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US 360 Admins tents.

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You guys need to go outside. Bunch of losers crying about a damn island made of 0's and 1's. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Ridley
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idiots. we had a choper for 1 day. not one of our guys have had a chopper since because its not due to spawn for another week or so nearly. every other chopper in the game since the origional has been destropyed has been hacked in. dont you realise that? so no it wasn't our chopper you guys saw.

also admins can not teleport people to debug forrest. fuck me you guys know nothing about the game clearly. only hackers can do that. if your getting teleported report hackers not the server. when you log in to the server it tells you to provide us with screen shots to proove it. if you have names and stuff tell us we will ban them.

getting raped we do yes. its easy to get raped when your not hacking.

idiots really fuck me grow a brain

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for all of you who say the server admin is cheating or teleporting where is your proof. his name is bones. so if you see him teleport around you know he is hacking. he hates hackers and will not partake in it. now if you see him teleport around the only way u can see that is if you have a hack, and you see him do it on the map.

dont blame the server admins unless they deserve it. blame the people who ruin it such as exploiters and hackers

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I usually love threads like these but I can't get through it without feeling like my IQ is dropping by reading it.

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The player who got banned was shooting at the chopper as it landed on the island after it flew around us a few times. They thought we had left but one guy stayed behind. The chopper had black smoke coming out, and then unleashed the rest of his AS50 into it. He then got shot and combat logged, and only knew he received the ban a matter of 20 mins or so later.

Bear the above in mind when reading this:

  On 8/7/2012 at 8:46 AM, spawn said:

here you go. a guy who admits to hacking on the server. maybe he is the guy you all see flying in choppers and killing you and teleporting you around. how about you report this guy he admits to killing you all with hacks. maybe he restocked the tents. maybe they are his tents. how about you report this guy lol and not people who are making the game as fair as they can olike the admin

So this hacker flying the chopper is the admin as well? Otherwise how would any responsible player, since you said it must be a hacker team there, be in a position to lay down the banhammer if they weren't there? Was "bones" in the chopper or just being told to banhammer by his crew flying around? How the hell did someone get a ban for combat logging if only hackers were operating the chopper and on the island? You are full of it.

P.S Name of the guys (or hackers according to you lot) in the chopper as per my fraps, possibly one or two more in there but names won't show up.

PROPAQ (pilot)

Shadow (the gunner who Strike famously shot out of a moving target while under fire)

I can list the other three players we killed on the island playing cowboy and indians with the zeds if you like. All of which were using the tents and their cute little sandbag forts, most of them we saw (but not all) with a '=' or '=drm' style clan tag...

Edited by PrAyTeLLa

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teleport around we will find you and ban you. ur the one everyone is blaming the admin for. teleporting them around and shit.

guys if you see this guy tell us his name cos he is the one messing up the game. send a screen shot to the admin his e-mail is given when you log in.

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Oh yeah I duped all teh equipment to frame all the guys, and I did it to AU4, DE32, US2 TawTonic and a few others. ALL NZ servers are being fucked up tomorrow.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 11:43 AM, liquidGG said:

Thanks for nuking that server. Actually these shitty admins deserve it hard to get raped.

Kicking/Banning others which are raiding their tents and abusing server restart to get destroyed vehicles back and the fact they abuse massively the tent-save bug makes them even worse than those scripters.

If all hackers/scripters would focus on bringing those shitty admin servers down they would actually be a real value for the community.

Abusive Admins? - No probs, we'll call the scriptpolice. LOL

Whatever server you play on, I'll leave it alone.

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just because guys are at tents does not mean they are hacking i mean i am sure you have a tent somewhere as many people do. we cant ban people for that and i have = in front of my name but i havent been able to play for a few days due to graphic glitches we have 1 guy who has a hack who comes online if available and uses his hacks to see who is teleporting around or using items that are not in game. but even he gets killed by them because he has a basic hack. as for the chopper. we had a choper 1 night for a few hours. bones had it for a while and not sure who he gave it to oir who stole it but the next day it was gone. so not sure if the guys you mention were guys who found our chopper or hacked in their choppers after the legit in game one was destroyed. not the next chopper should be in game on the weekend i think. i forgot if its a weekly spawn or 2 or 3 week.

