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Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

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I got my machine installed in the datacenter today and I can't see my servers in the SixLauncher or DayZ Commander server list (US 1567). I have the ports open in the firewall, mission file, hive files, dayz files are all up to date...most recent ARMA2 beta patch etc. I can see people joining in the console window but they disconnect right away. I'm guessing they arn't able to load in. I'm not sure if they are finding the server in the in-game server browser. What's going on?

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Just throwing this out there.. is the fire wall up and if so do you have rules for the game set in the firewall?

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Use the in-game ARMA2 filters.

Sixlauncher and DayZ commander are only capturing a fraction of the available servers each time they refresh

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I will try the in-game browser when I get home. At work ATM. I set Windows Firewall to allow traffic to the arma2oaserver.exe program.

EDIT: And I manually added a rule for the GameSpy server reporting port

Edited by 0xdecafbad

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This looks a lot like blocked ports. I can see the server in commander, but it appears to be down. Personally, I don't use Windows Firewall as I have a hardware firewall at my colo, but I would suggest setting the ACLs by port rather than application. I believe you need to open: 2302, 2303 & 2305 to both TCP and UDP traffic.

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This looks a lot like blocked ports. I can see the server in commander, but it appears to be down. Personally, I don't use Windows Firewall as I have a hardware firewall at my colo, but I would suggest setting the ACLs by port rather than application. I believe you need to open: 2302, 2303 & 2305 to both TCP and UDP traffic.

Here it says just UDP. But i'll try opening the ports manually instead of just allowing the program. That was what I was going to try next.


EDIT: Ok I opened 2302, 2303, 2305 UDP inbound. I'm at work ATM so can someone check to see if US 1567 shows up now? Thanks :)

Edited by 0xdecafbad

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I had this trouble a while ago too, what I did was look through the e-mail and there was one thing i was uncertain of that I had done so i tried it again. (DL the keys and overwrite them and voila it worked. ) Dunno if it was that or something else but it worked after i did it at least.

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Here it says just UDP. But i'll try opening the ports manually instead of just allowing the program. That was what I was going to try next.


EDIT: Ok I opened 2302, 2303, 2305 UDP inbound. I'm at work ATM so can someone check to see if US 1567 shows up now? Thanks :)

Looks like your right about not needing TCP. I actually hadn't seen this KB article until now and had opened both based on some posts i found in the forums... thanks.

Still no go on finding your server. Does the arma console open up when you start the server, and everything look normal there? (Might post a screenshot of it if you're not sure).

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Hmm maybe I'll run through the welcome e-mail steps again. The arma console looks fine. Running netstat -a shows port 2302 open. I saw a few people connect a while ago but they disconnected right away.

EDIT: Ah as I'm running through the steps I see I put the hive files in the @dayz folder when the welcome e-mail says to put it in arma II oa folder.

Edited by 0xdecafbad

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Couldn't hurt to do so... When you execute the bat file that starts the server, does the Arma console window open, and if so, what text do you see there?

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I get:

9:01:13 Dedicated host created.

9:01:14 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.151)

9:01:14 Host identity created.

I started it back up after putting the files from the hive .rar into the arma II oa folder. I also redownloaded the mission file and keys. Hopefully that helped :\

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If people are able to connect to the server that normally means that its not blocked by a firewall. It might be an issue with the ip address you are using. Do you know if the ip address that server is running on is the same ip address that is primary on the box. If it is not the same ip address then it will not show up in dayzcommander or sixlaucher and clients will not be able to connect because the server is not talking to the hive.

If you do a netstat -a you will see 2302, 2303 and 2035 running with the ip address you set for the server. If you see a 3306 running on a different ip or not running at all that is the issue with the hive and you need to look at that.

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I tried starting it using the regular bat file instead of Razor's script and I see players connected but I still dont see it listed here http://arma2.swec.se/server/list

Maybe it just takes a little while for it to update. I wish I could get this working :\

The UDP ports I get with netstat -a:

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP [::]:500 *:*

UDP [::]:4500 *:*

I wonder why I have 2304. It should be 2302, 2303, and 2305. Now that I launched it with the regular bat file I'm getting 126k DL and 50k U so people must be connected and playing. I saw a few connects in the console window. So thats good. I just have to figure out how to get razor's script working.

Edited by 0xdecafbad

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Should be good with the non razor bat file. My friend says he can see it and theres something like 20/40 people on it.

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Ive been fighting with this the last week or so since my situation is basically exactly like yours. Im still using razors launcher. Just cant get a dayzcommander/sixshitter listing. :( Fail gamespy.

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I also have an issue where for some odd reason two of my normal players from the previous server are unable to connect to the server and they are BOTH from Belgium. Lol

Ping is set to 350, but my norway and UK etc players get on fine.

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Same Here although if i run a private hive server instead of the official it does show up on the list !

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I am new to servers, but I got mine to show up in the dayzcommander. I hope this helps someone. I am running my server( from my pc that i play on, its just for a few friends and I. So i checked first to see if it would appear in lan(my friends checked through hamachi VPN) works fine. I forwarded UDP 2302,2303,2305. And allowed all applications through zone alarm firewall. I then went into my server files (mine is server.cfg located in cfgdayz folder in my arma 2 directory).

I changed the following from this:

//reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead

reportingIP = "";

To this:

reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead

//reportingIP = "";

At first I didnt have the "reportingIP = "", so i just added it in.

Now looks like:

reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead

//reportingIP = "";

logFile = "cfgdayz\arma2oaserver.RPT";

I have a question, how can i add new maps to my server so I can just select the map on server start up?


Edited by TPM

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well thanx for your time there writing the post but ive done all that before and still it dont show

also tried

reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";

reportingIP = "arma2pc.master.gamespy.com";

reportingIP = "master.gamespy.com";

i also read some where to comment out the line completly which ive also tried

when i run my private hive server that show with the settings above just for some reason my official hive dont show, but shows in the INGAME BROWSER fine

its really annoying now as i know ive done everthing correctly

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