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Powell (DayZ)

"Are You Sure?"

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Is it possible to add an "Are You Sure?" prompt when you hit "respawn" from the menu?

Basically I had crawled and endured all the way north without a map or compass, had acquired an awesome crossbow (which I love), found a nice, quiet water source, and everything else I need to survive; I even set up a little base.

However, I wanted to check my options when I accidentally brush the respawn option above it and dropped dead. About 10 minutes later, the session was lost before I could retrieve my gear.

I don't think I'll be playing DayZ for a while.

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There is an active suggestion in the "Suggestions" subforum about this exact thing, though it may have fallen to the second page. Search for it there and push it back to the top.

I also agree, for the record.

PS: Don't let your loss of gear push you away from DayZ if you enjoy it. Losing high end things is a fact of life, and crossbows are actually fairly common. Keep at it.

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There is an active suggestion in the "Suggestions" subforum about this exact thing' date=' though it may have fallen to the second page. Search for it there and push it back to the top.

I also agree, for the record.

PS: Don't let your loss of gear push you away from DayZ if you enjoy it. Losing high end things is a fact of life, and crossbows are actually fairly common. Keep at it.


Really? Well I checked but I guess I was too lazy to check the second page...

Sorry for clutter. Besides, more people read the General

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There is actually a search field at the bottom right of the screen, try entering it there when in the suggestion forum.

More people may read general, but Rocket goes to the suggestion forum when hes looking for suggestions.

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Is it possible to add an "Are You Sure?" prompt when you hit "respawn" from the menu?

Basically I had crawled and endured all the way north without a map or compass, had acquired an awesome crossbow (which I love), found a nice, quiet water source, and everything else I need to survive; I even set up a little base.

However, I wanted to check my options when I accidentally brush the respawn option above it and dropped dead. About 10 minutes later, the session was lost before I could retrieve my gear.

I don't think I'll be playing DayZ for a while.


I beleive you are supposed to be in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6752

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