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Quick lesseon for ya..this ones a freebee...

Google... arma2 rcon that is a server tool for the server admins to see whos on the server.. this program also has a function to 1/ kick or ban players if found...i say again if found to be hacking,alt f4ing or abusing players as in the rules and 2/ only shutdown or restart the server....only...there is no option to teleport anyone anywhere with this tool...anyone with half a fucking brain and has managed/ran a server knows this...in no way shape or form does the server admin have anymore power especially in dayz...

As stated earlier its the virgin looser hackers that hold the power ie raining a10s, arty strike cities, teleporting, etc....if u seriously think that the server admins are to blame then your just as fucked in the head as those that think scientology is a real religion....

You ass stains need to wake up to reality and get some education in running a server then and only then will u mongaloids realise the amount of shit we have to put up with from dickheads like you....

Oh and for your info propaq and shadow are not members of that clan...and its DRN not DRM for fuck sakes at least get that right..... fucking idiots

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:00 PM, spawn said:

idiots. we had a choper for 1 day. not one of our guys have had a chopper since because its not due to spawn for another week or so nearly. every other chopper in the game since the origional has been destropyed has been hacked in. dont you realise that? so no it wasn't our chopper you guys saw.

also admins can not teleport people to debug forrest. fuck me you guys know nothing about the game clearly. only hackers can do that. if your getting teleported report hackers not the server. when you log in to the server it tells you to provide us with screen shots to proove it. if you have names and stuff tell us we will ban them.

getting raped we do yes. its easy to get raped when your not hacking.

idiots really fuck me grow a brain

Then how did the dude get banned for combat logging after engaging the chopper? If it wasn't you useless fucks, why does the 'hacker with a chopper' have admin rights to your server? Sure fire way for you to get blacklisted right there. Knowingly allowing a hacker access to your server files........

  On 8/7/2012 at 1:29 PM, spawn said:

just because guys are at tents does not mean they are hacking i mean i am sure you have a tent somewhere as many people do. we cant ban people for that and i have = in front of my name but i havent been able to play for a few days due to graphic glitches we have 1 guy who has a hack who comes online if available and uses his hacks to see who is teleporting around or using items that are not in game. but even he gets killed by them because he has a basic hack. as for the chopper. we had a choper 1 night for a few hours. bones had it for a while and not sure who he gave it to oir who stole it but the next day it was gone. so not sure if the guys you mention were guys who found our chopper or hacked in their choppers after the legit in game one was destroyed. not the next chopper should be in game on the weekend i think. i forgot if its a weekly spawn or 2 or 3 week.

So you guys DO knowingly allow a hacker to exist on your server? Is this the same one that has admin rights?

  On 8/7/2012 at 2:30 PM, DevilDog435 said:

Quick lesseon for ya..this ones a freebee...

Google... arma2 rcon that is a server tool for the server admins to see whos on the server.. this program also has a function to 1/ kick or ban players if found...i say again if found to be hacking,alt f4ing or abusing players as in the rules and 2/ only shutdown or restart the server....only...there is no option to teleport anyone anywhere with this tool...anyone with half a fucking brain and has managed/ran a server knows this...in no way shape or form does the server admin have anymore power especially in dayz...

As stated earlier its the virgin looser hackers that hold the power ie raining a10s, arty strike cities, teleporting, etc....if u seriously think that the server admins are to blame then your just as fucked in the head as those that think scientology is a real religion....

You ass stains need to wake up to reality and get some education in running a server then and only then will u mongaloids realise the amount of shit we have to put up with from dickheads like you....

Oh and for your info propaq and shadow are not members of that clan...and its DRN not DRM for fuck sakes at least get that right..... fucking idiots

Regardless of who you guys are supposed to be with your 1337 tags, I don't think the teleport accusations are linked to the server admin - but linked to the hacker that your deadshit clanmate has admitted to allowing on your server.

