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Weapon/Tool suggestion: Flare gun

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Weapon/Tool name: Flare gun

What does it do?: It can do 2 things, 1st There needs to be two ammo types for it. 1 for signaling your position, (like flares usually work) and second ammo type is what could only be useful at night, what it does is when you shoot it in the air, it lights the area around you while it is slowly falls down.

Lets look at the Pros and Cons shall we?


You can see better.

You won't walk into zombies if in a town.

Need to signal your friends of danger? No problem, pop a flare.

Easier to find.


Other people can see it too and find you.

Not useful at daylight.

I do not know how bright the signaling flare would be at daylight though.

Anyways, Ill keep it short and simple for now. Feel free to suggest more Pros and Cons.


Edited by MrMissalot
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If it was done in like a vietnam style manner that would be awesome. I.e. you fire it into the air and it very slowly falls, lighting the area for 15-30 seconds. I suppose a second mode that is FAR brighter, but burns out very quickly (Shoots up and goes dead in 5 seconds?) for signaling and not a light source would be awesome.

You sir have my beans.

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Weapon/Tool name: Flare gun

What does it do?: It can do 2 things, 1st There needs to be two ammo types for it. 1 for signaling your position, (like flares usually work) and second ammo type is what could only be useful at night, what it does is when you shoot it in the air, it lights the area around you up.

Lets look at the Pros and Cons shall we?


You can see better.

You won't walk into zombies if in a town.

Need to signal your friends of danger? No problem, pop a flare.


Other people can see it too and find you.

Not useful at daylight.

I do not know how bright the signaling flare would be at daylight though.

Anyways, Ill keep it short and simple for now. Feel free to suggest more Pros and Cons.


I do believe they have flares for the m203, not sure why you'd need a stand alone flare gun.

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The second type of flare exists for weapons with a grenade launcher already btw ;).

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Actually flarerockets that could be found only at docks and lighthouses would be splendid. They would be rare, but they would allow non-grenadelauncher players to use aerial flares too.

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Actually flarerockets that could be found only at docks and lighthouses would be splendid. They would be rare, but they would allow non-grenadelauncher players to use aerial flares too.

Yeah, besides it might be easier to find flare guns than the grenade launcherflare. (probably only place you can find that grenade launcher is NW airfield?)

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