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Hacker on #500 22nd BRDU

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Player Orange blossom special spawned in a bunker at the top of elektro hill and was sniping people from behind it on Server #500 22nd BRDU.

*edit* Orange spawned in radio towers and then left after sniping my friend. before he left he blew up every building in elektro.

Edited by lothane

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Another hacker, didn't see that one coming.

Another asshole didn't see that one coming.

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I myself enjoy being turned into a bandit.

They run so fast! ^_^

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I'm the admin for this server, I'll investigate this via logs in an hour or so when I get back

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6:58:14 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #31 Orange Blossom Special (93cbab943e36c40c402d0df3b903044f) - #107 "z_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";

6:58:14 };


6:58:14 if (!isDedicated) then {


6:58:14 0 fadeSound 0;

6:58:14 0 cutText [(localize"

6:58:14 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #31 Orange Blossom Special (93cbab943e36c40c402d0df3b903044f) - #107 "= 30;

6:58:14 dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player;


6:58:14 if(isDedicated) then {

6:58:14 dayz_disco = [];

6:58:14 };

7:01:17 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #31 Orange Blossom Special (93cbab943e36c40c402d0df3b903044f) - #37 "player setVariable['lastPos',0];

7:01:17 player setposatl [10555,2868.88,0.00205994];"

7:01:59 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #31 Orange Blossom Special (93cbab943e36c40c402d0df3b903044f) - #1 "

7:01:59 player addWeapon 'Itemtoolbox';

7:01:59 player addBackpack 'DZ_Backpack_EP1';

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #13 steve (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #26 RainbowDash (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 PieEyedSniper (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #29 Dezz (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #2 lothane (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #31 Orange Blossom Special (93cbab943e36c40c402d0df3b903044f) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #1 Anthony (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #14 drenraz (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #27 ZeroX169021 (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #11 Clifty (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

7:21:07 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #7 Mircris (xxx) - #25 "_disableabort;

7:21:07 (findDisplay 46) displayremoveallEventHandlers 'KeyDown';"

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Did you send this into dayz team? also i was reading in the log, What causes the disable abort? a script that the hacker ran? or is that the server.

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