You guys need to get on TS/Vent/Mumble and get on the same page so that your lies at least lay the same way.

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@marksman....where in this whole shit storm of a post has it been said that a hacker in da us 360 server has the admin rights or is an admin of that server....none that i can see...your point on this is much like you a complete waste of time

While yes they probably do admit to having a someone use a hack on their server did it ever occur to you that it could have come down to fighting fire with fire..or use a hack to catch a hack...u might want to think about that for a bit and i can garantee you their probably not the only server to do it too...

Regarding the player banned after shooting someone out of a chopper....re read the fucking posts dickhead he was banned for alt f4ing cause he got shot at

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  On 8/8/2012 at 12:00 AM, DevilDog435 said:

@marksman....where in this whole shit storm of a post has it been said that a hacker in da us 360 server has the admin rights or is an admin of that server....none that i can see...your point on this is much like you a complete waste of time

I said it on the previous page (here). You guys are suggesting by your stories the admin or someone with admin access are also part of a group of hackers. What troubles me is that none of you claim to be in or near the chopper, you are trying to completely blame hackers. Yet the banned player Alt F4'd while engaging the chopper and it's crew just after it landed on the island. So that leads most intelligent people to conclude that the admin or someone with at least admin access was on the island and party to the engagement and laid down the ban from witnessing the banned players combat logging. If that is the case, shame on you. It's not about the banning, we questioned the duping and how you fixed a smoking helicopter within a short amount of time and your response was "hackers did it" which seems to be a filthy lie. There was no heli parts in the tents, only high end weapons and items. Just come out and admit you did some magic.

While yes they probably do admit to having a someone use a hack on their server did it ever occur to you that it could have come down to fighting fire with fire..or use a hack to catch a hack...u might want to think about that for a bit and i can garantee you their probably not the only server to do it too...

What the hell are you talking about? You admit "they" (admin) to having someone use a hack and are happy with it? You admit to the admin using hacks or at the least encouraging someone else to and try and justify it as fighting fire with fire? The guy you banned wasn't hacking and wasn't banned for hacking. No hacks were involved in shooting your precious heli, so how do you guys justify magically repairing your heli then?

Regarding the player banned after shooting someone out of a chopper....re read the fucking posts dickhead he was banned for alt f4ing cause he got shot at

We know why he got banned. There was some confusion at the time as to why, but it's all sorted now. Personally good on you for doing that. Before you ask, the guy you banned is neither Strike or me.

  On 8/7/2012 at 10:55 PM, stampler said:

Who really gives a shit. It is a game so move on with your lives you fucktards

Stop posting in here then??? Seems like the most logical way to stop a conversation you don't like is to stop being part of that conversation. I doubt enlarging your font and calling people silly names is going to help unless your aim is to look like a 13 yr old COD player.

  On 8/7/2012 at 2:30 PM, DevilDog435 said:

Quick lesseon for ya..this ones a freebee...

Google... arma2 rcon that is a server tool for the server admins to see whos on the server.. this program also has a function to 1/ kick or ban players if found...i say again if found to be hacking,alt f4ing or abusing players as in the rules and 2/ only shutdown or restart the server....only...there is no option to teleport anyone anywhere with this tool...anyone with half a fucking brain and has managed/ran a server knows this...in no way shape or form does the server admin have anymore power especially in dayz...

Never claimed you or anyone else in the server teleported anyone (see bottom of this post). I claimed that you magically fixed a helicopter.

As stated earlier its the virgin looser hackers that hold the power ie raining a10s, arty strike cities, teleporting, etc....if u seriously think that the server admins are to blame then your just as fucked in the head as those that think scientology is a real religion....

Completely off-topic.

None of us claimed we were being teleported anywhere. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but only two of us, Strike and me, were on the island as per the original post. Anyone else complaining about your server is separate complaints, even though we joined at one stage halfway through some thunderdome fun. Seems like you have some issues with the way you manage your server but you're all in denial and trying to blame hackers for banning people.

