even though I hate them just because of the advantage it gives an opponent if you dont have one.

Thats totally my point of view.

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Well, you see, the reason why it's not OP is that it's damn near impossible to find one.

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The bitches that whine about this gun act like it's not rare as shit. I have never once seen one, and the one I have seen (which I now own) I have got from a 4+chopper v. 2 firefight. And I've been to the NWAF more than I can count.

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Thats my suggestion, remove the L85A2 AWS, (i couldnt find topics with L85 in it in Search function, weird) this thermal spotting is killing the game in my opinion.

I got a L85 and it takes 0 skill to spot someone, but on the other way round, you are hopelessly dieing if you dont have this gun.

So the only "interesting" fights are thermal vs. thermal, but come on, that isnt a post-apocalyptic scenario. High-Tech vs High-Tech.

Additional: Why insert Ghilie/Camo suits, if you can still see them with a thermal? That does not make any sense.

Please dont let the L85 in game. If they leave, scopes and binoculars are worth much more, as it should be imo.

The L8 is a great tool, but it's not the game breaker that you think it is, the gun has a 300m effective range for starters.

Thermal can not see through objects and are only useable while zoomed, meaning that your thermal has a tiny cone of vision and and you will struggle to get a good picture in dense areas.

Many animals and zombies give false positives.

The L8 is a fantastic tool and will give you an advantage over someone who doesn't have one. It's balanced, however and has it's own pitfalls. If people want it removed that's up to the masses, but it's certainly not broken and is no replacement for some 'mach 1 eyeballs' and a rangefinder.

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Well, you see, the reason why it's not OP is that it's damn near impossible to find one.

I dunno, our squad has found 2 so far at crash sites within the space of a couple of weeks. They seem common enough.

As someone that doesn't kill other players for fun or sport, I would like one so that I can protect my squad and spot threats more easily, so that we can avoid them more than anything.

In the hands of a player killer it is probably a very disruptive, negative influence on the game.

Edited by soapmak3r

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I dunno, our squad has found 2 so far. They seem common enough.

They are extremely rare, they are made more common through duping and hacking.

We found 2 in a vehicle, and the number as grown to about 4-5 because of duping bugs.

Finding two is hardly conclusive of 'common'

There are people who win the lottery twice too, that doesn't make winning common

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They are extremely rare, they are made more common through duping and hacking.

We found 2 in a vehicle, and the number as grown to about 4-5 because of duping bugs.

Finding two is hardly conclusive of 'common'

There are people who win the lottery twice too, that doesn't make winning common

They can hardly be called extremely rare either...Extremely rare is NVG which I haven't found yet. Or a GPS, which I found in a tent somewhere and I assume is duped. In 80 or so hours I haven't genuinely found a GPS yet.

Most of the weapons I find at crash sites are FN FALs, M4A1s, M16s, M4A1 AIM, L85, and DMR. In order of how common we have found them.

Mostly it's been FN FALs, which since the last Arma2 beta patch have become one of the biggest horde drawers in the whole game.

Gun balance was broken completely by the last Arma2 beta patch in my view.

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Thats my suggestion, remove the L85A2 AWS, (i couldnt find topics with L85 in it in Search function, weird) this thermal spotting is killing the game in my opinion.

Are you fucking kidding me? Almost once every day there's a new thread about how thermal vision/L85 LIKE TOTALLY RUINZ DA GAIM!! And you couldn't find a single topic? Let me help you out:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

So the only "interesting" fights are thermal vs. thermal, but come on, that isnt a post-apocalyptic scenario. High-Tech vs High-Tech.

You do realize that the technology has existed before, like less than a year before. Where should it have gone? What would you like people to fight with..OH wait right, you are just suggesting this for the greater good of everyone...

Additional: Why insert Ghilie/Camo suits, if you can still see them with a thermal? That does not make any sense.

This is just hilarious.

There are Ghillies in real-life that actually conceal your heat signature.

Indeed there are. But these are not the ghillies you are looking for...

Someone who does not think the L85 is way beyond the power level of any other weapon in this game either has never used it or does not understand that oversight and knowing your enemies position and movement is crucial to winning a squad vs squad encounter (which is where the power of the L85 lies).

Funny thing is, I do not think that the L85 is "overpowered" even though I play in a squad, have tested it, we already got killed by dudes probably in possesion of them and our Spotter is currently outfitted with an L85. I must be insane!

If you don't believe me (which I do not expect) go listen to some of the high profile YouTube squads bitching about the L85 being broken.

Oh yes! Of course we should listen and learn from the all-knowing youtube godsquads, because people like sacriel&friends are never wrong.

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Looking for enemy with binocular is a big stress for my weak eyes. L85 saves me. Also L85 requires some skill to fight in close range or shoot on long distance. So I use it mostly to spot enemy and save my eyes.

Don't take it away from me, please!

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amagad remove dat op thermal, I can't snipe people I get spotted so easily, lololo.

Dumb whining kids.

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