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More incentives for non-hostile play

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I think there should be a way to encourage players to not treat the game as an arcade FPS where you just kill all the human players. This is supposed to be a zombie survival RPG, but it gets a bit boring when you only care about being sniped constantly and the zombies are merely a distraction. I can understand if you set up a base and defend from intruders, but actively going around purely to kill other players is so dull.

Maybe we could have NPC vigilante/military/police/PMC groups who are dotted around the map and if they encounter bandits, they attack them. This would hopefully make the game more fun for bandits and friendly players - bandits get some extra gameplay and enemies and if they take them down, they get even more loot, but they may also get killed more easily as they will have these teams out looking for them.

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Don't worry, there will be plenty of Bandit Hunters in the next patch once the bandit skins are back.

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No... Please.... Just go shoot yourself, you do realize how ridiculous OP NPC AI is in Arma, right? If not... Shut up.

They know where you are constantly, they shoot and always manage to hit, it takes some serious strategic skill to kill ridiculous OP NPCs. This game isn't WoW, so... Uh, go way.

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There should be incentives for non-hostile play, I agree.

But there shouldn't be something that punishes you if you are hostile towards other players

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No... Please.... Just go shoot yourself, you do realize how ridiculous OP NPC AI is in Arma, right? If not... Shut up.

They know where you are constantly, they shoot and always manage to hit, it takes some serious strategic skill to kill ridiculous OP NPCs. This game isn't WoW, so... Uh, go way.

This, absolutely. Have my beans. The day that DayZ gets AI controlled guards or some other garbage like that will be the day I stop playing.

New patch is definitely a step in the right direction. The next step is to add true incentives to play styles (even though the title of this thread has that word, OP missed the mark). One way would be to make teaming up much more beneficial, doesn't matter if you're a bandit teaming up with another bandit, or a survivor teaming up with another survivor. And before people say "omg im lonewolf i hav no friendz beacuase thats how i role blehblehbleh," tough twinkies. If this is to be a true apocalypse survival simulator game mod whatever, then teamwork has to be more beneficial. In reality, there's strength in numbers. Playing this game as it is is far too easy for a solo player.

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Only AI should be zombies.

The thing that makes this game awesome is that if you see another person, it actually is another person.

Adding AI like that would completely ruin the pemise.

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I am having a dig at players who spend their entire gaming lives staking out a location to pick off players and steal their stuff - then rinse & repeat. How boring. Anything that stops players from making the game boring like that, even if it's "the day they stop playing" then great. Win win.

Edited by samsonite

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This is just punishing a player for playing a certain way, a long with the AI in this game are crazy OP. Maybe give some one an incentive for playing nice, but punishing others for not playing the way you do is unacceptable.

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I would love to have more things to do in the game, hell "projects" but not something scripted, but yeah there should be more to do than hunt beans, fill canteens and shoot anyone taking your beans.

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But I would more likely be a bandit if there were these special NPCs after me. It would add more to do - not punishment, just more of a challenge should you choose to go down that path. What society should treat criminals the same as innocent people? There should be consequences to make it slightly more realistic.

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And before people say "omg im lonewolf i hav no friendz beacuase thats how i role blehblehbleh," tough twinkies. If this is to be a true apocalypse survival simulator game mod whatever, then teamwork has to be more beneficial. In reality, there's strength in numbers. Playing this game as it is is far too easy for a solo player.

Say whut? 8p Um sorry but playing solo gets incredibly boreing after awhile. And I don't know about you but it takes some time to build up just a car if it's damaged and your on foot. It's already way way way benefiicial to have even 1 partner just to help carry the parts!

Just having that extra person is extremely advantagous for any encounter with other survivors! Besides that your already at a disadvantage most of the time running alone out there. If you can't fit a bandage, painkillers, heatpack, anti bodies, food, drink, ammo, and some run with a extra weapon (pistol or rifle + ammo for it,) or try to shoehorn a tent into their pack. . .

There are times where you might get cut and bleed, or break a leg, in a 'encounter' or glitch and guess what if you don't have at least one of those items your screwd! And most of the time if your running alone you have to have at least two of some of those items so you can search for a spare without dieing!

Even scavaging and searching for crap is easier because you can cover more area! And with the zombie spawns, 2 or more can handle them a lot better!

Humm after thinking about this, I think I forgot to say. . . Yea there probabily are times where you might be worse off with a partner, especially if their giving away your position a lot. Or their just plain more annoying than helpful. In those cases yea you might just be better off putting a bullet in their bean and moving on.

The game does need a bit more content though, what that amounts to is beyond me.

Edited by Who cares?

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