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WatchOut (DayZ)

How come players can 1-hit kill me, but I can't?

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I don't understand. When I shoot other players, it takes many many shots to kill him. But when they shoot me, I die in 1-hit.

Why is this?

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Its a realistic game. That means one 7.62 shot WILL kill you. It has enough force to blow your head off, and, if it hits your body, explodes inside it, shredding your organs. Two 5.56 are usually also enough to kill. 9 mm? not so much. Hell 9 mm and even 5.56 are severly hampered even by a little bit of foliage.

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Its a realistic game. That means one 7.62 shot WILL kill you. It has enough force to blow your head off' date=' and, if it hits your body, explodes inside it, shredding your organs. Two 5.56 are usually also enough to kill. 9 mm? not so much. Hell 9 mm and even 5.56 are severly hampered even by a little bit of foliage.


So does weapon lose damage if shooting through bushes and trees in the game?

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Its a realistic game. That means one 7.62 shot WILL kill you. It has enough force to blow your head off' date=' and, if it hits your body, explodes inside it, shredding your organs. Two 5.56 are usually also enough to kill. 9 mm? not so much. Hell 9 mm and even 5.56 are severly hampered even by a little bit of foliage.


So does weapon lose damage if shooting through bushes and trees in the game?

I've never tested it but I'd assume so.

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It's because they hit you in the head or had a powerful weapon.

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Contrary to what people here are telling you--do not aim for the head. Only do this if the target isn't likely to move or hasn't spotted you. You should be confident that you are going to hit, and if you are not--aim for the torso.

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So does weapon lose damage if shooting through bushes and trees in the game?

It does lose speed (and damage) as well as changes trajectory sometimes. Bullets can also ricochet.

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Have to agree with the advice to aim for the torso. A guaranteed shot is often better than a risky chance at a one-hit kill. If you miss for whatever reason, you may be as good as dead. I say headshots are best at range if you have decent aim and/or a scope, or for when a target is stationary and facing away. Of course, if you're a crack shot you can disregard and go for the head every time.

It can even be useful to go for the legs, as a broken bone will force them into prone - making it more difficult to maneuver and potentially challenging to hit you if something on the ground obscures their vision. Save legshots for mid-range though. You may not have time to aim down in close quarters. This is also a good way to escape if you are in need of bandaging or first aid of your own. They can't outrun you on their bellies.

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Always aim for upper torso, the hitboxes and hitreg in this game is kinda clunky, i have never gotten an actual headshot, all of my "headshots" have been neck/high torso shots.

Also, depending on the gun it may not one hit but other times it might be your connection.

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Don't worry so much about 1-hit kills. With zeds, you can afford to wait and line up a good headshot since they have to close to melee range. Against people, they've ways to reach out and touch and / or maul you from a significant range. Rule of thumb would be that ammunition is of much less concern than your precious beans (I mean, life). At close range, aim center of mass, and empty the mag.

If you haven't killed them by then, get behind cover, do the reloading dance, or make for the hills all serpentine-like.

~ Ferrard

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Often there is a lot of lag even when you have a good connection - I guess it is either on their end or on the server's end. Anyway, this has a few effects:

-Multiple shots from an enemy sort of "blend together" due to latency, because you register them all at the same time.

-Enemies may have a chance to shoot back at you before they are incapacitated by your shots, and vice versa.

I recommend taking a few shots at an enemy then immediately running for cover or moving around so as to be a hard target to hit. If you shot them well, they should fall over in a few seconds.

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