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Banned from LU92

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Hey DayZ Team,

Recently I have been playing a lot of DayZ. A few minutes ago I wanted to play on my favorite server which is LU92.

When I started to walk I got a message that I have been banned for ALT + f4'ing.

But the problem is that I've never done that, and never would.

My friends and I always said that it is a really lame and cowardly to do that.

I really hope you can look into it, I really want to play on my favorite server again.


M. Smits

Edited by ThunderWaffle

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Last night while playing and looking for a low pop server to start off on, I kept getting kicked for no reason. I would get into the game, move into Elektro to start gearing up and then get kicked. Was really frustrating.

I wish the Dev team had the balls to back up their own server rules, but I don't feel like taking the time to report all of these abusers just to have my time wasted because no action would be taken.

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My advice: find another server to play on. If it's something trivial like that then I wouldn't worry too much as there are plenty of other great servers you can play on! : )

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Thank you for appealling. I know its frustrating but we are beings hounded by regulars to try and police not only hackers and Alt/F4érs.

We do make mistakes and we apologize for that.

We hope you continue to use our server.


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