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With the rampant hacking, I have decided to move on to a game without hacking. It is also more entertaining!

Edited by Curgon
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Wanna get on teamspeak and watch [aint dry together?

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Yeah the Hacking is really Ridiculous... Met with it many times, and it needs to Stop (easier said then done i know that), Its a serious game and immersion breaker. Unless its at the least Turned down a notch, like insta kill buttons and tele a whole server is gone Day-Z cant reach its Potential.

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Yeah thats kindof true that theres too much hacker's right now but im no where near quitting DayZ ;p

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You know when you play on a server? And it gets hacked? yeah? Go play on a different server.

I have experienced hacking once.

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With the rampant hacking, I have decided to move on to a game without hacking. It is also more entertaining!



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With the rampant hacking, I have decided to move on to a game without hacking. It is also more entertaining!

good luck. everygame has them.

also your post sounds like you change to another game without using 'hacks' funny.

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With the rampant hacking, I have decided to move on to a game without hacking. It is also more entertaining!

in what crazy universe do u live where there is a game without hackers?

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There are a shit ton of hackers on DayZ, it's so constant. But I -know- that DayZ staff and/or Bohemia will fix it (hopefully). So I will continue to play. Just don't get too attached to stuff, and play with friends so it's always fun.

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Go on low populated servers, if you think that the hacking is that bad.

Edited by CreatureJoe

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