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Play as a zombie

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This has to have been suggested before.

Add the ability to play as a zombie. Could be a fun change of pace when you're frustrated playing a survivor. Make it so when you die, you just quickly respawn as another zombie. Can't pick up anything but you have the same abilities as AI zombies (fast sprint).

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This has to have been suggested before.

Add the ability to play as a zombie. Could be a fun change of pace when you're frustrated playing a survivor. Make it so when you die, you just quickly respawn as another zombie. Can't pick up anything but you have the same abilities as AI zombies (fast sprint).

Very very interesting idea, but you'd have to be careful. Say I where to get turned into a zombie and camp... Berinzino for instance on the main road. Mid day and I see a player prone crawling to get through the city. I run up while he's near zombies. He now has two options. A: shoot me, alerting ALL thezombies in the area, or B get up and run, in which case alerting all the zombies in there area.

So lets say he gets up and runs. Zombies are faster then the survivors the only reason they don't catch us is they have to stop to attack. So me, being my steepdy zombie self runs in front of the fleeing survivor to try and block him.

Now he stops to try and defend himself, I begin to circle and zigzag walk him with the glitchy pathing while all my zombie buddies show up. Without a few zombie fixes it would be gamebreaking.

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Good point. It would probably ruin the whole sneaking around thing for survivors. You could make it so player zombies couldn't see the survivors unless they reached a certain sight or sound threshold but that would be freaking boring wandering around town waiting for someone to come out of cover.

Sounds like a bad idea unless you added some new mechanics just for this feature.

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Good point. It would probably ruin the whole sneaking around thing for survivors. You could make it so player zombies couldn't see the survivors unless they reached a certain sight or sound threshold but that would be freaking boring wandering around town waiting for someone to come out of cover.

Sounds like a bad idea unless you added some new mechanics just for this feature.

If Zombie mechanics where fleshed out a bit more, no buggy pathing and random spawns on top of you it would allow for this, and a new style of play that involved fighting more then sneaking, till then I would say hold this idea in a notepad on your desktop =D

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I dont think playing as a zombie would be right for this game.

What I do think could be good though is...

If you are killed by a zombie after..say...5 minutes?? you're body re-animated back into a zombie with all your gear still attached, this could make killing a zombie worth a lot and also stop people guarding bodies.

Good thought though :)

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I dont think playing as a zombie would be right for this game.

What I do think could be good though is...

If you are killed by a zombie after..say...5 minutes?? you're body re-animated back into a zombie with all your gear still attached, this could make killing a zombie worth a lot and also stop people guarding bodies.

Good thought though :)

A good idea as well, though I think lore-wise people arn't infected from being attacked or even bitten, would have to double check.

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Give yourself a zombie model, drop everything but a crowbar, you are now a zombie!

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Give yourself a zombie model, drop everything but a crowbar, you are now a zombie!

That's true lol but the other zombies still want to eat you nose for breakfast ;)

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A good idea as well, though I think lore-wise people arn't infected from being attacked or even bitten, would have to double check.

I was thinking this game follows more on the line of 28 DayZ (hehe) later?

As Rocket has said that they are infected not Zombies?

But my view of a Zombie apocalypse is the "infection" can spread via a cut or fluids from zombies?

Suppose every Zombie style is different :)


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