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F*** IT! I'm moving to cherno!

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Part 1:

So I am at the Balota Airstrip rooting around for mags for my AKM when a dead soldier spots me and chases me into the Control tower. I only have my AKM, the revolver is out of ammo, so I get to the top floor and crouch down. Unfortunately for me this soldier is persistant and comes up and hits me. I had no choice, I had to waste him.

Normally I don't waste my ammo on the zeds since they are mainly harmless but I was cornered. as I start to wonder if any other zombies heard the shot, I heard HOARDS of them coming. Up the back ladder and in through the door, I am pinned.

I start unloading on the zeds as they funnel in the door and then turn and waste the ones coming up the stairs. With all this AKM shooting going on I begin to wonder about my safety. I glance out the window and see more sprinting my way. I shoot my way down stairs and decide I need to blast my way out the front door because I'm not about to get ripped apart going down a ladder into a group of 5 zombies.

As I approach the door my vision starts getting hazy, I notice I am bleeding. GREAT!

I go unconscious and the zombies think I am dead and start to disperse back out into the field and air strip.

(at this time my machine D/C's from the server)

when I am starting to regain consciousness I hear a guy saying friendly over and over, I get up to my knees and am shaking like crazy still bleeding. I tell the guy to get against the wall so I know he isn't going through my pack so that I can bandage myself (and check my inventory so I can decide if he dies or not). I bandage my wounds but am out of pain killers, and the guy did indeed take some stuff from my packjust as I was about to empty a mag into this guy he says "I thought you were dead so I started to loot you" and he drops the items on the ground.

I take my stuff and tell the guy theres another AKM up stairs that I didnt grab and some other loot. and I was on my way.

Part 2:

I am leaving the air strip in bad shape, I am shaking like crazy because of the pain and my vision is going in and out. I need medical attention fast. I make my way to to woods and eat a can of beans and drink a soda to take the edge off... Fucking zombies, I was saving those beans for something special. I decide that its time for me to settle down, no more traveling the country side looking for better and better loot locations. All I need is somewhere with sustainable amounts of food, ammo and medical supplies. then it dawns on me. Cherno would be perfect! I don't mind having zombies for neighbors, so FUCK IT! I'm moving to cherno!

I make my way to the north end of cherno by the hospital, and move in casually yet alert, something has the zombies stirred up today. I duck into the first apartment building and find some ammo for my revolver and a hunting knife (SCORE!) but no matches. I do find some road flares and grab them figuring they would come in handy living in cherno. I cross the street and rummage through 3 more apartment buildings and go to the room on the 3rd one and decide this would be the perfect building for me to live in, its in close to the booming center of cherno, but not "to" close and has a perfect escape route to the woods.as I am going through my new "home" out the window I see a looter in the hospital. Oh HEEEELL no! those are my supplies that I need. I need those pain killers or these shakes will never end! from the second floor balcony I raise my AKM and line up my shot. two throughts enter my head:

1. Maybe I should use my revolver so I dont draw attention.

2. Maybe I should just yell at the guy and tell him to leave.

Screw that, I havent been living here more than 5 minutes and mofo's already breaking into stores in my neighborhood? this dudes getting LIT THE EFF UP!

I flip off full auto and double tap the trigger *BRAP* *BRAP* the looter falls over lifeless. I don't have much time to really consider what I just did, because once again in under 2 hours I hear hoards of zombies rushing my way. I start repeating the word "shit" over and over in my head as I race up the stairs. I go to the roof and look, every zed in the ares is now rushing INTO my house and coming up the stairs for me. Luckily I can think on my feet. at first I position myself in a prone fighting position to shoot them as they come up the ladder onto the roof. But I dont want to waste the ammo, or draw attention to myself or let someone else loot the hospital of the supplies I need. *DING!* perfect Idea enters my head. THE ROAD FLARES! I crouch over to the edge of the roof and toss a flare right down on the porch of the hospital. the zombies in my house suddenly all start to flood out as if someone rang a dinner bell that sounded tastier than my AKM. one zombie made it onto the roof while I was tossing the flare but he either didnt notice me or didnt care anymore and back down he went to go to that flare...

Part 3, I'm Sorry Mike

After the zombies all disperse from the hospital I tell myself that its time to go get my medical supplies. I sneak across the street and grab a blood bag and some pain killers. I go up the the man I shot earlier and discover his name was Mike (server Seattle 1489 approx 2AM MST). I start to contemplate what I had done, and how I let someone that was just trying to rob me live, but this man robbing a hospital had to die. Why? My thoughts of remorse were interupted when I noticed he was wearing an Alice pack. SWEET! I have been looking all over for one of these! I empty his pack, toss my stuff in it, grab it and leave. I am sorry Mike, but Cherno is a tough place to loot, and a tougher place to live. Maybe when he reincarnates he will keep a watchful eye out for the locals like myself.

Now I'm not saying I am going to gun down newbs in Cherno, Hell I might invite some of them to my house and offer them some loot thats inside. What I am saying though is they need to have a respect for cherno and its inhabitants, otherwise their day will end like Mikes.

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What a Novel... and its not fiction either!

This game makes for a pretty good book lol...

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and then a hacker flew over with a helicopter and broke your legs then teleported you to the ocean

if that had been the ending then I would of believed it really happened in dayZ

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and then a hacker flew over with a helicopter and broke your legs then teleported you to the ocean

if that had been the ending then I would of believed it really happened in dayZ

Oi Marvin, go peddle your misery elsewhere >:(

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Got teleported from my home to some docks with the rest of the server just now, aborted out, hopefully still have my shit.

Happy? lol thanks for jinxing me

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Das, maybe move? ;)

Eh, the whole country is one giant ghetto, so it dont matter.

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Whatever you do, rent, don't buy!

I reckon the property prices in Cherno are about to plummet (probably due to the zombie infestation).

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Logged back into server and looted the dead bodies of the people that were teleport hacked...

Got rid of my trusty AKM for a Mk 48 Mod 0 with 500 rounds, also stuffed a DMR and 8 mags into my pack. No one that died had NVGs :(

Now to get back to my house and post up.

I think I will make this server my home server and put up a tent "somewhere" for my goodies. that way on the rare chance someone kills me in my cherno home, I can go resupply easily.

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Whatever you do, rent, don't buy!

I reckon the property prices in Cherno are about to plummet (probably due to the zombie infestation).

I own it, I claimed the building as mine, and will die defending it, I need to get a silenced rifle so I can keep the zombies off my block.

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Funniest thing about this story, is I thought I was at NEA instead of Balota, because when I spawned after my las deathe is said "wilderness" as the closest city lol, so I thought I was on the far east coast and was gonna run up to NEA, so after running past Kamenka, Komarovo and Balota I reached the strip, when looking at the map I thought Balota was Krasnostav... lol FML...

Whats even funnier, is I was trying to meet up with a buddy and his Fiance but was having trouble navigating to them because the roads I saw didnt match those on the map... lol.

I didnt realize where I was til I saw Cherno.

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I lost my Mk 48 Mod 0 :( like litterally lost it... I set it and its ammo down in a bush and made a mental note of where.... headed into cherno with a dif weapon to get a tent I saw earlier, got tent came back... and my guns gone :(

Dunno if I just forgot where I set it or if they go away or whatever, but there was no one around when I dropped it, it wasn't in a highly traveled area, and I was only away from it for about 2hrs... oh well.

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Whatever you do, rent, don't buy!

I reckon the property prices in Cherno are about to plummet (probably due to the zombie infestation).

I claimed squatters rights. It was a good time for me.

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