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Milky Johnson

Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

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Got killed protecting the fort from a Bandit.

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I stopped by the fort last night and the lad defending the fort was good enough to give me a spare ghillie suit and in typical DayZ fashion i left the fort and was shot in the back 10 minutes later by bandits that claimed to be "friendly". oh well i guess :|

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You servers setting are making it easy for people to kill you. Nametags + the little dots do not help.

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not surprised the bandits are already all over the place, sounds like it needs more guards.. hopefully i will be able to make the treck down there soon and help defend it a bit (should have a person or two with me as well )

Edited by jarshie

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That construction site is very dangerous. Anything above the ground level is open to sniping from the woods, the city or pretty much anything slightly elevated.

People on the crane overlooking the construction site will get busted too...

I want this idea to succeed, really, but in the words from the Templar Knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.... you choose wrongly.

Fully agree. Except where you quote Indiana Jones, it is: "you chose poorly" :P

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Again about the fort location, there is no threat of snipers in the fort the hill yes it is there but they cant see the inside and the whole anything elevated is false AGAIN the largest climbable building is blocked off by my own efforts. I have looked into these things, i will be on soon, and hopefully some friends too.

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brent2 is a bandit he killed me and sirhc now can not be trusted

thanks for all the food water ammo and the m4sd thats gonna make it easy for me to take down the fort o and i took your coyote back pack

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Due to the betrayal of brent 2 i will move the fort and will only be avalible through a meet and greet basis now FORT FRIENDLY WILL NOT BE OPEN TO ALL.

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whoa o.O wtf happened, I go to make a sandwich and everything goes crazy? Hard to believe Brent was a bandit, when i first met him he snuck up behind me when i was alt tabbed checking the forum...must have been waiting for a better target?(Had to start fresh after the sniper last night)

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I'm still in shock a little, but mostly just want to get his head on a pike at this point, let me know if anyone sees him.

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actually you can call fort friendly done the community is obviously not ready for safe havens.

I think it was obvious that defending a safe area is way harder than assaulting it. The main reason is that you can attack a camp site pretty much alone even if it's guarded by 3-5 players. As attacker you'r pretty much guaranteed to kill your first target since they won't know that they'r being attacked and the direction of attack until the first shots (unless the defendors are constantly scanning the area with L85).

If you want a safe zone, it has to be a building with few entrances and good view of the outside and I'm not sure that there's something like that in DayZ at the moment.

Anyway, I don't know what happened exactly, but you should not give up after a single incident. Find another place (doing it in a major city was a bad idea from the begining if you ask me...) and be more carefull with who you accept there, because as shown not all players can be trusted.

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I'm still in shock a little, but mostly just want to get his head on a pike at this point, let me know if anyone sees him.

im sorry guys i will bring all your stuff back if you can be freindly agin i got to greedy so im sorry dont close it to all i will bring back your stuff

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Damn I wasn't around to help.

I just came back from morning work. Do we still need protection there? Or are we done?

EDIT: Brent2 logged at the office building south-west of the fort.

EDIT2: Keep wasting ammo love! I got plenty of food and water here.

EDIT3: Haha! You blew up the entire building!? Well played...

Edited by Deathcall

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I am on my way back there now, was killed by a bandit, got them too though, so there will be a nice gaggle of corpses.

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How the hell did you do it? You were too far for a satchel charge? Did someone sneak in and set it?

EDIT: That you who got killed Vek? Glad to see justice was done.

Edited by Deathcall

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