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Curiousity from a fellow DayZ player

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What is your opinion on the kiddy scripters, now i don't mean the ones who decided to blow up and kill everyone in the server, or the ones who aim bot and shoot through walls and shit, im talking about the semi-innocent ones who spawn in game items i dont mean a shit ton of satchel charges or what not and fuck up everyones day, just those who barely spawn a thing just enough to survive, i know they exist ive ran across one and left em alone and they left me alone, so i was like meh w.e no harm to me, he's just trying to get by on his own way, just as i am.

I know spawning, scripting, and what not is illegal and against the rules, but as long as he's not fucking up someones day or using it to purposely fuck someone over or spawning non ingame items/weapons i really dont care to report it or w.e

what do you guys think, cause i've met one and played with him (without realizing it at first) he offered me a basic starter kit yknow revolver a few mags a map and compass, just plain ol starter kit to basically live on and we roamed and looted for a few hours and went on our merry way raided, and just helped players at first i thought "oh well maybe he just has like 4 extra maps and compasses and a few pistols and ammo.

then i was like "wait a minute where are you keeping all that in your coyote backpack?" and he just came out right and said, "i spawn items and only give my self basic tools and decent weapons and i go around and help players doing the same" i wish i had gotten his name, I've never seen a 'scripter' like that whats your take on this kinda scripter they are rare ik but what if scripters were like that? would you hate or like them if they were like that?

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You know what everyone's answer is going to be. "I don't care, it's still hacking and should be gone." :facepalm:

Honestly, I don't like it because it is still cheating. Even if it does "help" other players, it just is helping them cheat too. That takes a lot of the fun out of it for others players when a newly spawned has a ghillie suit, night vision goggles, an as50, m4 silenced, etc. It is just completely stupid.

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P.S. That profile picture is just disturbing. I know mine is too, btu at lease mine's a fictional character.

I thought it was Joan Jett.

Great success!

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You have already answered your own question, scripting in items is illegal. This is not how the game is intended to be played. It does not matter if the items are native to dayz or do not spawn in game. For myself, the process of surviving while trying to gear up is a major factor in my enjoyment of the game. A "helpful" scripter as you have described is then in reality diminishing my enjoyment. If you have to think too hard about whether this practice ok or not, this is not the game for you. A tactical game that rewards patience and precaution becomes utterly pointless when you script in items that you should be discovering in game. I do find it interesting that this "helpful" player having taken this challenge out of their gameplay feels the need to "help" others out afterwards. Why not just play the game and help others out? If there is legitimate risk the reward feels so much better.

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Well, honestly, they are just as guilty as the massive douches that thunderdome everyone.

I have played since May 5th or so. I have worked at learning the terrain and figuring out where to go for gear. Gear is finite and very easy to get. Esp now, that the tents are all fucked up. There are tents with gear everywhere! There is no excuse to script in, even small items, for your survival.

It ruins the game, period.

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His scripts create a crate, full of weapons, He leaves it there for others, Other players find it and take a custom weapon not on the allowed list. Players get banned. (A possible scenario)

New players are given stuff they would not have if they played game properly and are given a huge advantage. (Rendering the point of the game pointless)

Cheating is cheating, I am astounded!

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Well, if they don't actually disrupt other peoples' gameplay and spawn food / drinks etc then i'm fine with it. They are just ruining the immersion for themselves.

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P.S. That profile picture is just disturbing. I know mine is too, btu at lease mine's a fictional character.

the profile pic is me...

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Cheating is cheating, I see no room to make exception as you agreed not to cheat.

While it's interesting how some people take advantage of it, whether to the benefit of other players survival (Robin hood style) or pure griefing purposes. I still don't see why it should ever be allowed.

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The main page says one of the game requirements is balls.

If you can't attempt to survive without spawning items using cheats, that is distinctly lacking in balls.

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they are rare

I don't think they are that rare.. seems to me with all the thunderdoming and warping going on

there would be alot of players sick of searching for decent gear just to lose it straight away.

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