Oh and for your info propaq and shadow are not members of that clan

But they managed to report someone and get banned for combat logging within a short period of time?!?! Your story falls apart right there, you claim you don't have the chopper but hackers must have it, and they are using it to defend YOUR camp, and they also have the power to ban players. Unless or is it common for you guys to just hand over RCON control to any old player who joins your server? If not, do you guys know your magical RCON has been compromised by hackers? Let me guess, "fighting fire with fire" admins at work again?

...and its DRN not DRM for fuck sakes at least get that right.....

Sif we care what letters make up your little gang. You guys have just admitted being party to an admin who is content with hacking using some sort of twisted "fire with fire" moral code. We have seen, and on a few occasions engaged, at the same time players at those camps with and without tags. As far as we can tell, you have members who are not using your tags which doesn't surprise me because they are rather lame.

  On 8/7/2012 at 12:42 AM, liquidGG said:

I joined the server, got killed by some kind of hack and teleported to the debug area. Admins again abusing their powers. Gonna report this shit server.

To clarify, this guy is not associated with Strike and I. Again, out of the posters complaining about your server in here, only Strike and myself are posters from when we took down your heli. I suggest you treat their complaints as a different topic as it has nothing to do with us.

Edited by PrAyTeLLa

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  On 8/8/2012 at 12:00 AM, DevilDog435 said:

@marksman....where in this whole shit storm of a post has it been said that a hacker in da us 360 server has the admin rights or is an admin of that server....none that i can see...your point on this is much like you a complete waste of time

I'm not entirely sure you are in full control of your actions, or if this is your nerd-rage response to being caught out.

Let me see if I can clear a few things up for you.......... nice and slow like:

  1. Chopper is circling your camp 'protecting it'
  2. Chopper is flown by 'hackers' who, are in no way related to your clan, but they seem to care immensely about your tents
  3. Chopper is engaged by player
  4. Player is engaged by chopper
  5. Player alt F4's away from combat with said chopper
  6. Chopper crew ban player

Lets go back to item number 2 from here:

Chopper is flown by what you guys claim is 'hackers'.

Now back to item number 6:

Player is banned from server by chopper crew

So, as you can see (nice a clear like) the player that alt+F4'd was banned from the server by hackers. Correct?

Keep in mind that this conclusion was drawn from the words of you lovely fellows.

Any server administrator worth his salt would not associate with hackers "Fighting fire with Fire". He would review his scripts log, and forward the information onto those with the power to do something.

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  On 8/8/2012 at 12:00 AM, DevilDog435 said:

@marksman....where in this whole shit storm of a post has it been said that a hacker in da us 360 server has the admin rights or is an admin of that server....none that i can see...your point on this is much like you a complete waste of time

While yes they probably do admit to having a someone use a hack on their server did it ever occur to you that it could have come down to fighting fire with fire..or use a hack to catch a hack...u might want to think about that for a bit and i can garantee you their probably not the only server to do it too...

Regarding the player banned after shooting someone out of a chopper....re read the fucking posts dickhead he was banned for alt f4ing cause he got shot at


still face rolling your keyboard 4 pages later.

i love how your calling people idiots, retards etc, when not one of your responses to anyone makes any sense in correspondence to what they said.

Your saying the heli was controlled by hackers, the player who was banned for alt f4 engaged said heli then alt f4'd then got banned. That implys either A) an admin with hacks was in that heli or B ) admins are banning people based on what hackers are telling them.

Oh and to more point out that your full of dribble now, your last line is half about me (i shot someone out of a heli, didnt get banned) and half about the person who got banned (got shot at by a heli and alt f4'd).


Edited by StrikeGTX

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Closing this thread. It has just turned into a useless flame war and nothing productive can come out of it.

If you wish to report someone for cheating or admin abuse, you will need to create a thread in the corresponding report board following the stickied format guide.

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