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Server-Wide Killing/Hack

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Nothing can be done about this 'cheater' anyways because we don't have access to the server' date=' the host have changed / locked us out so there is nothing we can do until they move to a server where we can go in and access the server logs.

A lot of these servers are not up-to-date with our bans or script protection, a lot of new protection has been added in the last two days to kick these users out, but when every server isn't running the same protection it's a bit redundant.

So until the host can provide us with the proper logs that we need or access back to RDP there is sadly not much to do, and relifing a character is a lot more time on our side when that user can simply find the gear they lost within about the same time it takes us to relife them.

Let this be a future note to all the server admins that don't provide us with access to the logs or anything. If you want to get rid of cheaters then you need to stay up-to-date with what we provide and give us some sort of access to check logs daily for new cheaters.


Alot of the server hosts don't follow the guidelines you give them because:

1. They've never been given them.

2. They don't know where to find them.

I've been hosting dayz servers for about 2 weeks now, and most of my experience with getting everything up and running correctly was from information I collected from other server admins, and asking in IRC. The "Setup Guide" that was send to some server hosts is HORRIBLY outdated, and even many of the links in it don't even work anymore. I think I speak for everyone when I say that the server hosting support is REALLY disorganized right now, and it's probably because you guys work 23 hour days on developing this experiment.

I know I've posted about this a million times now, but have you guys considered setting up a Volunteer Server Admin support team? Mojo had posted about setting one up a few days ago, and many people have been going to him and I for help. I know for a fact that there are guys better suited to handle those things then the Development team. I've been told myself by some of you guys; Your Developers, Not Engineers. I really think a Server support group can streamline managing the server community, and take a lot of work off your plates. You have plenty of people willing to help.

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EDIT 2: Ok, so this turns out to be a bug. It was just this guy killing people in debug forest, so it never actually affected actual characters.

This just happened on one of the servers I joined, didn't catch the name, but these kills took place within just one minute of each other. I was one of them.


EDIT: The name of the server was Dallas 11, I believe.

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Hey Guys

Just read a report of this happening on my server last night as well DE4 is the one I run!

I am sure you guys have dev access to it...

If not I can get the logs for you.. It happened around 11.30pm GMT...

Unfortuntaley I wasn't on at the time it occured!

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Was just on US2 server approx 5.50pm AEST entire server was killed amd now stuck at waiting for response.

Could be a total conincendence, but just before we were all killed a player Ironpants said "thanks for all the help guys :P" but like i said could be a coincidence. Sorry didn't get a screen shot or anythign like that.

Just to add, just spawned into another server and I've been rolled back to where I was when I first logged into US2 so maybe it's not a hack.

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Just occurred on Dallas 20 (everyone was killed at the same time.) Not angry about it--just wanted to offer a heads-up. Hoping the aforementioned security flaws are patched up in the near future.

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I am guessing the people complaining here and reporting these issues might be some of the huge set of posters on these forums who have never played much or even any ARMA besides this mod. Maybe you should just read the forums rather than posting "please help me" "fix this bug" posts when in actual fact if you had any proper experience long term of the game (not DayZ but the GAME ARMA II) then you would know that many of the bugs have been in ARMA II forever and are not particular to DayZ. I have been playing on servers for years in all kinds of missions and mods and hackers are commonplace - usually of the grief'er variety where they come on a happy server and just ruin it for everyone. Solution? Restart server, respawn, do as best as you can and just move on. Leave the DayZ team alone for christ's sakes. I cannot believe they even bother replying to these posts as they are doing their work for no profit (yet, we hope!) and can only achieve so much with their time.

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If you stop playing simply because you died with nice stuff, you should probably stop playing this mod altogether, because you're going to die a LOT.

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If you stop playing simply because you died with nice stuff' date=' you should probably stop playing this mod altogether, because you're going to die a LOT.


Heh. This is the first post on the forums for me, wow. I guess it took that.

Anyways, the reason I'm (and I'm sure others are equally) so annoyed about this is because it's not something I had control over. Or even the skill of another player. I had survived for a good 20 days. (Minus one laggy incident where I tapped the respawn key by accident) I'd gotten over 1300 zombie kills total, and a good 10-20 player kills (bandits, usually). A lot of effort was put into surviving that long, it was by no means luck. I had pretty much every piece of equipment in the game (NVGs/GPS/Rangefinder/all the basic stuff), and a damn good weapon (mk48). There have been multiple instances where I've lost things, or even died in my earlier days. (Dragunov NSVD/Coyote pack large/tents that have disappeared/etc...) That, though, was the result of known bugs, and an obvious risk that I was willing to take. Logging into a server and getting instantly killed due to a hack or a glitch was not a risk I was willing to take. My first reaction was that the Dev's would restore my character without a problem. That's clearly not the case. Or, at least that's not what it appears like as I've been reading through this thread. I wouldn't even be annoyed if I was killed by a player. Hell, it would mean I could play for a while without being paranoid about every player I came across. It's the fact that I was killed by a glitch, or bug, lost all my things, then ran all the way back to my corpse (we're talking near elektro to far above the NW airfield) to find that my corpse had disappeared as well just made things worse.

