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Everyone probably knows about those insanely blinding graphical errors that you see on your screen when getting near Cherno, Military camps, airfields, Barracks, Hangars, etc.. You see them in all the places that you would want to go in your DayZ life. I cant even walk past churno without my eyes watering from the strobe death. This is a major problem that has been going on for too long and needs to be fixed very soon.

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Have you checked the latest patch notes? That fix is coming soon

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Karnage is right, patch is coming around the corner. Meanwhile, try changing your video memory to high then back to default. Works for some users.

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It needs to come sooner but the wait will be well worth it.

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Have you checked the latest patch notes? That fix is coming soon

This so all you people bitching need to shut the fuck up. It's and alpha and whenever something happens bad everyone freaks out and complains like this is full production game that's already been released.It's been said for a while next patch will fix it.

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Karnage is right, patch is coming around the corner. Meanwhile, try changing your video memory to high then back to default. Works for some users.

Ya I try that and it works for a certain amount of time but then glitches up again.

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This so all you people bitching need to shut the fuck up. It's and alpha and whenever something happens bad everyone freaks out and complains like this is full production game that's already been released.It's been said for a while next patch will fix it.

We are not dumb child, we know what alpha means and we know it is in the proccess of becoping final, but this is one mega fucked up problem that is messing up most of DayZ and im growing tired of seeing blazing piss shooting into my eyes every time i look at high value military areas.

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