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Milky Johnson

Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

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yep :P i was the guy yelling friendly

haahahha i was sniping people at the fort then just blew up that was great

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You mean you were wasting ammo on the walls trying to make us move out of cover, don't ya Brent?

Far as I remember, the only guys you killed where the ones you back-stabbed...

Oh, and logging out to avoid the zombies chasing you? Or did I see that wrong?

Not much to write home about man.

On Vek's case, I suppose betrayal is in menu for efforts such as Fort Friendly, though I think wasting a satchel charge to kill two guys was a bit excessive... but well, it's your gear.

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Sorry to hear about what happened, Me and my friends just came across a bandit camp and took their car, looted everything of value, blew up their tents and killed everyone that got near the camp with an AS50 and M107 we looted.

Karmas a bitch.

And btw we were sure they were bandits, they have been KOSing everyone on the server.

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milky, you got my beans for your effort.

sadly the truth is that todays community isn't ready for this kind of acts of valor.

too many greedy bastards tend to run around and stab you in the back.

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Fort Friendly should be thought of as a "Mostly Successful Experiment", due to the fact that many people helped contribute to the cause, and it would have worked with better location/more people. So, has the fort been moved? I would love to come out there. I'm about to start a fresh spawn. xD

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Thought zombies chased people up stairs if they saw you go up. Well, my bad.

In any case, Milky's effort is commendable but I think that right now the fort will remain in ruins until the server restarts (Vek blew it up with a satchel charge).

I don't really mind people back-stabing, but the location and server was no optimal. Perhaps we can organize something in a better location soon. No need to prepare with sandbags and that kind of thing, we saw how those helped against people using explosives.

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If I do start a fort again it will not have a open location to the public, it will be in a secret location on a sercret server and inorder to get in the fort you must have done a meet and greet so you know who your setting the future of dayz with before your asshole instincts (brent2) kick in and say hey fuck it ill shoot the guy infront of me cause hes got better gear. And to all the people who have sabataged the project i say FUCK YOU 2 months wasted, 2 Fucking months getting fortification supplies to be watsed within 72 hours. So when i do put up a post PM me for the meet and greet where you will be stripped and taken to the fort so too da loo community and to be honest bandits are secretly fanny bandits.

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You should be able to get building supplies with the help of the community. I don't think people need fencing/sandbags/tank traps so they can donate it to you, specially the ones that are most interested in the Fort Friendly.

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Really? The construction building in Cherno :huh: ? That's really open to be fired upon. Devil's Castle or Green Mountain are better picks than the construction site. Just saying

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I think that the experiment should start at the building of the "fort" per sé.

It's better than starting once the fort is built simply because you get to play with the people who will participate before setting up, meaning that you'll have a good amount of people already white or blacklisted.

I'm willing to help out if ya need me, will be on for about 6 hours starting now, just hit me up if you need me to help with something.

EDIT: Even better, just set out objectives, like "We need 10 Fenced Wire kits!" It'll be more interesting since it not only gives us something to do in the game but also shows that people are interested enough to farm the items (or spawn them with hacks and blow us up once everything is set)

Edited by Deathcall

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Really? The construction building in Cherno :huh: ? That's really open to be fired upon. Devil's Castle or Green Mountain are better picks than the construction site. Just saying

Green mountains would require a lot's of guards, 360degrees to be swarmed. With military grade weapon spawns.

May i suggest sumthing more in the center of the map. Fresh survivor spawns includes bandits with nothing to lose in mind(in any case those, might provide a very bad time.)Plus this camp should be to help ppl out, not to gather the whole server's partol packs.With less busy location you would probably receive a huge amound of survivors changing server to actually make use of this.Plus it could "pratice" survivors abilties to "navigate" in-game.

There is no way sum1 could require assistance nor keep the peace in cherno WITHOUT The use of a comunicating squad,Moving around cherno and sniper hills.The only way i would visit/build/help would be sumwhere i can actually go for transfusions/tradeO.o/rendez-vous or just to go to hands fortifications materials(free) I die, due to car robbery and lazyness of running to Berezino hospital to stock up on bloodbags.

Basically Cherno is way to far for any player which isn't a bandit. And by far the last place i would feel safe at.

Thanks for reading


Wishing you beans!

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Can I make a suggestion. Skalisty Island? If I remember correctly, you can't walk there (without losing your bag in water.) only way in is from a boat or heli. That is major control, every so many minutes or hours, the boat (which you control) heads to shore and picks up players and ferry's them to the island which is considered their safe-haven.

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Can I make a suggestion. Skalisty Island? If I remember correctly, you can't walk there (without losing your bag in water.) only way in is from a boat or heli. That is major control, every so many minutes or hours, the boat (which you control) heads to shore and picks up players and ferry's them to the island which is considered their safe-haven.

i like! boat could get destroyed tho. :s Edited by Lrgee

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Skalisty Island is also really easy to snipe, and sniping douches will camp the water to kill people on the boats. You should consider an area that cannot be fired into so easily, such as Klen Hill (114.039).

At any rate, OP, what were you expecting? Of course idiots will come to ruin it, you need to have a full group of volunteer guards up before you try something like this.

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so this is legit, not a scam?

im new to the game and ive learned the hard way that you dont trust anyone..i know this is in the survivor section but still im just curious.

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It was legit for a while, but apparently there was some shooting in the camp and now the owner has abandoned it (which is what happens to all these camps sooner or later).

If you hear about camps like this, go to them quickly and get what assistance you can, then get out before the bandits arrive. And believe me, they come fast.

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Why cant you guys just regroup and take it back? Would like to help too now that I have my lovely M4A1 Silenced

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yeah i say lets do that i got me an ak. and the thought of having friendly players workin together to help eachother and other players is legit

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Why cant you guys just regroup and take it back? Would like to help too now that I have my lovely M4A1 Silenced

There's nothing to take back at the moment, the fort was leveled by satchel charges.

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The problem with this idea is that it only takes one ****tard to sneak in with a satchel charge saying "FRIENDLY FREINDLY" and detonate in the middle of the camp to kill all of you and wreck your camp.

With the high percentage of complete dirtbags playing this game, it won't take long before someone comes by to crap on your day just for the fun of it.

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Ever think of useing a small tower called Zub? It's well hidden in the treeline atop a hill. It has remnants of a wall around, and the tower its self has a door sized one way only enterance.

The tower has many floors aswell, with 2 open areas inside + the roof is open and has a good view of the landscape 360' view. not to mention the basic supplie spawns inside.

With this being a more hidden base, and farther from all towns, it'd be a good safe spot, that is easily defendible. :)

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