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Guns Spawned In My Hands ! :O

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....Should I Suicide My Self , Or Drop Everything On The Ground?

This Morning I Was Playing In US 1476 Dallas And Suddenly My Guns Switched For An AS50

I Pressed "G" And Looked In My Inventory ! :o

I HAD EVERYTHING!! NVG's, RF, AS50 Rounds (NATO), M4A1 CCO SD , MAGS, Ghillie ....And MORE!

i didn't really look, i Abort and here i am......

....So Should i Just Drop All My Stuff On The Ground .......

What Should I Do??

(i really dont wanna get banned)

Edit: i'm thinking about it....i shouldn't quitted the server...and drop it right away, now i will have to log in with those weapons :(

Edited by Duffman

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lol robin hood hackers wtf

don't worry unless you hacked yourself.

if it saved, you just hopped straight to the endgame, like a boss 8)

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You wont get banned for things other player hacked in your inventory, so dont worry. Its on your decission if you want to keep it or have fun getting things yourself.

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Don't worry, there's a hack where the player gives everyone that set of equipment.

I doubt you'll get banned for it, I recommend you just drop it all.

That way when you find that gear yourself it's 10X more exciting.

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i spawned without the hacked gear :)

but im not at the place where i logged off :o

i was near the shore and im now on top of a big mountain!....weird

(dont have compass or map, so im kind of lost) lol....i will take a walk then XD

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keep it, youll be fine.

edit: Sounds like someone used your character key though, so you might have a bigger problem.

? Character Key ?

like....someone (hacker) played with my Character?

Edited by Duffman

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We have had major hacking issues this past week on US 1476 one resulting in a complete reinstall by the hosting company. Sadly hacking it rampant and while we try to keep hackers kicked without proof that's all we can do.

If you find our server down as it was last night, its because the hacking got to bad we had to shut it down for a few hours!

Edited by Femme Fatale

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We have had major hacking issues this past week on US 1476 one resulting in a complete reinstall by the hosting company. Sadly hacking it rampant and while we try to keep hackers kicked without proof that's all we can do.

If you find our server down as it was last night, its because the hacking got to bad we had to shut it down for a few hours!

All Right! :)

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Items given to you by a script might take a while to save. Next time a hacker provides you with goods you might want to wait for a good 20 minutes for it to save.

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