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Graphs over user statistics from 25th June to 6th August.

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So in honour of the 1,000,000 milestone...

I'm sure that Dayz Team has much better graphs then these... but since they haven't shown any, I figured I'll share of the data I've tracked since late June. Just incase anyone happens to be interested...

The data was noted down (a final time) in the evening (CET) each monday, but I took note of the stats each day, to spot any weird fluctuations.

They are a bit too wide to incorporate properly in a post (and I can't seem to get this forum to let me post images to begin with) so I'll include the URL.


That's the link to 3 graphs, showing Unique Player growth, Users last 24h growth aswell as Time Played growth.

I'll also include the raw data for anyone who's interested, also tracking deltas from week to week, and shows survivor to bandit ratios aswell as a very crude value for retention rate (# of alive characters vs unique players).

Unique growth has slowed down a bit after the large exposure points at Rezzed, and an increase in interviews and coverage, where it jumped from 74k the pas week, to almost 200k the following week.

Last 24h is always a bit tricky, and tends to fluctuate a lot over the weeks. It's heavily influenced by patches I've found. Over time, those have been smoothed out (i.e patch mid week, last 24h drops heavily, recovers by next monday). The last 2 weeks have seen a slump after the peak of 206k. If it's due to people waiting for the patch or just taking a break, I dunno.

Personally I've gotten pretty tired of the duping and constant alt-f4-ing so I'm not too active anymore.

Doesn't mean I'm not waiting with bated breath and ready to try out new updates! :)

Time played is pretty straight forward, and as last 24h has dropped over the past 2 weeks, you can see time played evening out to a more linear structure during the same period.

In any case, below I'll provide a link to the raw data just incase anyone wants it.


Hope you enjoyed it, remember that these statistics are taken from the main website and since we don't know too much of how they are tracked, it's hard to draw any real conclusions.

Well... other then that we've seen some really spectacular growth!! :D

Edited by Vanchelon
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Where did you get the data from, scraping the website, manually or somewhere else? I was interested in tracking it myself but had no way of looking back at the history, I did find out some milestones from various twitter and forum posts however.

April 13th: 219

Alpha released

April 16th: 2024

May: 25th: 100k

June 12th: 200k

June 24th: 300k

July 5th: 400k

July 12th: 500k

July 15th: 600k

July 20th: 700k

July 23rd: 800k

July 31st: 900k

August 7th: 1,000,000


[image]Tinypic works[/image]

Edited by smasht_AU

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Where did you get the data from, scraping the website, manually or somewhere else? I was interested in tracking it myself but had no way of looking back at the history, but gained a few from twitter and forum posts.

I took it from the stats on the main website yes. Deltas and such in the second link, are just showing increases week to week.

Edit: ye, it might work with that bracket code, still, the jpgs would just mess up the thread structure due to width :)

Edited by Vanchelon

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I personally like the huge leap after week 3 the most :) Last 24h didn't spike as much due to Dayz being between patches (I guess we had a lot of new players, but "veterans" were taking a break and waiting for ghillies etc to be fixed). It did spike heavily after week 4 though, once the patch had released and we had another big influx of new players.

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i'd bet you could also put dates for various articles and sales on there and you'd see an association with the various spikes.

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i'd bet you could also put dates for various articles and sales on there and you'd see an association with the various spikes.

Yep, Im sure of it. The first huge spike was directly after the Rezzed event, which gave DayZ a LOT more coverage then previously.

We also had, as you implied, several? steam sales during the spike periods.

Lately, there hasn't been as much coverage, which probably accounts to the "slower" growth we've had the past 2 weeks.

Edited by Vanchelon

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Hopefully people take note that people are ditching the game en masse due to ArmA's script injection "feature" (aka sloppy coding).

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Hopefully people take note that people are ditching the game en masse due to ArmA's script injection "feature" (aka sloppy coding).

Again, don't think you can single out a specific thing that's responsible for the slope in last 24h metric.

Edited by Vanchelon

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I guess this thread got buried under the standalone news :) Giving it a bump by saying...

\o/ Standalone! \o/

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Good thread. IF you could find a way of updating this each week, then I VOTE STICKY! :D

Edited by Irenicus

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