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'OP' Guns and the Future of Dayz

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The Guns aren't supposed to be balanced because Guns aren't balanced. A 50. cal is suppose to be a 1 hit kill. If you are a few centimeters off the shockwave from the bullet will hurt you in real life. Not to dig into the real life argument.


Not Cod next people will ask for auto shield regen. M107 using charges instead of mags and then has an imaginary timer that makes it desolve. wtf gtfo.

for the record, i don't really like cod for that exact reason of stupid 'arcadey deathmatch' style play. but i still think it would be beneficial for a TACTICAL shooter to have some kind of conservational side.

the nigh infinite ammo in dayz means people inevitably spray-n-pray. they don't take care to aim their shot, they just spam away until they get a kill. i think this is one of the most detrimental aspects of the competitive/pvp game experience.

if you want a game where you can spray-n-pray, then maybe you're the cod person.

if the whole problem can be fixed with a simple nerf to ammunition loot chance etc then that would be fine as well. i just think the endgame has very limited prospects if it's gonna continue with the cheap infinite ammo as50 facerolling with no diversity or metagaming etc.

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If they didn't treat handguns like they shoot BBs and continue to nerf them even more and treat sniper rifles like they're magic, this wouldn't be as much of an issue. At 400 yards, a semi-auto AKM round will kill you just as easily as a M14 and a FN Fal. They all make the same size hole. They all have the same muzzle velocity. But in this game the FN Fal and M14 do twice the damage of the AKM.

At 50 yards without body armor, a .45 revolver will kill you almost easily as a .50 caliber M107. But in this game, one shot from the M107 does 9 times the damage of a .45. Until they fix the damage scaling, we can't even discuss the removal of sniper weapons because right now none of the damage balance makes sense. They're a bunch of arbitrary numbers slapped onto clip names.

(And it's partly Bohemian Interactive's fault, I get it and have to think some of this is motivated by the body armor and flak vests American soldiers wear, which gives them some defense for uneven weapon damage...some)

Edited by BazBake

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