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Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

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Oh, Ive remembered another of my new character deaths. I was hit by a zombie in Balota airstrip and started bleeding. Didnt have a bandage since the same thing had happened to me when I spawned just on the coast at 12000 blood. Only been alive for 10 minutes, found an axe and that was it. So I just lied down in a hanger to await my fate and a new spawn. Then walks in a person with an AK who sees me. I just sat there didnt do anything and he unloads an entire mag into me. A guy proning on the ground... bleeding. In the middle of an airfield. What a boss

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Other day I find my first Ghillie, I have a DMR. Some hacker teleported everyone to a blank field, so me and friends quit immediatly, Upon logging back in we where put on the beach. So I was in the treeline running along the railway lines towards Berezino, I see this guy sprinting along the coast, about 500 metres or so, I just couldnt help myself. I know its bad and probs wouldnt do it usually, and probs never again. For some reason I just got this urge with a grin on my face. Sorry to whoever it was : )

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Sorry to hear your attempts at good samaratism have gone awry OP. However, there are people out there who do not KOS.

I've been killed coming out of the Stary camps before, even though I was carrying a hatchet (tents had been cleared already) and saying in direct voice chat "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY!"

However, there have been plenty of times where I haven't been killed. Most recently I respawned by Electro and began my run through. Ran into a guy wielding a hatchet while I was being chased by infected. He told me he saw another hatchet nearby, I picked it up and we proceeded to hack our way to safety. Afterwards we teamed up to meet up with my m8 who was over at the store. Tried to give him our vent info for clearer comms...unfortunately the banditos were about...the helpful soul was gunned down in front of the office before we could make it to safety. (buddy had an AK already compared to the bandits pistols/winchesters)

Another time was I logged in to a night time server after getting killed up at the airfield. Picked up an enfield and a 1911 from the restaurant in Electro..ran over to the store when I spot a chap inside. I call out in direct voice FRIENDLYFRIENDLY. To which he responds in kind. (Although I should mention we both kept counters inbetween eachother...JUST IN CASE). His buddy ended up logging in right behind him. Told them I had just gotten murdered, trying to get enough supplies to get back up North. Worked out well, dropped some supplies for them that I got from the hospital down the road..turned out they didn't need it.

Never did get any of their names. But the point is, there are people out there who are in it to play and pvp only when they have to. Not only preying upon those newly spawned.

Best of luck in the future.

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This. Every person I have encountered over the past few weeks has always shot first. Its this mentality that ruins the mod as there is little to no chance of ever making friends with randoms.

Six times today I've been killed as a fresh spawn on the beach with nothing but the basic supplies...

Stop running up to people expecting free hugs?

All you will get is free bullets.

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1.you start with painkillers and bandages, the 2 most valuable medical stuff you need

2. you probley weak now, but after you get a gun, you know where I am, and you got a advantage. kill before you get a gun

what is so hard to understand with this? seriously tell me!

just because you can't fight back at start, do not mean you deadly later on. that kill I did on a "innocent" could save me from be killed later on when he got a gun

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1.you start with painkillers and bandages, the 2 most valuable medical stuff you need

2. you probley weak now, but after you get a gun, you know where I am, and you got a advantage. kill before you get a gun

what is so hard to understand with this? seriously tell me!

just because you can't fight back at start, do not mean you deadly later on. that kill I did on a "innocent" could save me from be killed later on when he got a gun

Regardless of what you do I will get my hands on a gun. Its kind of like trying to stop the inevitable.

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You need to know that most players play this game as shooter. It's like Unreal Tournament Death Match:

You only need longer to get equiped and get health back.

That's where the Zombie Survival concept fails at the current state of the game design.

Edited by Gradan

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I still play this mod like I've always had: by myself and out of earshot of the world. Sure, I see in the cities and towns it's really become an unorganized deathmatch tournament that probably leaves the original Arma II players cringing in their seats, but I've stopped going to those places now. I stay in the forests, and if I see anyone running through my forests, I stay hidden and watch them go on their merry way. It's easy enough to survive once you have the proper supplies to sustain yourself.

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piece of advice don't become the player you hate...

take it with a grain of salt and just keep trying eventually, if people take that to heart we will have less issues in the community.

