[email protected] 1 Posted August 6, 2012 The entire player base of the world of online gaming is an absolute disgrace. The majority of people I encounter in ANY game just makes me shake my head. I wouldn't single this game out. Someone nailed it on the head earlier, tryhards who can not accept losing and will do anything at their disposal to win, are the plague of the entire community. Cheating, exploiting and scripting become 'part of the game' for them and to defend themselves, they say "oh it's just a game, don't take it so seriously br0. trolololo" Cocky little douche-bags that ruin the gaming experience for other people.Yeah, it's juse a game. The point of ANY game, video game or not, is to have fun, be challenged and have a sense of accomplishment, whether you win or lose. I'm sure these are the same kids that cheated at board games growing up and had/have other kids do their homework for them. Their only sense of accomplishment is instant gratification without putting in any work or effort. Over time, they become bored with the game and move on to the next latest and greatest game to ruin more people's gaming experience. Any game that poses no challenge becomes boring. We're just catching waves of them. They don't care if they'll be banned or not, they can say they beat DayZ.Another type of douche-bag that plagues the gaming community are the griefers that only have fun at the cost of other's enjoyment. Often times still using cheats, but not always. But in DayZ, these are the server-killers, the teleporters, object spawners... They just get off on being a pain in the ass. These are the lowest form of scum in the world of gaming. They should have their larynx ripped from their throat, their fingers individually severed from their hands with a rusty steak knife and their balls processed through a meat grinder.Now I'm sure I'll be trolled upon by mr 'I'M SO HARDCORE I SHOOT PUPPETS ON A COMPUTER SCREEN" guy; you're just an idiot, that's all I'm going to entertain you with.Personally for me, getting on topic with some of the other posts here. Yes, Alt+F4 is lame, I consider it an exploit. I consider exploits cheats. I agree with people who say that if you can't handle a perma-death game, don't play a perma-death game. Yeah, having cool things is nice. I've had NVGs, I've had a coyote pack. I don't have them any more, but the fun of this game is the adventure that brings you to those awesome items. I can not get mad at starting over. Just last night, I was pretty well geared, at the NW Airfield, starting to get bored with only looking for new guns. Then I got killed. For the first time in over a week now, I popped back up in Elektro and had fun gearing myself out again. I don't think that anyone who feels any different should be playing this game. That's just like... my opinion.. man. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vipala 32 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) I have to agree, in 15 years of online gaming, this is by far the worst community I have ever seen.pretty much lolBut this game just encourages that so i dont mind. Edited August 6, 2012 by Vipala Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vipala 32 Posted August 6, 2012 I hope they wipe the database once they finally fix the tent duping exploitsRocket has said that nothing can be done about it.. kinda makes you wonder why even continue with development in that case ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZlobaRUS54 441 Posted August 6, 2012 Rocket has said that nothing can be done about it.. kinda makes you wonder why even continue with development in that case ?The mod is a test platform for game mechanics and features that will go into the standalone later. Once the engine is decoupled from the arma brand rocket will be ableto crack down on the cheaters and xploiters. I can't wait to taste their delicious tears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SponceUK 24 Posted August 6, 2012 Maybe there should be a little message when someone Alt-F4'sFred was killedBob is a Pussy - he Alt-F4'd - he accidently dropped all his equipment.I actually really like that idea! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 6, 2012 I wish some of you could see this game through the eyes of a 30+ yr old gamerSo many of you appreciate so very little. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erik (DayZ) 61 Posted August 6, 2012 I have to agree, in 15 years of online gaming, this is by far the worst community I have ever seen.I'm quite sure you haven't played League of Legends then. ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haviv[3rdid] 57 Posted August 6, 2012 I dislike the community because of the fact that 99% are willing to kill any player even if they're harmless/friendly.They aren't cheating. They aren't alt-f4'ing. They are just playing DayZ the way it's meant to be played and you still have a problem with it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wyre 3 Posted August 8, 2012 I'm 30+ gamer safely on the way to my 40's and been gamer since I was a little kid on my dragon32 and atari 2600 so I can appreciate how much it has to offer. Even compared to modern releases it is one of the few to favour complex play, proper sandbox structure rather than so called sandbox games which are sandbox worlds but with linear missions throughout. Even the ones that are bit more open tend to just be a choice of linear progressions.Due to the style I think it probably will even out with the griefers and casual players who exploit will die off in time and move on where arma/op flash base will stick around keeping community going the way it always has. Eventually it will be harder for them to exploit too with the standalone being on the cards now and Rocket having access to engine side changes now due to BIS backing so they'll get bored fast. There will always be some level of cheats but it won't be that bad.Bloody hell crysis and the like where much much much worse. I saw cheats on every server and no attempt to fix (having many values set client side was downright silly). Sad fact of life is as multiplayer expands these days due to increases in available bandwidth games can support more players; I'm talkin about small private server model not the MMO style massive servers. Also cheaper providers etc means multi playerbase grows too and as any player base grows so wil lthe chances of encountering the griefers and immature (not necessarily age thing) player along with those more suited and experienced with MoH and CoD shooters that appeal to the lazy short attention span base who would rather alt-F4 than see death as part of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Fartus 61 Posted August 8, 2012 You think the playerbase is bad? Try interacting with the mongoloids on this forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites