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Rising (DayZ)

Death needs penalties. Suggestions welcome

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If you add character progression, you punish new players. It's one thing to force someone to play smarter each time. It's another to force people to play longer each time. Character progression makes this an RPG where you get better at things because the computer says so, not because you, as a player, got smarter or faster on the draw or more clever.

Every multiplayer game is a game of King of the Hill. By having people who play longer get better skills, you increase the steepness of that hill. So the guys on the top can sit back and relax while the guys on the bottom keep sliding right off before they can even make an attempt to knock them off. This is not the way to go.

Edited by BazBake

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just make it so that tents owned by your player de spawn upon your death.

Locking me out of a game i paid to play just because i died, yeah sure. Please remember that this is a game and not real life. What you are suggesting is that people should be too affraid to do anything fun and simply sit in the forest eating beans and drinking coke, too afraid to ever enter cherno, stary or electro on the off chance that they might be shot. i like that you lose all your stuff when you die and to be honest you will have to spend a good half hour to get real decent gear once you spawn. i dont want to be afriad of playing the game. i already think twice before entering somewhere dangerous, it would not be any fun if i had to sit there for half an hour judging whether i can actually afford it because apparently i will have to wait an hour to be allowed to play again.

TL;DR - No thanks.

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If you add character progression, you punish new players. It's one thing to force someone to play smarter each time. It's another to force people to play longer each time. Character progression makes this an RPG where you get better at things because the computer says so, not because you, as a player, got smarter or faster on the draw or more clever.

Every multiplayer game is a game of King of the Hill. By having people who play longer get better skills, you increase the steepness of that hill. So the guys on the top can sit back and relax while the guys on the bottom keep sliding right off before they can even make an attempt to knock them off. This is not the way to go.

That is ONLY true if this progression would mean any player is less likely to die from a hatched in the chest or a bullit to the cranium, and obviously no sane person would ever include such a thing in DayZ ... with that your whole argument goes down the drain, all progression does is make it suck more that you die, and that's exactly what is needed. New people are actually less punished, seeing they haven't had time to progress...

So basically you assume some sort of Progression that you fear the most, and use that to dismiss something that may happen to use the correct term but has nowhere near the results you fear. I won't draw conclusions, but something tells me that you just don't want to die and feel realy bummed loosing all that progress you made, then again i can be wrong... here read this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/66500-full-character-progression-compilation-thread/ and tell me what you think

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Random idea I'm throwing into the mix;

After dying you cannot play on that server for 24 hours. So instead of die, respawn, find tent, back in the fight. It's die, swap servers, start fresh.

The player could still pack their loot into a tent on a different server for safety, but it would be a deterant to many.

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I think things like player bounties he wants the players to create their own in game system. for e.g. post something on the forums and offer a reward. I think things like this may be implemented more easily when the actual site is up for the standalone.

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Not a good idea. Why? Because it will hurt the ones dieing the most, that is, the noobs who don't know how to stay away from Sniper Alley above Elektro, and similar such places. The griefer snipers are the ones who would be least affected, since they only bring death, but don't suffer it so much themselves.

Clearly, griefers should be nerfed in some way, but making an already rampant problem an even bigger one is not the solution.

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when you die, you loose everything you have on you. good enough?

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when you die, you loose everything you have on you. good enough?

Not when everything you had on you is easily attainable again within a 30min - 1 hour. And especially not when you have friends who can guard your body and let you get everything back withing a few minutes. And especially especially not when you have tents and vehicles set up with even more gear out in the woods.

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Reading through these posts it seems to me like your suggesting being ALIVE be made harsher. I agree...you shouldn't be able to loot your own corpse. Zombies should be able to run indoors, the fact that they can't sort of makes them irrelevant and makes it ridiculously easy to sprint through a town and geared up.

You really can't give anymore "penalty" for death...except maybe taking out bandage away. I play third person so the painkillers are irrelevant and I've never used my flashlight so those are useless to me anyway. Starting without a baind-aid brand adhesive strip ;) would suck though

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Personally losing all your stuff is pretty bad. Most people don't have tents stocked with stuff, like me. I got all the best stuff in the game really and I don't have a base at all. Dying would be dramatic, but I would get over it

it is really a pointless exercise, until the hacking is prevented and security of the servers is re-established. Right as it stands I have gotten myself geared up three times with over 200 kills Zombie) only to be on a server as it was hacked. Why penalise the players who are doing the right thing and for no other reason then being on a server when it was hacked -last time It has happened to me was thismorning US 4445 approx 1030 am GMT +9.5

Character Parker Hale (if the Server admin can roll back the toon it would be sweet ;) )

Edited by Chopper

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it is really a pointless exercise, until the hacking is prevented and security of the servers is re-established. Right as it stands I have gotten myself geared up three times with over 200 kills Zombie) only to be on a server as it was hacked. Why penalise the players who are doing the right thing and for no other reason then being on a server when it was hacked -last time It has happened to me was thismorning US 4445 approx 1030 am GMT +9.5

Character Parker Hale (if the Server admin can roll back the toon it would be sweet ;) )

The server I play on is my friend's. It's most the time low pop and if there's a hacker barely anyone will die. Last hacker I saw shot me in the back insta killing me at NWAF, then killed 7 more people there. One of our guys killed him. It was a hell of a fight with a lot of bodies to loot from.

