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When will this game have consequence for player killing?

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OP, in real life, if I shot you in the head in the woods in the middle of a zombie apocolypse, no one would even fucking know or care. They would have infinitely larger concerns.


Welcome to the wild wild west. Where the only law is the one you carry on your hip.

Edited by Ozelot

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"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results".

shoot unarmed players


shoot unarmed players


shoot unarmed players


shoot unarmed players


hmmm yer kos is insanity

lolz keeeeep reding!

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Hobbes' state of nature: life is poor, solitary, nasty, brutish and short. The only things which you have are the things you can keep others from taking from you. This includes your life. The consequence for killing another player on sight is the loss of a potential ally against others who would take from or kill you. This is the extreme that the game could be played at if you are looking for real emotion to be tied to your game experience and are striving to live no matter what. Most players are not doing this (and nothing is wrong with that), and could care less about dying as they will just respawn and start a new kill streak. I think the game has consequences for player killing, but if you are looking for penalties then this is the wrong game for you.

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You should read some history.

You'll find that a conscience is a luxury most can't afford during something like a zombie apocalypse. All of that conditioning, all of those social niceties that allow us to live in cities without murdering our neighbors? It all goes out the window. If they have something you feel you need/want, you take it. If you feel even the least bit threatened you kill them or chase them out of your territory.

There is your tribe and then there is everybody else. The people in your tribe? Humans, deserving of the same treatment you'd want. Everybody else? Sub-humans, at best a resource to be exploited, at worst a threat to the survival of your tribe.

People who argue that the shoot-on-sight mentality that pervades DayZ is "unrealistic" are people who are not students of history. Most of them are people who would be dead in a month if the electricity went out and they couldn't drive to mcdonalds for a burger.

Oh hey look its this strawman arguement again, most of the KOS guys would be dead in less then a month when they start bleeding and have no-one around with first aid training Or get killed by zombies because they arn't marksmen (pro-tip shooting real guns isn't like with a mouse and keyboard.) or when a group of survivors decide to take revenge on that hermit who keeps shooting at them from the hill's. you clearly just skimmed through a history book otherwise you'd find examples of society's that didn't kill everyone around them or ones that died from isolationism.

OP, in real life, if I shot you in the head in the woods in the middle of a zombie apocolypse, no one would even fucking know or care. They would have infinitely larger concerns.


Welcome to the wild wild west. Where the only law is the one you carry on your hip.

A group of survivors hear a gunshot and decide to investigate, they pass you on the way and discover the body, they then put 2 and 2 together and decide to eliminate the threat, assuming you don't get shot by the guy you kill and later die from bleeding or infection. I like how everyone assumes in real life conditions are completely ideal when you talk about doing something.

Edited by neo2157

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The closest thing to this being implemented is the indicator letting others know that they are a bandit. This is a zombie appocalypse, there is no society.

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Oh hey look its this strawman arguement again, most of the KOS guys would be dead in less then a month when they start bleeding and have no-one around with first aid training Or get killed by zombies because they arn't marksmen (pro-tip shooting real guns isn't like with a mouse and keyboard.) or when a group of survivors decide to take revenge on that hermit who keeps shooting at them from the hill's. you clearly just skimmed through a history book otherwise you'd find examples of society's that didn't kill everyone around them or ones that died from isolationism.

No strawman there. You hold up scattered examples of "conscience" and decide that it should be applied to everybody for "realism" when history shows us that anything but that is the case. Remember, I'm not the one trying to argue that KoS is unrealistic. The only burden upon me is to prove that KoS was practiced by any number of societies throughout history. It was, so clearly KoS is realistic.

You don't get to mandate the society that develops within DayZ, you only get to contribute your small portion to it. If you want to play Gandhi on the train tracks in front of Cherno nobody is stopping you. Start a commune down there, smoke weed all day, practice free love, promote oneness with nature, and see how well you do vs. the KoS survivalists.

Those with the weapons make the rules and when it comes to weapons I'll take an m16a4 Acog over a conscience any day of the week during the zombie apocalypse.

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Sigh typical, Dupeing has everything to do with what we are talking about because half these griefer noobs only do it because they have duped shit in tents and remove all challange or risk from the game, Bandit skin will turn you into a "kill this guy" target and everyone in the woods who didn't pop you will now, maturity has allot to do with playstyle as evidenced by the large amount of 18 year old know it alls that post on this forum and only bought arma 2 for dayz and are to stupid to understand this is an alpha mod and go straight to keyboard warrior when someone post about an ingame issue. If rocket purely wanted the community to balance the game he wouldn't be putting in mechanics to encourage not be a KOS uncreative twat and exploiting shit like alt-f4, you know what happens to every game that they let the community have complete control? it dies from hacker and griefer noobs.