So, no, the reason I (and as I said, probably others) would stop playing this mod is because the devs seemed to look at our posts say "Well, that would take too long, so no. sorry." And move on. Pretty much ignoring the countless hours I've put in the game, telling us to deal with it, and move on. Not cool.

Remember the old site where you could petition directly to get your character restored? Yeah, I remember that too.

Not sure if I answered your post or anything, but I felt like this needed to be said.

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Come on Valcha, you're going to die eventually. I was at about the same place you were the first time I got hacked, and I started over. Got up to around 1300 zed kills again after that, good gear, everything I could ever want, and then got raped by a buggy bush. Then I started again, got some good stuff, played for a few more days, finally found another GPS, then I got hacked again in the attacks yesterday.

The reason behind my death sucks, but if a developer takes time out to respawn me with all of the gear, kills, etc. that I had, it's going to take time away from further development of the mod- up to and including figuring out a way to prevent hacks like this from occuring. I hope you'll realize that sometimes these things happen, unfortunate as it is, and the best thing we can do is report it, hope they catch the perp, and move on with a new life, because time, gear, kills- it's all re-obtainable.

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Well, of course it is. My gripe is not with me dying, it's just with the reason for my death. Copying files man? I mean, yeah, it's going to take some time, but in a case like this, I really think that's essential. Yes, it's definitely all re-obtainable, but the effort that goes into obtaining those things is starting to outweigh the benefits. I mean, if this can happen again, why should I clock in another 200 hours? I see it as the hacker mainly winning in this case, considering multiple servers were just wiped.

Admittedly, I was a little more annoyed than I should have been when I wrote that. And, any displeasure I expressed against the devs was not intended. I just feel as if this hasn't been handled well. And, as I said earlier, why should I bother working my way up again if this can so easily happen? I mean, I'm just better off grabbing a CZ and spending my time PKing, as opposed as actually trying to survive.

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The issue has been reported and needs to be fixed. happened to everyone on DE4 last night, just the once. The respawn with 50 people on the coast was a fun metagame, but its a bug/hack, so squish it.

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Would it be possible to roll back that server (DE 4)?

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Would it be possible to roll back that server (DE 4)?

Also Dallas 20.

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Yep, had the same thing happen to me. and I seen five other people die within seconds after me.

No one was around me and there was not gun shots or sound I was instantly dead.

There is nothing to video or screen shot but maybe the list of names on the server.

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Never happened to me, but if it would i would love to smack someones skull right open, so guys who lost their gear im with you 100 procent! Dev or admins, must take time to restore the stuff, 5 min vs 200 hours ? Seriosly? If you don't hav enough resorses hire a guy just to do exactly that FFS! Even why hire, take a dedicated FAN(there are lots of them here) and teach him how to do this stuff! Im really not the person to tell you how to do your jobs!

Sorry for a bit of hate but i really feel the pain of those people!

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Never happened to me' date=' but if it would i would love to smack someones skull right open, so guys who lost their gear im with you 100 procent! Dev or admins, must take time to restore the stuff, 5 min vs 200 hours ? Seriosly? If you don't hav enough resorses hire a guy just to do exactly that FFS! Even why hire, take a dedicated FAN(there are lots of them here) and teach him how to do this stuff! Im really not the person to tell you how to do your jobs!

Sorry for a bit of hate but i really feel the pain of those people!


Hire a guy? THIS IS A _MOD_! No-one is getting paid for the time they are putting in!

On top of that; this _MOD_ is in ALPHA TESTING! The database might be completely wiped once the mod enters beta or release.

Yeah, it really sucks you guys died and lost your stuff, but personally i think it's more important they find the bug that causes this and who abused it rather than spend hours resurrecting people...

If 4 full servers were affected, that's 200 players. 5 minutes per player ~1000 minutes. 1000 minutes = ~17 hours.

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I know nothing about internal architecture of database, engine and tools, but somehow I wonder, won't 17 hours be enough to write some handy utility to help with resurections to minimize time from 5 mins to 20 secs or less? I realy think, that this kind of software will come in handy more then once during lifetime of DayZ, which, hopefully, be many more years from now.

If my POV dosn't fit in current state of the system, then excuse me, no harm intended.

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I'm mainly noticing these reports for servers we don't have access to so it leads me to believe the script protection is out dated.

The script protection that we have keeps the majority out, some have learned what to use and what not to use, sadly. No matter what they use it will be logged, may not kick them, but it will be logged and eventually detected.

New information is going to be posted soon to help these servers out.. In the mean time just bare with us. There isn't much we can do when host(s) sort of lock us out of certain parts, and i'm not saying it as in it's all their fault because its not. It is extremely hard for us to keep track of oh what is it now? 250+ servers? and to communicate effectively with all of the server hosts is quite hard..


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