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Fishy Admin Abuse on US 1338?

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Yesterday, me and my friends spent about 5 hours building a chopper. Most of the time was spent recovering items from invisible hackers killing us on the island. Long story short, we got the chopper up and running, fully repaired, fully fueled.

We spent about an hour flying around, raided some towns, and did very very very slight pvp. It was late, so we decided to park it. I've heard that some server restarts have been causing choppers to go back to skalisky, but check this out...


All information on this website for yesterday is gone. You can look back a week, and it seems fairly consistent, but yesterday... we were on it all day, fixed a chopper, and now the whole day is wiped clean...

2012-08-06 08:01:18 Restarted

2012-08-06 00:22:44 Restarted

2012-08-05 22:20:06 Restarted

2012-08-05 19:59:55 Restarted

2012-08-05 08:01:20 Restarted

2012-08-05 02:27:43 Restarted

2012-08-04 20:00:06 Restarted

2012-08-04 08:01:22 Restarted

2012-08-03 20:00:55 Restarted

2012-08-03 08:07:47 Restarted

2012-08-02 19:59:09 Restarted

2012-08-02 08:03:43 Restarted

2012-08-02 00:41:02 Name changed

was: DayZ - US 1338 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95248) [RECRUIT][GMT-8] dayzmod.com - Hosted By breno987 | dayzhosting.com

new: DayZ - US 1338 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [RECRUIT][GMT-8] dayzmod.com - Hosted By breno987 | dayzhosting.com 2012-08-02 00:41:02 Restarted

2012-08-02 00:38:35 Restarted

this is dayzmonitor. Look at the previous server restarts, and then look at yesterday's inconsistencies. And guess what... we all got off at about 19:45... Seems strange. I logged on this morning, and the choppers gone.

Am I paranoid? Or is there some hard evidence of foul play? Any ideas on reporting admin abuse? Or am I just butt hurt I lost my chopper and have to repair a new one, and it's probably gone to somebody who stole it, or a typical bug?

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Your butt hurt you lost your chopper, maybe they had a problem with the server?

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Yeaah, ur butthurt cause i've been playing on this server for a bit now and never had a problem, only thing today is some weird "Script Restriction #55" shet! Oh and FYI.. My buddie crashed that chopper today! :/

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