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Your anger amuses me.

You're mistaking anger for pointing out the obvious.

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Some people have the mental and emotional capacity of an 11 year old boy...Some people are just 11 year old boys...

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Why are there so many of these thread?

The reason why it happens is because people can, so they will.

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You're mistaking anger for pointing out the obvious.

No he's not.

You're mistaking thinking you're smart with being an angry, angry man.

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Been seeing a lot of this lately, I dont die very often but when I do its faced with a few lives of trying to run through a city for some food and water so I can head north. Most of the time I will be killed by a sniper or someone with some sort of rifle when I enter a church or a grocery store. Doesnt really make sense to me. Obviously new character (No weapon) so why bother killing me? Its just a waste of ammo and attracts zombies.

Few other situations Ive had where Ive died (Been trying things out to see how people would react).

-Saw someone with a double barreled shotgun being chased by zombies so I decided to take aggro off of him so he could shoot them, after hes done he turns around and kills me (Just spawned, nothing was lost)

-Offer through direct chat to give a player some ammo I had found for the gun he was using, resulted in him killing me

-Got a Lee and found a new player. Instead of killing them, I dropped it for them explaining through chat that i was giving it to him (leaving me with no weapon), he kills me.

Seriously, wat?

I feel ya. Helped somewhere on the Medic forum and ended up teaming up with him. We headed torwards the hospital for more supplies. Found an unarmed survivor on the way and invited him to join us. Then continued..

On the way to the hospital, we all three started getting shot at, so me and my friend took out the bandit and gave the weaponless guy with us first dibs on the bandits gear.

He looted him and then killed me and my friend...

Kill everyone or be killed. Theres no other way to play this game right now...

Edited by Kuramashi

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You're mistaking anger for pointing out the obvious.

Nah, usually only angry people use homophobic slurs to insult people, that or you're a bigot. I guess only you know the truth.

Regardless the reason that your possibly angry post amuses me is because this is a game that is highly advertised as harsh and unforgiving and yet people still come here crying.

This isn't a game that will hold your hand. If you don't like dying and actually being penalized when you die go play COD or WoW.

There are more games that you can count that don't penalize you for dying. Go play those.

This is a game that rewards playing smart and punishes people playing stupid.

Hellokittyisland.com might be more your speed.

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Nah, usually only angry people use homophobic slurs to insult people, that or you're a bigot. I guess only you know the truth.

Regardless the reason that your possibly angry post amuses me is because this is a game that is highly advertised as harsh and unforgiving and yet people still come here crying.

This isn't a game that will hold your hand. If you don't like dying and actually being penalized when you die go play COD or WoW.

There are more games that you can count that don't penalize you for dying. Go play those.

This is a game that rewards playing smart and punishes people playing stupid.

Hellokittyisland.com might be more your speed.

I didnt say anything about needing someone to hold my hand, about not liking to die or about being penalized or not.

Calling people faggots is just a general insult i use, unrelated to my feelings regarding people's sexual preference.

Im sure you copy/paste that little story pretty often, but its not really suited here.

I purely pointed out that some people appear to get some form of weird satisfaction from shooting unarmed players.

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Kill or be killed my friend.

As much as that may suck, its the way of the DayZ world, which would similarily reflect a true zombie apocalypse world of ours. Humanity and Courtesy would vanish.

I always say, "Friendly?"... no more than 2 seconds without an answer , SHOOT.

Oh, and set timers. VERY HELPFUL. especially when raiding heli crashes or High value/Danger spots. 1min 30secs top

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I wrote this on a similar topic. Here is the copy and paste that explains it to you with a nice story.

