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Helicopter Fail near Kamenka (video)

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We we're just logging in to teach our friend how to play the game, but as soon as we got in, we heard a helicopter approaching. The helicopter saw us and hovered above us for a few seconds before someone parachuted out. We then hid in the pine trees because we didn't know where he had landed.

In total their were four of us in the pine trees, but none of us really knew were each other was. That's when I started filming.


Edited by Nogert191
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Too bad youtube is borked at the moment. Will watch later though (who could resist Helicopter battle!).

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Too bad youtube is borked at the moment. Will watch later though (who could resist Helicopter battle!).

Ah crap, what's up is it something to do with my video or YouTube as a whole?

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Ah crap, what's up is it something to do with my video or YouTube as a whole?

Oh damn since lonewolf_uk is watching now, there is probably something bad on my end :blush: .

EDIT:yea problem is on my side,for some reason I cant see your video at all and when I am watching something on youtube, it's in low resolution... Sheit,all was working fine an hour ago.

Edited by Hombre

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I was hoping to see 2 helicopters having a dogfight. Today while on one of the main sniper buildings in Cherno, THREE helicopters (clearly hackers) flew over Cherno and appeared to be fighting, lol. They all flew straight into the ground at Cherno after a while and the entire city was in flames. Pretty epic.

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I can't wait to start seeing these flying around and shooting them down. Loving these videos.

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sorry mates, it may have been a thrill ingame but the video was boring as hell ;(

I added highlights so you just get to see shooting! Just read the description.

Edited by Nogert191

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Took me 20 minutes to realize its not a 2 helicopter battle, just some random guys fighting a helicopter...

You should put some other title to the thread....

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Yea, that entire video could've been edited down to less than 2 minutes.

Ye but a lot of the context would have been lost, but like I said I added highlights in the description

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True Xeros, but I think its like reading a book man. Gotta have that back story before the climax

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True Xeros, but I think its like reading a book man. Gotta have that back story before the climax

book ......what is........book

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Helcopter insertions via parachute... That's actually pretty cool.

Edited by Jaime

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Helcopter insertions via parachute... That's actually pretty cool.

haha yeah but I think he hit the floor too hard because we didn't kill him, we only found his dead body :P

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