Your an idiot keyboard warrior and i hope you understand why your an idiot

People don't play KOS because they have duped items. You should also avoid making statements like "half these greifer noobs" because in all reality you don't know any percentage of the playerbase and you don't know their skill level.

Also, I played with the bandit skin and it wasn't the KOS you pretend like it is.

What source do you have to link maturity to a playstyle? I bought Arma 2 for DayZ, I also understand it's an alpha and have never complained about the game. Also KOS isn't an issue, it's a playstyle, which we've already established (I hope).

See here's where you've contradicted yourself, you said encourage not playing KoS (which is the correct approach) instead of penalizing KoS (The wrong approach) This is what I wanted you to understand, encouraging team play and helping strangers is VERY different than penalizing bandits.

You're immature, and I hope you've gotten a little bit better insight to why you're still wrong in your approach to dealing with banditry.

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I got shot after finding my first ghillie suit the other night, then while sneakng around elektro some guy was firing away at things with his 1911, so I sought him out and set up an observation point of the church from behind a rubish bin, he came out the door with a glow stick and 1911 out.

I saw he had m4a1 cco on his shoulder. So I took that gun.

I then stuck with my play style of moving slowy checking corners keeping to cover. The plan was the get the hell out because I had unloaded 2 AKM mags killing him and the zombies it attracted.

I doubled back a few times made sure no one was following me. Took me 20 minutes to get to the edge of town and the hill by the coast. I think had two options, make a break accross the open ground for the hill (a fav spot for snipers) or carry on sneaking up the coast and cut in land later.

I decided to head up the hill.

I broke my first rule of observing from cover. Took two steps out and got shot from the hill I was heading too.

Respawned and started again.

I died because of my mistake, if I had of stuck to my rules I would have seen him (which I did on my next toon, right before he shot me again) and I would have been able to flank him.

With out pking (please go play 1990's UO, or EVE to find out about how many times your tears about dieing will fill a cup) this game wouldn't be what it is.

After all this I still consider myself a carebear. I only kill if I need to0, and I kill for loots if I want it.

Been running around NWA and stary for hours now on my latest toon (1st time up there) and have been going slowly, and safley, with no issue even found a chopper and my first m107 woop woop.

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There are consequences for player killing. If you kill a particularly vengeful player he may come after you, maybe with friends. Or possibly a do-gooder saw you slay someone and is willing to avenge the victim.

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A group of survivors hear a gunshot and decide to investigate, they pass you on the way and discover the body, they then put 2 and 2 together and decide to eliminate the threat, assuming you don't get shot by the guy you kill and later die from bleeding or infection. I like how everyone assumes in real life conditions are completely ideal when you talk about doing something.

nothing in dayz world prevents this from already happening, other than the fact that it never does.

huh, I guess you're wrong? :D

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People don't play KOS because they have duped items. You should also avoid making statements like "half these greifer noobs" because in all reality you don't know any percentage of the playerbase and you don't know their skill level.

Also, I played with the bandit skin and it wasn't the KOS you pretend like it is.

What source do you have to link maturity to a playstyle? I bought Arma 2 for DayZ, I also understand it's an alpha and have never complained about the game. Also KOS isn't an issue, it's a playstyle, which we've already established (I hope).

See here's where you've contradicted yourself, you said encourage not playing KoS (which is the correct approach) instead of penalizing KoS (The wrong approach) This is what I wanted you to understand, encouraging team play and helping strangers is VERY different than penalizing bandits.

You're immature, and I hope you've gotten a little bit better insight to why you're still wrong in your approach to dealing with banditry.

So your saying the guys camping electro with 0.83 chance to spawn gear are totally not dupeing and going right back after respawning with the same 0.83 ghillies and dmrs? and that in no way influancing there griefing? guess im wrong your not an idiot, no your a Blind idiot. this might have started as a social experiment but its becoming a stand alone game, and Bohemia isn't going to fund some social experiment now that 75% of the player base are griefing 18 year olds who shoot anything that moves, go check out UO to see how that little experiment went (hint: that games pretty much dead now.). Do us all a favor and play arma 2 with some mature players they might teach you a thing or two about haveing fun without dangling a carrot in front of your eyes, I get a good laugh from guys who pay 30 bucks just to play an alpha mod. also LOL at using the broken bandit skin system as an example for why it won't work, because obviously this alpha mod isn't going to try a new approach. seriously kid beta test more game's before turning to keyboard warrioring over less then 50% finished mechanics, the bandit skin system didn't work because it was broken and 50% of bandits were just guys who shot back when fired on.

Edited by neo2157

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