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Milky Johnson

Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

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Ever think of useing a small tower called Zub? It's well hidden in the treeline atop a hill. It has remnants of a wall around, and the tower its self has a door sized one way only enterance.

The tower has many floors aswell, with 2 open areas inside + the roof is open and has a good view of the landscape 360' view. not to mention the basic supplie spawns inside.

With this being a more hidden base, and farther from all towns, it'd be a good safe spot, that is easily defendible. :)

i like this idea alot im game

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Also, instead of the "hold the gun down" policy, make it: Flash light must be equipted at all times, easy to see, and those wielding one are harmless while it's out.

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Also, instead of the "hold the gun down" policy, make it: Flash light must be equipted at all times, easy to see, and those wielding one are harmless while it's out.

also a good idea. Should have been the normal rules.

Meh, I wouldn't call Brent2 a bandit, more like an opportunist.

And Vek was only doing it for the giggles. There was no real purpose to blowing up the building for just the two of us who were there getting shot at by Brent.

I agree on Stalinsky. You can't snipe people from the far side of the hill, and you can always change the pick-up location so bandits don't camp or kill the boat drivers.


There's also game in the Stalinsky forests and a water well at the small town.

The only true danger would be ghosting, but to ghost in, they'd have to swim to Stalinsky, which in most servers means dropping your gear. Even if they go to a server where you don't, it's still a long swim just to bother some guys.

The beauty of it is that it's so far away that nobody will really care. Also, if we can find more than one PBX, we can ferry people around and do pick ups along the coast.

In my opinion, it's the best location.

That's why I thought it would be the best.

Edited by navx2810

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Meh, I wouldn't call Brent2 a bandit, more like an opportunist.

And Vek was only doing it for the giggles. There was no real purpose to blowing up the building for just the two of us who were there getting shot at by Brent.

I agree on Stalinsky. You can't snipe people from the far side of the hill, and you can always change the pick-up location so bandits don't camp or kill the boat drivers.


There's also game in the Stalinsky forests and a water well at the small town.

The only true danger would be ghosting, but to ghost in, they'd have to swim to Stalinsky, which in most servers means dropping your gear. Even if they go to a server where you don't, it's still a long swim just to bother some guys.

The beauty of it is that it's so far away that nobody will really care. Also, if we can find more than one PBX, we can ferry people around and do pick ups along the coast.

In my opinion, it's the best location.

Edited by Deathcall
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The problem I find with stalinsky is that it is so far away. Most of the experienced or at least well geared players are on the north half of the map. Stalinsky is extremely far away as you put it and most will not want to have a chance to lost their gear. You're also going to have to deal with anyone that is on stalinsky and joins. This includes hackers who just want to troll.

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I think that the idea behind this fort is to help relatively new players and establish a safe-haven for commerce and other social interactions.

The camp HAS to be far from high-populated loot locations or we'll be constantly besieged by bandits or opportunist. Stalinsky is far, very far, but still close to the starting locations and in the way to half-interest locations like Berezino or the Olsha Airport.

With proper transportation (PBXs) we can make pick ups as far as the canal north of Olsha or even Komarovo (for those who come south by Zelenogrosk). It's a good and logical location for a hub. Away from the mainland and it's constant sniping from the hills. There's only one hill to look out for in Stalinsky (allowing for ghosting), and that problem can be circumvented with some bear traps and clever use of barbed wire to make sniper spots difficult to access (fill the forest outline with barbed wire so they can't get a good position).

Hackers and back-stabbers are always gonna be there. No matter where we set up.

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One of the safest places, is one which constantly moves.

Inorder to be successful, you'll need constant location change, and a influx of supplies. This can be done, but the state of the game currently wont make it easy.

Having a fort on a island is good, but it will become compromised sooner or later. Having a fort in one place for more then 3-5 days would be a huge achievment.

TO BE HONEST, I think a party bus would be a ideal form for a "fort." Not trying to be a troll, but a moving fortress would solve alot of problems you seem to have.

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I agree with the party bus idea. And unless people are just trying to be injurious to under equipped players, then the spawn areas "should" be safer. Not to mention the amount of gear it could hall. Kinda like a book bus for school children.

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A working convoy would make a ideal style that fits into this game. Since a actual building can't provide that much with how people abuse this game.

1-2 ATV's leading

1 Bus center

1 UAZ behind

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A working convoy would make a ideal style that fits into this game. Since a actual building can't provide that much with how people abuse this game.

1-2 ATV's leading

1 Bus center

1 UAZ behind

But the problem is its going to be pretty hard finding all of those and fixing them up.

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Keeping them fixed will be hard as well. If this convoy starts rolling, I can easily see the UAZ being targeted quickly.

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If your doing the skalisty island idea, you should get some sort of transportation for land i.e. Bus, Ural, GAZ, and use those to bring the people who need the help to the boat's position, and just keep changing where you meet up where land/sea meet.

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volunteer too .. cant play alot but would like to help if posible ... provide me with tasks and ill complete them slowly

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I volunteer as well. Set a list and we'll get it done.

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I'm down for the cause. On now and in Cherno currently. Will slowly make my way over to the fort and set up some supplies and tents.

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I will happily volunteer for this, send me a PM and I will be there.

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I will put up another thread with rules for Fort Friendly enlistment.

When you do; please post it on here or edit OP with the link. Thanks.

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Kind of funny to see one building barricaded like Fort Friendly. Hacker spawned in the other day and left an ammo cache of like 200 of every weapon in the game. Funny !!!

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