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Hackers And I have Proof

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Hey, I was in the skype call, and that is all wrong. That kid saying "no scope" etc. wsa playing arma 2 , in the armoy, flying out the thing. He was saying how to get other weapons in ARMA 2, not dayz, also in the armory, instead of unlocking them manualy. Lastly, the guy recording this is the hacker. Earlier in the game, I saw him behind the belota airfields, with 4 heli's, and a van. This all happened on a sanctuary server. He told us in the chat that he is gonna get us banned, though Blitz owns the server, and he said no were not, and that he should leave or he is gonna ban him from the server, cause he hacked.

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I have not been playing dayz in over a week my name is just Alex my steam name is SIMO12341 and you can check if i have been playing so lol making stuff up aint gona get you out of it you hacker

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Yeh everyone just calm the hell down. I own the server and I am in control of what is going on here, I disabled BattlEye specifically so that we could spawn vehicles and have some fun without having anything interfering.

By the way it is a standalone server, so anything we do on this server, does not effect the characters on official ones.

You all sound like a bunch of eight year olds.

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