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Question About Progression of Days

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How are the days progressed? Do you have to spend 24 hours in game? Or is it another way? I'm just curious because the longest surviving life I had was about ten hours. I tried Googling but didn't see anything within the first five pages. Thanks.

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Days progress in real time regardless of whether or not you are logged in. For example, you could create a new character today and not play for 10 days and have survived 10 days.

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It is in real time based on the timezone you play on. For example, if it's nightime where you live (and you play on a US server) it will be nightime on dayz. You can have it be daytime during night by going on another country's server, but you will probably get bad connection. Also, if you log in at one time and wait a few days, those count as your characters lived time.

Edited by toastymcbutterbuns

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