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I think dying on a high populated server is punishment enough as it is right now, it gives me the shits sitting at my computer for 20 minutes while the game loads.

That sure as hell discourages me from PvP.

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well I got geared up again, and low and behold another hacker. this time in two 4WD's. I emptied a magazine into the first vehicle killing the driver, then went after the second driver who got out with a M107 and blew me away without taking a site picture of me.... something really needs to be done and ARMA claiming that having free reign on scripting so devs can saboutage other mods is bullshit.

Rocket and team, more needs to be done to protect your project. Do something about this FFS!

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If you add character progression, you punish new players. It's one thing to force someone to play smarter each time. It's another to force people to play longer each time. Character progression makes this an RPG where you get better at things because the computer says so, not because you, as a player, got smarter or faster on the draw or more clever.

Every multiplayer game is a game of King of the Hill. By having people who play longer get better skills, you increase the steepness of that hill. So the guys on the top can sit back and relax while the guys on the bottom keep sliding right off before they can even make an attempt to knock them off. This is not the way to go.

If new players die before they aquire skills how does it make death worse for them? I think there should be a point buy bank that only refills every 24h to punish new players also but skills would have a much harsher effect on characters that have aquired them. This could also deter simple DM as a player would run out of skill points to use from their bank and if skills included weapon skills their combat ability would be negatively effected. Point buy also ensures that players can start off with the character they want, build the character they want, and that newbs aren't starting from zero. With specialization older characters may also be more friendly as they may have need of certain skills, ie medics, engineers, foragers, etc. Also as it was pointed out to you skill systems would not add "health" or other standard RPG/MMORPG type of stats, thus even the oldest IG characters would be just as vulnerable as a noob. This makes skills mainly another opportunity to turn up the stakes even higher and give death more impact while maintaining immersion/authenticity.

Not when everything you had on you is easily attainable again within a 30min - 1 hour. And especially not when you have friends who can guard your body and let you get everything back withing a few minutes. And especially especially not when you have tents and vehicles set up with even more gear out in the woods.

With hacks you can't speak for everyone but gathering supplies, making a base, and establishing yourself/group is what alot of the gameplay is about I think if you remove the ability to do this you remove alot of the game play and additional emergent game play that this hording behaviour creates. (Like buying tent locations etc)

Also I view these things as a players ability in a sandbox environment to control their own destiny, if you really hate starting w/nothing and being unarmed then work hard get a tent set up a base/horde and your set. Now your next character is a prepper. I prefer this to people bitching on the forums about not having a weapon at spawn, take care of it yourself you have the oppertunity....

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I love the idea of a bounty system, when you kill somebody you gain a bounty witch if somebody kills you they will resieve whatever bounty you have racked up. Maybe a moral system too that will indicated players who are bandits. Also a machanic thats makes your life more valuble sounds good, maybe something like when you die your next chariter will respawn with less blood or some kind of death penalty that resets after however many hours. Also their need to be someway of knowing who killed you, it doesnt even tell you.

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You should get gear when you respawn (pistol,ammo,canteen and food) then the longer you have survived on the game for your longest atempt the better your pistol and amount of ammo you have. To a choice of upgrading your gun or ammo supply's.

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the problem with dayz right now is the absolutely high amount of people sniping out of boredom. killing in this game is just fucking eazy and lame with a .50. Killing needs to be harder. Way harder. This game has a huge penalty for death and killing should be balanced accordingly

Edited by EaGLe

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Punishing the guy who die is only going to reenforce the violence of the game. I had a proposal earlier of a simplified "karma" system where each person you kill add 15 minutes of penality to your next respawn.

Where kill is, anyone who dies from your hands, or from the zombie hands and was first wounded by you.

It's arbitrary and doesn't affect the game, doesn't prevent killing, but puts a cost on it.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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Punishing the guy who die os only going to reenforce the violence of the game. I had a proposal earlier of a simplified "karma" system where each person you kill add 5 minutes of penality to your next respawn.

Where kill is, anyone who dies from your hands, or from the zombie hands and was first wounded by you.

It's arbitrary and doesn't affect the game, doesn't prevent killing, but puts a cost on it.

Or they could get crabs when they die, they would randomly scratch their crotch making aiming difficult.

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getting rid of the tents and vehicle storage makes no sense if anything they need to limit the tents to 2 primary's 2 secondary's and about 30-40 spaces food ammo med's etc and make it so the player can only have 1 tent a life period that would make for a lot less hoarding and a lot less flooding of weapons i personally have everything i need but i don't go to the coast i bounce between NE airfield, stary sobor and NW airfield and take down the people who actually manage to make it north off the coast

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Rocket has already mentioned giving players more options and choices giving each individual player more value alive then dead. The only punishment that should be implemented is a bounty system, anything else would be plain ridiculous. You have to be held accountable for your actions if the other players deem it necessary, its getting a bit annoying hearing people complain about people just killing other people, if you dont want to die play the game correctly, there is a reason it is a survival game, that itself is most of the rush of playing the game. Anything else would just be changing the game too much and making it unrealistic and annoying.

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Why the hell should there be a bounty system ? Most of the time you dont even know who killed you.

Where is the organisation that assigns these bounties in a post apocalyptic wasteland ?

Where is the communication infra structure to tell people who has a bounty ?

How do you identify who has a bounty you cant even tell who someone is without talking to them?

Edited by Strategos

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