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UK118 Getting crippled, teleporting

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Server: UK118

Time: 19:43 CET

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNOcNilrqdQ&feature=youtu.be (Might be processing, but works).

Spawned in Slonichnyie (or however it's called), 3 minutes after I logged out and logged in after an hour.

Aggroed a zombie on the way, soon after I aggroed around 8 zombies. Started running up a hill to lose them.

Hid behind a tree, the zeds made a pretty huge teleport in my direction, and the moment I went prone:

1. I got an error window (similar to the "No weapons.cfg" one). It said "Your client does not support serialization", didn't read it to the end because I was too busy worrying about point 2:

2. My camera was pointing at the ground, so I assume I somehow got teleported underground.

3. A soldier-skin zombie appeared out of nowhere and started attacking me despite the fact I was underground. He made me bleed.

So that's the first "chapter" of it, now for the second one:

4. Once I got to around 6k blood, I got warped to another place, probably a spawn, judging from the beach - half underground.

5. Once the unconscious time has ended, I died (I think I got teleported to another place before the death, I'm not sure).


Everyone got killed around 17:30 CET (not sure) - the server was full ATM (70 players), but you probably got reports on that already.

Edited by Threenuc

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a good advice is to keep of the very populated servers like 70 man and 50 man servers that are almost full. it seems to be where most hackers find find their fun, more targets to hurt and such.

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<==== over there.

What? It is the cheat report forum.

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