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What, do I smell or something?

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Hello survivors,

Been playing for almost two weeks now; after a brief two deaths at the hands and teeth of some very hungry civilians I thought a greater touch of common sense was required. I figured grabbing supplies and whatever else then surging for the wide open spaces would be my tactic in the real world so why not do it here. In those two weeks, I've slowly gathered a very nice bunch of supplies, a trusty side-arm and an AKM, chosen over a couple of alternatives because the AK doesn't jam ;) works under water and all that.

To move on to the point of this topic, I've yet to encounter any (live) survivors. I found a corpse (armed to the teeth but I felt bad about taking it, so I just took the satnav and moved on!) but just no other players. I've explored both of the northern airfields vigorously, cherno, and the stary sobor place. Today I even got lonely and started popping flares and smoke on the NW airfield in the hope of some company but nothing. =( I think people are avoiding me.*waits for silence*

Happy trailblazing.

- Merke

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BANG!!!!! :o

You will know wise one, you will know!!! ;)

The force is strong with this one!! <_<

Edited by Itchy

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Normally on servers with 30+. Don't trust my PC with any higher. Though looking around these forums, it would almost seem a blessing that I haven't found anyone else?

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Go to Cherno or Elektro and just sit in the middle of the town killing zombies. Someone will find you, don't worry.

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225 square kilometers and only 50 players. That means if there is only one player in each square kilometer you have a 1 in 4.5 chance of being in that square if there are actually 50 players. However, just because you are in the same square doesn't mean you can see them.

I rarely see players myself. Part of it is taking the time to sit and wait and watch for players. Usually I am traveling and exploring and I'm not always looking side to side and behind me to see what's going on. The more crowded the server the more I do that but it's still easy to miss something.

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Try hunting with an unsilenced weapon and see if anyone finds you. I've been shot while gutting a goat and I've found players who have shot animals as well (didn't kill them though just let them run on by).

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If you want to see players then go to Cherno....actually, no you won't see that sniper who put a bullet through your skull :)

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Im playing on pretty low populated server lately (12-20ppl), but we constantly bump into other players. Just today I was running on the hill in the treeline when I saw a wookie running towards me. I f*nig panicked and popped several shots into him. I think he D/C'ed because I haven't found his body. So yeah, it's all about luck (or unluck :) ).

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