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My Friends & Mine Ideas.

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After been playing the mod for some weeks now, me and my friends (group of total 10 people) have been discussing what ideas we wanted to share with the forum, wich we think could make the game more fun and interresting. I bet some of theese allready have been suggested. But wanted to share ours aswell =)

A Shopping Mall in a Major City.

More than one floor with some stores in it. Ex. Clothing store with chances of dropping Gillie suit, camo and perhaps other kinds of clothing you can wear. (Still very low drop %). Sports store where u can loot Baseball bats. Supermarked, same as now. Perhaps other kinds of stores too!

Picture here of now it could look like http://i1.trekearth.com/photos/103167/shopping_mall004.jpg


A chance to spawn a dog wich can be used for scouting or help protect the player from Zombies or other players. An ablity to scout and area for the player and bark if any players found. The doog also need water and food.

Being able to put down/write Signs/Notes

Flash Granades

More enterable houses

Beeing able to move bushes or plant new bushes to hide bases properly (Need to find a shovel)

Camo for tents, cars & bikes

Different/more Houses

Bootey traps

More Weapons + items

Bigger Maps

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Dogs are probably being introduced at some point. As for the shopping mall....... the map is a replica of a real place so maybe in future maps, I don't think it would suit this one though.


Underground bases are being introduced in the final game, as are more enterable buildings.

Also, what's a bootey trap, i think you might be on to something here.

Edited by Fraggle

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Tbh i like some of the ideas here, especially the kennel, if dogs are introduced and you have to tame them, this would be a cool location for spawning a domesticated dog stuck in a cage. And possibly meds for your dog if it is injured XD

As for the shopping mall, im all in for diversifying the map so i dont see a problem with that either. Even towns have malls.

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