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stop the script kiddies

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Okay this game is in alpha mode, but it sold 900k copies for this mod. The abuse of the script kiddies is getting worse and worse. Updating BattleEye doesn't work, it gets hacked every time. Here is an idea, disable all the functions in both client and server executables of dayZ that aren't supposed to be used in this game like godmode, invisibility, summoning cows, etc.

Edited by IceBarbs

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Yeah, this seriously pisses me off too.

You're walking around in a forest with all the stuff you can imagine having, and all of a sudden

BOOM, some asshole teleports to you and blasts your face off. Seems like this would be much easier to prevent.

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The entire Arma 2 game is based off and runs on scripts so you couldn't just "disable" those functions. I could be wrong though.

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Okay this game is in alpha mode, but it sold 900k copies for this mod. The abuse of the script kiddies is getting worse and worse. Updating BattleEye doesn't work, it gets hacked every time. Here is an idea, disable all the functions in both client and server executables of dayZ that aren't supposed to be used in this game like godmode, invisibility, summoning cows, etc.

Battleye is constantly banning cheaters, look here yourself.


You are asking BI to remove core functions from arma 2, so that Day Z works. What you are forgetting is, doing so will break arma 2 itself, general modding and server events. It wont happen, and its not fair that a mod are the result of features being removed from the actual game.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to stop hacking. Not a single anti-cheat system in history has been proof, its that simple. When Day Z goes standalone, scripting will be fixed, not a minute before.

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It's not just as easy as screaming "STOP THE SCRIPT KIDDIES". Rocket can't make changes to the Arma engine or BattleEye, he can only make suggestions and because this is only a mod BIS arn't too bothered whether there are hackers ruining the mod.

Edited by Camay

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It's not like script kiddies are only a problem in dayZ, they're a problem on every ARMA2 server. So BI needs to address it anyway and they are the ones that have been cashing in on this mod and Rocket also works for BI. Please don't call the people, who ruin this game for others, hackers. They download some stuff from the internet.

Also if you use the Six Launcher, updates are put in a separate folder. If the executables (and I should say dlls as well) are adjusted they can be put there too. For the rest I have no idea how the client and server of this game actually interact, but the possibilities of doing stuff that is not supposed to happen are absolutely ridiculous.

Edited by IceBarbs

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Yeah, this seriously pisses me off too.

You're walking around in a forest with all the stuff you can imagine having, and all of a sudden

BOOM, some asshole teleports to you and blasts your face off. Seems like this would be much easier to prevent.

I got teleported today with my group into the wilderness with the hacker, obviously a script kiddie. (He had only a hatchet) trying to kill us. Before he could swing it we were gone. Aborted asap.

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Because hacking has become so prevalent, we've decided to only run the Glovine AU4 server when there is an admin also playing. that admin has the server on a second monitor and the second there's hacking the server is closed, logs are saved to be studied and when the server comes back up everone is where they are supposed to be because there was no time for plotting info to be written to the hive.

Its unfortunate that it has to be this way.

Edited by Slyder

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