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Server-Wide Killing/Hack

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Server: Chicago 6

Time: Just now, approximately 4:25PM CST.

What happened: Everyone on the server just died, presumably as the result of a hacker whose identity is unknown. Bummer... I guess it could also just be technical issues with HIVE, but figured I'd report it and this seemed like the best place.

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i can confirm this, i was on the same server.

it was pretty wierd everyone just died. i hope we get our character back cause this is just so unfair.

ign name : [NmsMx] JodaDaMArsian

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There will be no character resets unless you guys have taken screenshots or videos of any of the event or player list we can't prove this happened. We can't just reset everyone without proof

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is there no way to look up the server records? over 60 players died that should pop up?!

due the confusion and rage wich made me close the damn game i forgot to take a bloody screenshot.

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I had the same sudden death for no reason with a mate, not server-wide tho

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Each relife takes about 5 minutes of development time unfortunately.

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well, sad to hear that. i hope u do ur best to relife us cause it would mean alot to me if i could play again. Also it could be awsome to prevent things like this in the future.

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You can play again you just need to respawn, but when we have 25 emails a day saying "EMERGENCY HACKER ON SERVER X", most of them are people just being silly. We need screenshots of the player list and what bad things happened. So we can actually act on them and triage them effectively

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I sympathize with losing your progress to a hacker but you shouldn't let it affect you too deeply. Death in Day Z comes hard and fast even in the most optimal of circumstances. Whether through Zeds, bandits, falling off balconies or the odd server hiccup that makes it impossible to bandage your hemorrhaging jugular. Stuff's going to happen. Evidence helps but in the end it's probably best to find another server. :/

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Another one


Not server wide but still the same thing. Maybe its a bug of some kind

Can anyone confirm there won't be revive anymore ? Me and my friend and not playing anymore waiting for a possible revive, we really had a hell lot of stuff but we would understand, this is still alpha after all !

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Man, I lucked out/became an instant target at the medical camp near Balota airstrip. Coyote Backpack (24 slot), M4A1 with four magazines + tons of other crap. Getting re-geared is easy enough, point being- it's just frustrating to die not due to any fault of my own, not even because a door broke my legs or something silly like that.

YodadaJew: I'm sure these incidents either are being or will be looked into- I mean, check out the darwin thread of permabans. Don't worry about justice being done, I'm sure it will be. As far as the developers taking time out of working on the mod to respawn you, me, and god knows how many other victims of the hack with all of our stuff? Not likely.

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If I was to go in and do the relife, it would delay the update. That's probably what the hackers want.

There is little I can do about that, the hackers are exploiting holes in the ArmA2/BE system. We know what these are and will patch them as they are identified. Unless you know what you are doing, it is quite difficult. The guys that do it now are pretty knowledgeable, but for the average user these kinds of hacks are not easy to do.

Generally we haven't found that the hackers are doing something deliberately stupid like killing a whole server, because it gets attention, shows in the logs and the database and we then have data to patch in the ArmA2 game beta's. The smart hackers are staying below the radar. Well, that's what I'd do anyway.

It will change a lot in the future when we lock everything down, compile all the SQF's etc... so they can't be injected. At the moment the main approach is just to collect the IP's, GUIDs, etc... into a list and later we'll process the data with GameSpy and BIS.

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YodadaJew, Right I'm really sorry I don't have the time to look into everything, I wish I could. I don't make any money out of DayZ yet it is taking up roughly 18 hours a day of my time, the rest is spent sleeping and eating and gathering supplies for sitting at my PC for the 18 hours.

I can understand you are aggrieved by me not reliving you but if I do it for you, I have to do it for EVERY OTHER person now on those four servers thats up to 200 people. Each taking 5 mins, that is over ten hours work.

I'm sorry but I have to draw the line somewhere as do the rest of the team, it really doesn't help our morale when we get people being arsy with us because we aren't omnipotent and able to instantly deal with hackers on servers with no evidence.

If you could link me to the four other server issues I will look into it and try and catch these hackers.

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Nothing can be done about this 'cheater' anyways because we don't have access to the server, the host have changed / locked us out so there is nothing we can do until they move to a server where we can go in and access the server logs.

A lot of these servers are not up-to-date with our bans or script protection, a lot of new protection has been added in the last two days to kick these users out, but when every server isn't running the same protection it's a bit redundant.

So until the host can provide us with the proper logs that we need or access back to RDP there is sadly not much to do, and relifing a character is a lot more time on our side when that user can simply find the gear they lost within about the same time it takes us to relife them.

Let this be a future note to all the server admins that don't provide us with access to the logs or anything. If you want to get rid of cheaters then you need to stay up-to-date with what we provide and give us some sort of access to check logs daily for new cheaters.

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YodadaJew' date=' Right I'm really sorry I don't have the time to look into everything, I wish I could. I don't make any money out of DayZ yet it is taking up roughly 18 hours a day of my time, the rest is spent sleeping and eating and gathering supplies for sitting at my PC for the 18 hours.

I can understand you are aggrieved by me not reliving you but if I do it for you, I have to do it for EVERY OTHER person now on those four servers thats up to 200 people. Each taking 5 mins, that is over ten hours work.

I'm sorry but I have to draw the line somewhere as do the rest of the team, it really doesn't help our morale when we get people being arsy with us because we aren't omnipotent and able to instantly deal with hackers on servers with no evidence.

If you could link me to the four other server issues I will look into it and try and catch these hackers.




and this thread.

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Thanks for the replies mates, I totally understand, 5min per revive per person is obviously impossible as of now more and more people come playing.

Maybe you should state clearly that you don't revive anymore ? And ask ppl to give as much details about how they died / what happened, screenshots server name, date/hour etc

Some people will keep whining about those issues but some others are willing to help you on this awesome project even if they can't dev at all, reporting issues is a good start.

Thanks for the awesome work so far, I'm looking forward to the futur of this mod.

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I've resisted the "no revive" announcement, which we have considered for a long time. But we want to help people as much as we can. So most of us will try and do at least 5 or 6 revives a day. We do as many as time allows.

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Sad DayZ. I guess I'll start screen recording everything I do! Haha. This also happened on server Chicago 4, about an hour or 2 ago.

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Yeah, everyone should be forced to read the thread about the fact that it is alpha, and what that entails. Between that and a spat of rampant PKing I don't even care about relifing at all.

Starter gear is fun to roll with anyways; fresh start = new approach, start gear = no caremad.

Makes way more sense for you guys to fix the cause than the effect; and updates/patches for that are for the whole community greatly outweigh taking time to relife a few people.

I'd also like to say how awesome you folks are; the game & community is in great hands with awesome people like you lot.

Also inb4 "mass nuking of countries would happen irl"

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Also inb4 "mass nuking of countries would happen irl"

But I'm like a human cockroach, I'd survive a nuke IRL.

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