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What Day Z really needs: Bicycles

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As I remeber (having played 100's of hours of non dayz ARMA) and not bothing to open the editor and play with them again as I am on a tablet...

- There are 2 or possibly 3 different kinds of bike in ARMA already.

- They can be insanely fast on tarmac'ed roads - as i recall as fast as 56km and maybe faster on inclines. Which compares with running/walking - * below. It could be the high speed is what put the devs off placing more varieties of vehicles on the map. There are motor cycles, quad bikes, and even VW Golfs all native to the ARMA II/OA common addons but they are all surprisingly fast (as you would expect). Maybe they already do exist?

- Both bikes have bells. One has a low powered light.

- They ride off road OK - much slower usually - if you damage them generally the front wheel breaks and looks burnt.

* nicked from a guy called Frederf from here:http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?77772-Running-Sprint-Walk-speed


Sprinting: 14s (25.7 km/h)

Running, Weapon Lowered: 19s (18.9 km/h) 3m10s for 1 km

Walking, Weapon Lowered: 60s (6.0 km/h) 10m for 1 km

Running, Weapon Sighted: 40s (9.0 km/h)

Walking, Weapon Sighted: 60s (6.0 km/h)


Running, Weapon Lowered: 23s (15.7 km/h)

Walking, Weapon Lowered: 84s (4.3 km/h)

Running, Weapon Sighted: 140s (2.6 km/h)

Walking, Weapon Sighted: 140s (2.6 km/h)


Running: 105s (3.4 km/h)

Walking: 198s (1.8 km/h)

An amusing utoob vid i foudn giving and idea of the cycling for the base game deniers out there!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG2u4r1_V8Q

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Does the light actually work? That would be turbo-sweet. Until you got shot because you're a lighthouse with pedals, then some asswipe stole your bike.

But man, that would be so useful. Especially if you could leave the light on when you got off your bike.

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Hahaha, the chainsaw bike.

You would hear it coming from so far in the distance... and think oh god it's another chainsaw bike son of a bitch

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Everyone loves coke right?


Also, I was kidding about the bikes, but sure why not? At least you don't need to get fuel for them.

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I love the idea, as I always thought Cars were far fetched and helicopters being even more far fetched, this will give the apprenctice player something to roll around in that wont take hours upon hours of scavenging for a fixable car and for gasoline and such.

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I say give it a try and see how it goes, if there is a time and place to try things, it's in an alpha.

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^ Yep.

Do it devs. Just dont make them too fast. Only a slight increase over sprint speed.

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Man, what a post... just what a post.. epic :D

Great idea as well and totally makes sense

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You read that Cracked.com article, right?

It's absolutely true what they say, in a post-apocalyptic setting absolutely EVERYONE would have a bike.

The thing is, this is one of those elements of realism that actually makes the game easier. Realistically, there would probably be one bicycle per household, so survivors probably wouldn't have to make much effort to find one. Bicycles are also remarkably faster than even the hardiest of zombies, so it would be extremely easy to kite them: you could probably even put enough distance between you and them to hop off, fire a few shots, then get back on. And once Rocket fixes the fact that zombies magically always know your location (and never relent) when they detect you, it'll get even easier.

I think this is a great idea, but it has to be fine-tuned: players should get knocked to the ground if they get hit when they're on a bike (so kiting zombies is riskier), and all except the rarer mountain bikes should slow to a crawl when they aren't on a road (players will have to choose between laying low in the bush or risking it on the road).

BIG problem: we would have to be able to walk alongside our bikes. When you have to go up a steep muddy hill, you obviously don't leave your bike behind!

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I think this is a great idea' date=' but it has to be fine-tuned: players should get knocked to the ground if they get hit when they're on a bike (so kiting zombies is riskier), and all except the rarer mountain bikes should slow to a crawl when they aren't on a road (players will have to choose between laying low in the bush or risking it on the road).

BIG problem: we would have to be able to walk alongside our bikes. When you have to go up a steep muddy hill, you obviously don't leave your bike behind!


I fully agree. Maybe bikes could just go at walking speed up hills though? Seems like it would be really hard to program walking alongside the bike.

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I would love a bicycle, I wouldn't mind bombing down some hills for fun to add to the game :D

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Man this just made my day...it really did, this is just pure awesome. Bikes all the way. Thinking of a band of heavily armed survivors on bikes just trying to live in a world full of zombies...yep sounds like a bad yet awesome movie from the 80's. This has to be on the next update.

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Bumping this thread because of the server wipe :D

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amazing post we need bikes i know they are already a few but we need more

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