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[Suggestion] - Tyler_Sharp

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Add a system so you can have 2 or more diffrent accounts that are unique to each other.


When i add a player profile it does not really add a new character. All it does is give you the option to add a diffrent name and looks.


I added a a new account and joined a server but it did not spawn me on the beach with a new character, instead i had my old account with all the same items and in the same location just with a diffrent name and look. to see if it was the same i moved my new character outside (i was indoors when i spawned) and logged off and changed to my old character and when i joined the server i was out side where i left my new character not indoors where i left him.

To sum this up i had the same character just with a diffrent name and look.

Why do i want this? (not importent unless you want to know why i think this will help the Day Z community)

Me and my mate are playing Day Z together and he went away on holiday. This means i cant play Day Z becase when he comes back i would have moved on and left him still in a barn miles away from where i now would be. So i thought it would be a good idea if you could have 2 accounts so i can have one account i use with my mate and for the times when me and him cant play at the same time. And i could have a second account to use by my self so i can still enjoy Day Z with out my mate meaning i dont have to wait 2 weeks before i can play again.

Thanks for reading, i am sure this has been suggested before but i hope you could take this and work out a way to help me.

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Try a DayZ Sanctuary server. It is not on the Hive network and will set you with a fresh spawn. If you really want two accounts though consider looking up Sacriel's tutorial for two accounts. (This will cost you additional money)

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Dayz is "YOUR OWN STORY" and not "one of dozens stories". Try to survive without your friend and meet him again once he is back.

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Dayz is "YOUR OWN STORY" and not "one of dozens stories". Try to survive without your friend and meet him again once he is back.

I see where you are coming from but i just think it would be nice to have a way to play with diffent people.

For exsample some Youtubes like to play Day Z with subs but dont want to trust them incase they kill with the account are using in the Lets play, walkthought or whatever and just want a way to play with a sub and be safe from losing everything to a kid who sees it as an easy kill.

So yes it is better with one story not a dozen diffent ones but i still think is would do more good then it would bad if they where to add this in a patch or update.

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