Posted 03 August 2012 - 02:38 PM

Here is the problem. That guy that just spawned is perfectly peaceful. At that moment. You dont know who really is who they say they are in this game, that is something you will learn. He could join you, but pop you in the head when he finds a Makarov. How do you know if he is very experienced, and knows all the loot spawns? He could follow you, and kill you the moment you find good gear. I have been with partners who have stuck out for me in some insane ways. I broke me legs while getting chased by zombies, and he killed all of them instead of leaving me. How do you know your partner wont shoot you in the leg if the zombie horde is to big, and wants to get away? This very same partner took out a squad of bandits for me, he could have ran, I had an enfield and he had an AKS-KOBRA. we would always give each other the last bit of our supplies. But then we got to some crazy loot. He wanted some of the gear I took, but didn't complain. He even persuaded me to take some other stuff that apparently would be very useful later on. Then we got to a secluded spot, put a tent down, stashed the gear,, and when that was all said and done, he took out a pistol and shot me in the face. He said "Sorry, but this is really good gear and I have a couple friends on skype who could use this shit. Did I rage? Yes. But I came back and played more. See you never know if or when someone will betray you, and sometimes it is better to kill them then find out when. A dead player who just spawned is a dead threat. Who knows if or when they get some gear and decide to use it on you.

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I wrote this on a similar topic. Here is the copy and paste that explains it to you with a nice story.

Posted 03 August 2012 - 02:38 PM

Here is the problem. That guy that just spawned is perfectly peaceful. At that moment. You dont know who really is who they say they are in this game, that is something you will learn. He could join you, but pop you in the head when he finds a Makarov. How do you know if he is very experienced, and knows all the loot spawns? He could follow you, and kill you the moment you find good gear. I have been with partners who have stuck out for me in some insane ways. I broke me legs while getting chased by zombies, and he killed all of them instead of leaving me. How do you know your partner wont shoot you in the leg if the zombie horde is to big, and wants to get away? This very same partner took out a squad of bandits for me, he could have ran, I had an enfield and he had an AKS-KOBRA. we would always give each other the last bit of our supplies. But then we got to some crazy loot. He wanted some of the gear I took, but didn't complain. He even persuaded me to take some other stuff that apparently would be very useful later on. Then we got to a secluded spot, put a tent down, stashed the gear,, and when that was all said and done, he took out a pistol and shot me in the face. He said "Sorry, but this is really good gear and I have a couple friends on skype who could use this shit. Did I rage? Yes. But I came back and played more. See you never know if or when someone will betray you, and sometimes it is better to kill them then find out when. A dead player who just spawned is a dead threat. Who knows if or when they get some gear and decide to use it on you.

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I think these nubcases shoot unarmed people in Cherno & Electro because they fear being shot trying the same up north! And everytime they shoot one of these poor sods they don't realize it's their bloated ego that screams "you are such a badass mf'er" to overpower their commen sense telling them to shit their pants by the idea of comming across somebody that can actually shoot back at them :P

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I kill on sight becouse I enjoy thinking about how annoyed or mad they will get when I just shoot them, or drag them around elektro.

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Because people are faggots, and they somehow feel better about their lives when they annoy other people.

This, Its the exact same with Eve and Ultima online and both games are dying from it UO is pretty much already dead and eve hasn't seen any growth for 3 years (and most of the people still playing are multi account abusing griefers who buy game time with real money so theres no revenue being generated.) Its mostly due to modern gamer lack of creativity and a compulsive loot whore disorder that insures they will never travel north in fear of running into someone equally well geared and lose there stuff.

Nah, usually only angry people use homophobic slurs to insult people, that or you're a bigot. I guess only you know the truth.

Regardless the reason that your possibly angry post amuses me is because this is a game that is highly advertised as harsh and unforgiving and yet people still come here crying.

This isn't a game that will hold your hand. If you don't like dying and actually being penalized when you die go play COD or WoW.

There are more games that you can count that don't penalize you for dying. Go play those.

This is a game that rewards playing smart and punishes people playing stupid.

Hellokittyisland.com might be more your speed.

Because dying and having to walk back to your tent full of duped stuff is so unforgiving, which is what every coastal sniper does. when everyone is playing the same game and those snipers are risking loseing a 0.83 chance to spawn in a highly contested PVP area Ghillie suit and DMR to a new spawn who found a lee enfield then ill accept the game as harsh, as is though its just exploiters constantly camping new players with duped shit every spawn.

Edited by neo2157
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Stop running up to people expecting free hugs?

All you will get is free bullets.

Haha, but no. I don't bother people and tend to skirt around areas that have people in them in order to avoid them. Yet every time I DO bump into someone they just blow me away without ever giving a warning.

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