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Toggle Run Inconsistent

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I've come across a very frequent and life threatening problem ever since I started playing DayZ. To toggle auto run, you need to press shift twice. To run manually, you hold down shift for as long as you please. This seems like a very simple control, but I'm having a very frustrating issue with this particular control. 5 minutes into my game, my toggle run and manual run will stop working, as if my shift key is broken. I double tap shift and nothing works, I hold down shift and get no movement. I try to repeatedly mash the shift key in hopes that I can start running again. To no avail, I'm left off having to double tap W to sprint. I want to survive, but when the only way to move is by 100% sprinting, I won't last very long. It's almost as if my shift key dies mysteriously, but I know for a fact it's not my shift key. I will be crouch running or sprinting rarely from time to time and of course I'll stop and pick up loot. After a short amount of time in-game, the toggle run and manual run with the shift key just dies on me. I'll sometimes have a zombie targeting me and when I try to crouch run away, all of a sudden my toggle run/manual run dies and I find my self mashing the shift key while my character slowly walks in sneak mode. To remedy this constant issue, I just disconnect from my current server and reconnect and it starts to work again. But as always, this issue keeps on coming back, mostly during the most unfortunate times.

I want to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue and/or if you know how to permanently resolve this issue. Thank you for reading my post, and I also appreciate the time you used to read my post. Any information about this issue I'm having, I would very much appreciate your input in a reply below.

Thanks again for reading, and as always, happy surviving!

~ Mike

Edited by Mphlol

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